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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

21st January 2013
10:01 GMT

The soldiers that Orion chased off are still within sight of the top of the wall. Being able to fly makes spotting them even more trivial. They've gotten into good marching order, though it's clear that they're despondent.

"When did the ash clouds form?"

"The c-. That's… Ash? Did someone burn an entire forest?"
Sadly, not even a forest the size of the continental United States of America could create that much ash. Even if it were burning all at once. And I'm disappointed that the Green Lantern Corps doesn't have clauses for disaster relief in situations like this. Though the lack of current Lanterns in sector is a different issue...

"No, someone used a nuke-. A very large bomb on a very large volcano. The ash will actually be very good for the soil just as soon as it settles."

"It was… A quarter of a year ago, when we first saw it. We should be well into the growing season now, but as you can see, our farms are producing little. The cloud came from the west, and cities in that direction will have it far worse."
At least you can look forwards to spectacular sunrises and sunsets until it's settled. :p

"Do you have enough food to sustain your population?"

"Will you break apart the clouds today?"
Well, once things are sorted out around here, anyway.


"Then we should still be able to grow enough. It will be close, and we will be hungry, but we will survive. The other cities do not know that you are here, and they are desperate."
Never underestimate the desperation of the hungry. Especially if they're armed.

"So they take food from their neighbours in their desperation. But that doesn't explain how it started, or who the heck thought that nuking a supervolcano was a good idea."

"We don't have any special way to send messages to other cities other than sending a messenger. Our Kar had a satellite communicator, but it was destroyed in a drone missile attack several weeks ago. Our city is… Self sufficient, so there were few traders to pass along general news."
Ah, the joy of a moderately advanced culture blasting itself back into the Dark Ages...

"Okay, I-."


I generate a miniature construct image of the militia soldiers I just spotted.
Hopefully they have distinctive icons on their banners. Assuming they have banners.

"Are they yours?"

"Yes, yes, that's them. Please, if they-."
Ah, she's suddenly very eager, isn't she? Of course, we know why...

The world around us flickers, and my construct barrier goes up in time to stop the first barrage of crossbow bolts from the irregulars camouflaged against the rocks hillside.

"Good effort, but that won't be necessary. The people attempting to invade-" A crossbow bolt hits the part of my barrier closest to my face, and I respond by giving the one who fired it a hard look. He conceals the crossbow in his cloak without looking even slightly guilty. Or nervous. "-are leaving, and my colleague Orion and I are going to try to normalise the situation. I would ask that you please return to your homes in order to avoid unnecessary deaths."
Heh. Not even flinching at the attempted headshot. That shooter has guts, even if he's lacking smarts...

I deposit Ilana on the ground near to the closest militia squad, then generate a giant arrow construct near to the retreating invaders and wiggle it for emphasis. They take the hint and accelerate to a quick march.

"Ilana, who is that?"
Oh, hello there, Razer. :D

"A Lantern, who can clear the sky."

"That won't dissuade people who are already starving." The man gives me an extremely sceptical glance. "And I doubt that they would do that without wanting something in return."
Not trusting anything you haven't gained through your own efforts, eh? Understandable.

I transition down to float a short distance from him, his hands immediately going for knives under his cloak before he restrains himself.

"Someone made an ash cloud like this on my homeworld a couple of years ago. I caught it in the early stages and shut it down, but it was still pretty worrying at the time. Dispersed like this, it's more time consuming than anything else."
That would be the attempted eruption of Yellowstone that Thomas Morrow triggered, back in the Team days. (Episode 15: Inhumanity - Story-Only link.)

He considers me for a moment. "I thought that Green Lantern Liana was assigned to this part of the universe."

"She was. She got fired. I'm here for something else."
And really, not having a Lantern temporarily assigned in-sector is quite the awkward oversight on the Corps' part. Unless said temporary replacement is very busy elsewhere.

Ilana nods. "He thinks that there is something on Volkreg that is driving people mad with anger."

"People do not need to be driven mad to fight each other."
True enough. But this particular thing is tailor-made to encourage it.

"No, but it can help. Hopefully, when the sun reappears the various cities will need to move their fighting age men into the fields to take advantage of it, but I'd rather deal with the source of the most recent outbreak of conflict."

"And then?"
And hopefully with a shared desire to find out who did this and give them a well-deserved kicking.

"I will search for what I came here for and then leave. I'm not sure what your experience with off world merchants is, but outside of some interesting and novel food plants there's nothing else it's worth me taking from here. And it costs me next to nothing to wait until you've had a couple of good harvests."

"Then why are you talking to us?"
Politeness? :p Words cost nothing, after all.

"I need someone more familiar with local custom than me to help me deal with people. Lantern Liana sent me some information, but that's nothing like actually living the culture. And if what I suspect is correct, the people responsible for the ash cloud might not be entirely responsible for their own actions."

"That would be extremely convenient."
Eh, someone had to have given the order. Take it up with them.

He sounds extremely sceptical.

"Only if I can fix it. Which I can't guarantee. But I should get back to your city before Orion-."
...I'm sure Orion has stopped yelling at people by now. Hopefully. Maybe? :confused:

"What about the cloud?"

"Someone's firing nuclear weapons at supervolcanoes. I don't know about your species' superstitions, but that sounds like a very bad thing. Particularly given that whoever did it probably has geophysics scans telling them where the other three are."
Ooh. There's a worrying idea. What if some religious lunatic did it in order to bring about their faith's apocalyptic scenario?

"Nuclear…" He doesn't frown, but the skin around his eyes wrinkles slightly. "I've heard of those. They're made with dense metal."

"That's the one. The difficult part is refining the metal to a high enough purity without the radiation melting you. Calculating the compression explosion is difficult, but a really good mathematician from your civilisation could probably manage it."
Hell, the US managed to do it back in the forties, with nothing but chutzpah and slide-rules. :rolleyes:

"It is more likely that they bought it." He grimaces. "Only an idiot or a monster would starve the whole world to win a war."

"Could be. I'll start by asking in the city closest to the blast. Excuse us-."
Again, could be a madman with a nihilistic streak.

His eyes dart to Ilana, and she responds with the local confirmation gesture. He draws himself up slightly. "Then I will accompany you as well."

"The more the merrier. Will your militia adopt a more defensive posture?"
Ooh, that's a good question. How high in rank is Razer?

"I will.. speak to the appropriate people."

"Good show. Wave upwards when you're done."
...Evidently not high enough to give the needed orders himself, then. Probably going to have to do some fast talking to his officers.

"And what will you be doing?"

"Announcing my presence by removing all of the ash right away seems like a bad idea. But removing the clouds over your people's territory is something I can do right away as we're a long way from the source. And it might persuade your neighbours to look to their ploughshares instead of their swords. Excuse me."
It'll also benefit those downwind too.

I transition upwards and… The cloud is a cloud, the ash spread out enough that the inside is faint grey rather than lightless black. Unlike ash fresh out of the volcano it isn't hot, though the electrical charge is very much still present.

Right. One giant filter construct coming up.
Better than whipping up a giant vacuum cleaner or something...

Well, then. OL's got a busy few minute ahead. And now he has Razer on his side. Not that he knows who he is, of course. o_O I assume so, anyway. Depending on how the 'canon-adjacent' status affects the knowledge-erasure OL suffered... Meanwhile, despite what OL says, the cleaning of the ash will probably draw some attention from the neighbours. It remains to be seen just what that'll mean, though...
Well, then. OL's got a busy few minute ahead. And now he has Razer on his side. Not that he knows who he is, of course. o_O I assume so, anyway. Depending on how the 'canon-adjacent' status affects the knowledge-erasure OL suffered...
It's possible Mr. Zoat simply never watched the series before he started this story, so Paul wouldn't have any knowledge of characters from it at all.
Paul should probably keep a closer eye on Orion, this is a planet with probable unnatural mental enragement effect and he's susceptible.

He's a New God, for it too affect him in this story, it would have to be a strong, overt effect and the Illustres would have seen the Red Light like a beacon instead of needing local guides to navigate possible locations of the Butcher's Blood. Besides, the locals would all be berserks instead of just warlike.

Orion is susceptible to his own anger, though. And that just needs enough stimuli to trigger, a probable target and for nobody to support the Mother Box in trying to calm him. So, give it 50/50 he goes on a righteous rampage.
. And I'm disappointed that the Green Lantern Corps doesn't have clauses for disaster relief in situations like this

They may require the permission of the local ruling body for that.

Given that the locals may not want to potentially lose their power to an alien, they'd rather live with the ash.

And really, not having a Lantern temporarily assigned in-sector is quite the awkward oversight on the Corps' part. Unless said temporary replacement is very busy elsewhere.

Maybe this sector is relatively peaceful, so they can wait.

Ooh. There's a worrying idea. What if some religious lunatic did it in order to bring about their faith's apocalyptic scenario?

Given the fact that the Butcher's blood exists on this planet it's fully possible that some people have received visions of a strange and powerful being urging them to give into their anger.
And I'm disappointed that the Green Lantern Corps doesn't have clauses for disaster relief in situations like this.
If something from space sets off your supervolcano, they do.
If your society sets off your supervolcano, they assume you wanted it and it's not their place to interfere.
"Announcing my presence by removing all of the ash right away seems like a bad idea. But removing the clouds over your people's territory is something I can do right away as we're a long way from the source. And it might persuade your neighbours to look to their ploughshares instead of their swords. Excuse me."
That's not how planets work...

You can't just clear a portion of the sky of ash, the rest of it will just move back in and a couple weeks later you will be back at square one with a tiny bit of overall diminishment.
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That's not how planets work...

You can't just clear a portion of the sky of ash, the rest of it will just move back in and a couple weeks later you will be back at square one with a tiny bit of overall diminishment.
Vaermina, it seems obvious to me that he's talking about what he's going to do right now, not any sort of long-term policy. It doesn't matter if it'll come back in a few weeks, or even if it would come back in a few days, because before then he'll have cleared up the whole world.
Vaermina, it seems obvious to me that he's talking about what he's going to do right now, not any sort of long-term policy. It doesn't matter if it'll come back in a few weeks, or even if it would come back in a few days, because before then he'll have cleared up the whole world.

Reminder that you're talking to Vaermina. The facts don't matter, sadly.
Vaermina, it seems obvious to me that he's talking about what he's going to do right now, not any sort of long-term policy. It doesn't matter if it'll come back in a few weeks, or even if it would come back in a few days, because before then he'll have cleared up the whole world.
Na, he was referencing it potentially being enough to convince the neighbors to go for diplomacy over raiding.

And the only scenario where that sort of thing would fit, is one where he thought it would stay clear after he left since nobody is going to think anything more then "oh hey, temporary cloud hole" for the couple hours it would take him to deal with this then start on the rest of the planet.
Meanwhile, on Earth -14
Meanwhile, on Earth -14

21st January 2013
11:34 GMT +2

"…we really need to do this, mate?"

I smile obsequiously at Jackie Quick as he winces in the bright Central African sunlight. Arrowette doesn't look much better, while their 'pet' Skud seems… About as with it as someone with an IQ of 82 can.

"Jackie, you were the one who complained about not being involved-"

He bows his head and rests his forehead on his palms. "Fuck me."

"-in 'important decisions'. Now, I'm afraid that being involved involves your time and attention. Though…" I hold up my hands with an expression of forbearance on my face. "I have absolutely no authority to keep you here. I am after all merely an emissary of the Management, and have no right to give you orders."

Jackie looks up, slightly hopefully.

"No, but I do." Jonathan looks at Jackie with an expression of mild irritation. "You're staying. And next time, don't drink that much before a meet'n."

I float a glass of water over to each of them, Arrowette flashing me a grateful look before downing it.

"Or you could do what my old manager did at university, and hook yourself up to a saline drip before going to sleep. The headache's a product of dehydration rather than a moral judgement. Now."

I clap my hands together, smiling as they wince harder.

"Quick summary of the Syndicate's position, and then we can get to the meat of the issue. The Syndicate has taken control of all of the parts of the world no one really cares about, replacing corrupt politicians with effective and professional supervillains. Most people don't see much different, except that unauthorised crime is way down on what it was."

Because there's no point in robbing yourself.

"This has added a surprising number of legitimate revenue streams to the Syndicate and has… Basically made Europe dependent on us for certain types of fruit. Go team."

Jonathan snorts with amusement. "Guess that's full circle. I'm back where grandma and grandpa started."

"Do-?" Skud blinks as everyone looks at her. "D-do..?"

I smile at her. "It's alright, Skud. If you've got something to say, we want to hear it."

I give M'gavv a sideways glance, but she pointedly looks away.

"Do people..? Pay lots? For fruit?"

"Between cheap labour, productive farms and the new and improved infrastructure, in bulk, yes."

"Then..? Why'd we make drugs? Before? Or-? Or now?"

"If you've only got a little land, illegal drugs can make lots of money. If you've got lots of land and try making drugs, people attack you and destroy your crop. And making so much makes the price fall anyway."

"They don't attack you if you've only got a little bit?"

I shake my head. "There's no point. It's like how stealing twenty dollars isn't usually worth it, but stealing a million is."

She nods slowly, and Arrowette pats her hand. I'm not sure that she gets it, but… I wasn't expecting her to. Honestly, I'm surprised that she spoke up at all. Good for her.

The situation is amazing, though. Between the 'African Growers' Association' and the fact that a surprisingly large number of Made Men have powers that have non-criminal applications, we've actually… Made Africa richer and less corrupt than it was before. If only because the take is being spread between fewer people. I've had to put on shows a few times for the Made Men, to convince them that this is all 'acceptably villainous', and I'm not sure how long that can go on. I mean, some of them have to work it out eventually, right?

And that's the reason for the little meeting.

"So: Luthor doesn't care about us, no local power is strong enough to stop us and revenue is fine. What's the problem?"

Lamprey tilts his head slightly as he considers the question. "Expansion?"

"No, plenty of places to expand into inwardly. Africa's huge, and we're creating new industries from scratch."

Mary grins unpleasantly. "Each other. Supervillains gunna supervillain." Her eyes widen in excitement. "Is that it? Am I finally gunna get to rrrrrrrip someone's head off?"

"It might come to that. What we're going to do is brainstorm ways to prevent things getting-"


"-that far. So who can tell me what holds the Syndicate together?"

Jonathan nods. "Personal loyalty. You're loyal to the guy above you, and you treat the people below you decent."

Sea Witch sneers. "Because that works so well with Talon."

He looks away, shrugging. "Ah, if my pa'd been Owlman rather than Ultraman, I'd have done the same thing. Owlman mighta made him, but he didn't make him loyal. Treat people bad, and…"

I nod. "Alright then Ultraboy: did Talon know that you were treated better than he was?"

His eyes focus on me. "Yeah."

"So why didn't he come over to Ultraman's syndicate? Or anyone else's? Why did he go over to Slade and Luthor?"

"He was angry. Wan'ed to destroy Owlman's legacy."

I shrug. "What if he hadn't been angry? What tied him to the Syndicate?"

His eyes drift away as he tries to come up with a good answer. I'm sure that he wants to say 'me', and he did try treating Talon with the respect his abilities deserved. But ultimately-.

"Nuthin'. We were all on Owlman's side, so we didn't matter none."

"Right. You said that the Syndicate is about personal loyalty. How many people can feel that strong loyalty to someone? Practically? Ultraman met all of his Made Men, socialised with them, but how many were loyal enough for it to count? Zorina told me that the Syndicate is a brutal meritocracy. You get what you earn." I shrug. "Great if you're Management. You get everything you want, and you get to know that you're better than everyone."

I make eye contact with each of them. Each of them who aren't burying their face in their hands. "What made people loyal to Slade? To Luthor? To America?"

Lamprey nods. "Ideas. Ideals."

"Yes. The Syndicate has no idea. There is no higher cause here. No sense of responsibility. We're violent narcissists. And that's a problem, because now that no one thinks that Slade's going to rise from his grave and follow us here, Made Men are going to start pushing. They might agree that the Management are in charge, but that personal loyalty isn't there and there's nothing else."

M'gavv nods. "And we can't even threaten them because they want that fight."

Jackie slumps more. "Mate, I am too hung over for this. Bottom line? Please?"

"The Syndicate needs an ideology. Even if it's just feudalism. Some reason to make its members stick together and stay orderly beyond simple gratification and personal safety. Some rules for everyone to follow, including the Management. Or some way to convince everyone to accept a binding geas, which was Zorina's preferred option. We need… Something that can unify people. Any ideas?"



"I don't know-."

"I do not."

"Why not let them fight it out, and kill the survivors we don't like?" Mary smiles as the rest stare. "What? That's more than you idiots managed."
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Huh guess negative fourteen earth is going to turn into a knockoff of new genesis and apocalypse?
So... new chapter, who dis?

I can remember most of the Team counterparts, like Lamprey = Aqualad (most badass of the Evil Team, by the way), but I don't recall these two nor whose counterparts they are.
I assume Sea Witch is Tula.

The only results I can find for Skud are one mention of a Metropolis street gang member, so...
Skud is the counterpart of Rocket. She was experimented on using alien tech, I think by Owlman, and so her mind has been affected. And yes, Sea Witch is Tula.
"Why not left them fight it out, and kill the survivors we don't like?" Mary smiles as the rest stare. "What? That's more than you idiots managed."
'let them'
Na, he was referencing it potentially being enough to convince the neighbors to go for diplomacy over raiding.

And the only scenario where that sort of thing would fit, is one where he thought it would stay clear after he left since nobody is going to think anything more then "oh hey, temporary cloud hole" for the couple hours it would take him to deal with this then start on the rest of the planet.
I would be shocked if his plan was to leave the ash cloud in place for a couple of weeks with only that one area cleared. I agree that I'm not sure how feasible his plan is, but the idea that he's going to leave the global cloud in place just doesn't seem possible. He'd be condemning them all to starving and warring for a couple of weeks, and while he totally would do that if he had something better to do, I don't think he does.
Meanwhile, on Earth -14

21st January 2013
11:34 GMT +2

"…we really need to do this, mate?"
ooh, looking in on Baul of Earth -14? An interesting bit of timing, given the focus on it's Universe 16 counterpart we've recently had. Wonder how Baul's getting on with Zorina eh? The Young Offenders still rising to their mentor's mantles?

I smile obsequiously at Jackie Quick as he winces in the bright Central African sunlight. Arrowette doesn't look much better, while their 'pet' Skud seems… About as with it as someone with an IQ of 82 can.

"Jackie, you were the one who complained about not being involved-"
Still, I suspect their issues are self-inflicted. The Quicks of Crime Syndicate Earths tend to have substance abuse issues of one kind or another.

He bows his head and rests his forehead on his palms. "Fuck me."

"-in 'important decisions'. Now, I'm afraid that being involved involves your time and attention. Though…" I hold up my hands with an expression of forbearance on my face. "I have absolutely no authority to keep you here. I am after all merely an emissary of the Management, and have no right to give you orders."
Of course, leaving for a little 'hair of the dog' now might have repercussions later.

Jackie looks up, slightly hopefully.

"No, but I do." Jonathan looks at Jackie with an expression of mild irritation. "You're staying. And next time, don't drink that much before a meet'n."
Not getting off that easy, kiddies.

I float a glass of water over to each of them, Arrowette flashing me a grateful look before downing it.

"Or you could do what my old manager did at university, and hook yourself up to a saline drip before going to sleep. The headache's a product of dehydration rather than a moral judgement. Now."
...An IV drip? :confused: Seems a bit excessive. Also, you'd have to have enough coordination to manage it without aerating your blood vessels...

I clap my hands together, smiling as they wince harder.

"Quick summary of the Syndicate's position, and then we can get to the meat of the issue. The Syndicate has taken control of all of the parts of the world no one really cares about, replacing corrupt politicians with effective and professional supervillains. Most people don't see much different, except that unauthorised crime is way down on what it was."
So, an honest improvement of conditions in their turf, huh?

Because there's no point in robbing yourself.

"This has added a surprising number of legitimate revenue streams to the Syndicate and has… Basically made Europe dependent on us for certain types of fruit. Go team."
Heh. And I bet they charge through the nose for them, don't they?

Jonathan snorts with amusement. "Guess that's full circle. I'm back where grandma and grandpa started."

"Do-?" Skud blinks as everyone looks at her. "D-do..?"
Let me guess, the Kents ran produce markets with an iron fist? :p

I smile at her. "It's alright, Skud. If you've got something to say, we want to hear it."

I give M'gavv a sideways glance, but she pointedly looks away.
A warning about messing with the newbies, eh?

"Do people..? Pay lots? For fruit?"

"Between cheap labour, productive farms and the new and improved infrastructure, in bulk, yes."
Though I'm guessing Baul is making sure things aren't too criminal, eh? People getting paid what their work is worth?

"Then..? Why'd we make drugs? Before? Or-? Or now?"

"If you've only got a little land, illegal drugs can make lots of money. If you've got lots of land and try making drugs, people attack you and destroy your crop. And making so much makes the price fall anyway."
Supply and demand. At least with their produce scheme, they're not breaking international narcotics laws.

"They don't attack you if you've only got a little bit?"

I shake my head. "There's no point. It's like how stealing twenty dollars isn't usually worth it, but stealing a million is."
Economies of scale. The more you have, the more others will want to bring you down.

She nods slowly, and Arrowette pats her hand. I'm not sure that she gets it, but… I wasn't expecting her to. Honestly, I'm surprised that she spoke up at all. Good for her.
I'm guessing she's been treated more like a smart pet or an impaired child, than an actual team member...

The situation is amazing, though. Between the 'African Growers' Association' and the fact that a surprisingly large number of Made Men have powers that have non-criminal applications, we've actually… Made Africa richer and less corrupt than it was before. If only because the take is being spread between fewer people. I've had to put on shows a few times for the Made Men, to convince them that this is all 'acceptably villainous', and I'm not sure how long that can go on. I mean, some of them have to work it out eventually, right?
Just about any goon with plant-related powers or earth-moving tricks would be invaluable for the planting and harvesting stages. And if they look at the money they're making, they should feel plenty evil. :D

And that's the reason for the little meeting.

"So: Luthor doesn't care about us, no local power is strong enough to stop us and revenue is fine. What's the problem?"
Morale, if Baul's little contemplation is anything to go by.

Lamprey tilts his head slightly as he considers the question. "Expansion?"

"No, plenty of places to expand into inwardly. Africa's huge, and we're creating new industries from scratch."
Yeah, it's a full-blown continent. And one of the largest, behind the combined Asia/Europe.

Mary grins unpleasantly. "Each other. Supervillains gunna supervillain." Her eyes widen in excitement. "Is that it? Am I finally gunna get to rrrrrrrip someone's head off?"

"It might come to that. What we're going to do is brainstorm ways to prevent things getting-"
...Who's Mary again, and why is she so... Bloody-minded? No, wait... Superwoman's sidekick?


"-that far. So who can tell me what holds the Syndicate together?"
Not their mutual hatred and contempt for each other. That's a given. :D

Jonathan nods. "Personal loyalty. You're loyal to the guy above you, and you treat the people below you decent."

Sea Witch sneers. "Because that works so well with Talon."
Tula's equivalent, eh? No doubt leaning hard on the magical side of Atlantean lineage...

He looks away, shrugging. "Ah, if my pa'd been Owlman rather than Ultraman, I'd have done the same thing. Owlman mighta made him, but he didn't make him loyal. Treat people bad, and…"

I nod. "Alright then Ultraboy: did Talon know that you were treated better than he was?"
Almost certainly. If nothing else, Owlman would be sadistic enough to be sure of it.

His eyes focus on me. "Yeah."

"So why didn't he come over to Ultraman's syndicate? Or anyone else's? Why did he go over to Slade and Luthor?"
...Huh. Like Jason Todd, after his revival, playing at being a villain for a while...

"He was angry. Wan'ed to destroy Owlman's legacy."

I shrug. "What if he hadn't been angry? What tied him to the Syndicate?"
Besides whatever mental hooks Owlman embedded in him to control him...

His eyes drift away as he tries to come up with a good answer. I'm sure that he wants to say 'me', and he did try treating Talon with the respect his abilities deserved. But ultimately-.

"Nuthin'. We were all on Owlman's side, so we didn't matter none."
...And therein lies the issue. What, besides fear, keeps the lower capes in line?

"Right. You said that the Syndicate is about personal loyalty. How many people can feel that strong loyalty to someone? Practically? Ultraman met all of his Made Men, socialised with them, but how many were loyal enough for it to count? Zorina told me that the Syndicate is a brutal meritocracy. You get what you earn." I shrug. "Great if you're Management. You get everything you want, and you get to know that you're better than everyone."
...But what of the little guy on the street, clubbing people over the head for a chance to rummage through their pockets?

I make eye contact with each of them. Each of them who aren't burying their face in their hands. "What made people loyal to Slade? To Luthor? To America?"

Lamprey nods. "Ideas. Ideals."
And we have a winner!

"Yes. The Syndicate has no idea. There is no higher cause here. No sense of responsibility. We're violent narcissists. And that's a problem, because now that no one thinks that Slade's going to rise from his grave and follow us here, Made Men are going to start pushing. They might agree that the Management are in charge, but that personal loyalty isn't there and there's nothing else."

M'gavv nods. "And we can't even threaten them because they want that fight."
Because they think they might have a chance of winning, and becoming the Management in turn. the joy of such a system.

Jackie slumps more. "Mate, I am too hung over for this. Bottom line? Please?"

"The Crime Syndicate needs an ideology. Even if it's just feudalism. Some reason to make its members stick together and stay orderly beyond simple gratification and personal safety. Some rules for everyone to follow, including the Management. Or some way to convince everyone to accept a binding geas, which was Zorina's preferred option. We need… Something that can unify people. Any ideas?"
...Let's not go making a religion of this, though. That way leads to... Well, just look at Earth-16 right now.



"I don't know-."
...And you kids are supposed to be in charge? :rolleyes:

"I do not."

"Why not left them fight it out, and kill the survivors we don't like?" Mary smiles as the rest stare. "What? That's more than you idiots managed."
Appealing, but let's leave the mass chaos to the 'last resort' tray, please?

So, it's not been all sunshine and roses for the Young Offenders, eh? Such is the nature of their world. Canis Canim Edit. Those below them are so desirous of more power, likely more than they can handle, that they'll forget to look at the bigger picture. And the slightest sign of weakness will make them more likely to make a play...
The Syndicate has no idea.
I'm guessing this should be "ideal" rather than "idea"?

And otherwise... was not expecting Crime Syndicate interlude. Haven't really thought about them for a while... If it weren't for Alan being around I suppose ParaPaul might have ended up looking to Power Ring Blue here to complete his Rainbow Ring Roundup, but otherwise...
Hey, Blue Paul is slowly twisting the team into becoming legitimate. Something something something the difference between a Bandit Warlord and Legitimate Government is two or three generations.

Like the Vikings/Nordics becoming a legitimategovernment and that pirate island becoming a farming island?

Also you can be legit and evil, like the Colonial Spanish Empire that used to rule a lot of the American Continental to get all the gold and silver.

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