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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

I don't remember, and since I didn't use it in the story proper it doesn't really matter.

Of course, a scarab cutie mark wouldn't mean they had a scarab. It would just mean that they'd be really good with one.

That, or they may just really like scarabs in general and are somehow devoted to them.

The insects I mean and not the pieces of Reach tech
What does this word mean?

pan- means 'all'

arcanic- related to the arcane i.e. magic

so panarcanic is 'all-magic,' which refers to the well-rounded magic generalists that Renegade is thinking of, instead of literal one-trick ponies. Think the Red Mage from Final Fantasy (which I'm not actually familiar with, but that's the name of the trope on TV Tropes).
That's a light way of putting it.
I might be aspiring to this 'British understatement' thing-y that I understand some people can manage?

Or idealised Superheroes of the past?

Nice video... Worrying might be if the Sepia Ring (which is powered by Nostalgia) can pull them up, as sepia-colored constructs, and they have independent minds, and ask questions like "Why am I here?", after they've dealt with the immediate problem...

Good quality nostalgia needs teeth... So it can bite you in the nostalgics... I might have once written a character called 'Emily' in a setting called 'Fenspace', who might have been a immaterial super-human grade intelligence AI, with ability to generate a physical form to interact with the world, and you knew she was around because everything went sepia, until she left... Where did I get the idea?

Or, you find them lying round, abandoned...

I actually got a lot of these snippets, but this one, I do not understand. Someone help?
Grayven has an irrational fear of scarabs, because they represent his fear of being being retcon'd without realising it?*

(* This theory has no basis in fact viz the canon of WTR, so, for it to be true would likely require a retcon. :) )
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Duplication (part 7)
16th May 2011
11:44 GMT -5

Indigo staggers, blinking in surprise as I


lunge forward, blood vomit spraying from my mouth and-.

I'm suspended mid-dive and the vomit is.. sort of pooling in the air just in front of her. I'm not-.

I fly left, making it all of a metre before I find myself unaccountably slowing to a stop once again. The.. hell?!

"LexCorp Metropolis." Indigo's chest glows as he undoes whatever Red Queen just did to him "Basement."

The blue black beams flicker out again, but this time he vanishes before they strike him, reappearing just behind her!


The air goes white as a massive discharge of electrified plasma explodes out from Red Queen. I don't think that was Indigo, but if I've got any time-.

I fly backwards-.


I just hit the back wall-. She's twisting spatial dimensions, right! A bucket excavator construct eats through the wall and I fly back, dropping down the shaft a level before creating a rock drill construct and boring through the.. server room-

"Aaaaagh!" / "What the fuck?! / "Hit the alarm!"

-cooling system in a spray of escaping refrigeration gas before drilling upward underneath-.

My constructs disappear and I'm falling towards the ground, the shock of cold! This is what I get-

Ow! Ugh.

-for not getting the temperature controlled version!

I tap my chest plate to activate my force field and furiously try to reactivate my there we go! This time I try to lock on-.

I'm not seeing any emotion. How-?


The alarm finally goes off as the last of the staff flee for the exits. Okay, magic or tech based ring shutdown, only bypass I can do at short notice-.

She's helping Krona destroy everything and fighting in a building full of people.

Butcher's Horns.

The red light roils around my body as I leap through the hole I made in the roof to the next floor up, claw-.

Where is the-?

I'm slammed across the room, environmental shield twisting as a blurring Red Queen hits me with more than human speed and strength! One interior wall explodes around us as we smash through it, but the next is fortified and I merely dent it! I'm taking hits, but when I'm like this I don't really feel it, and I can see the damage on her armour where the red light is biting back.

A spray of blood vomit forces her to back off for a second, circular saw constructs are negligently slapped aside and the plasma discharge construct… Hits but doesn't appear to do all that much. She raises her right hand-.

Which is suddenly yanked aside by glowing yellow tethers, the black-blue beams she was planning on firing at me instead scything through the floor and wall as Indigo appears behind her, his staff glowing with the light of fear. I fire the blood vomit again, this time getting a solid hit and melting through her armour, revealing-.

"By the command-"

The yellow tether evaporates as the blood vomit eats through the Manhunter infiltrator's now-exposed chassis!

"-of Krona-"

The chassis smokes, the colouration browning as the infiltrator jerks its right fist and.. the left side of Indigo's torso jumps about two inches left. He shudders, and a second jerk causes his staff to go flying into the room's debris. He collapses, an indigo body cast appearing around him as he tries to hold his internal organs together. A point blank bull construct gets-. Sliced, and I'm barely able to dodge her black and blue beams.

What do I do what do I d-?

The room explodes and the Red Queen is gone.


I look left and a two metre wide hole has been punched into the building through the rock and soil outside. I can see a curved tunnel whose interior is illuminated by daylight. On the right, the exit hole looks much the same.


"Indigo, are you alive?"

"Just about."

"I've only got a first aid k-."

"I'll live. Get the Queen."

My aura flares back to full as I shoot out and up through the hole, the crowd who are in the process of evacuating LexCorp at a sprint. Okay, great, is someone-?

"Hey." A young man in some kind of… Nineties reimagining of Superman's costume… Drops down to float next to me. "You on our side now?" He tips his glasses down slightly so that he can see me over the top of them. "'cause horns made of blood are usually a bad sign."

"Look after the civilians."

"You don't get-!"

I shoot upwards, trying to work out where she's gone. She could just teleport-.

A plume of debris and a chorus of car alarms draws my attention to the coastline, blue and white figures flying around a blackened red figure I assume to be Red Queen. Superman and.. either Power Girl or Supergirl. Superman deliberately tanks a volley of those blue-black beams in a way which has me wincing while the other one zooms in and scores a couple of punches. I-.

I frown. I'm feeling anger from Red Queen, but not-. The Manhunter isn't angry at us, it's angry atitself?

Four Gold Lanterns flash into the sky above me, followed a moment later by Black. One of the Golds-. Is that Barbara Gordon? Heads towards me.

"Red Lantern." She eyes me for a moment, paying particular attention to my horns. "I'm taking command."

"Good for you. Any idea why I can feel emotion from that Manhunter?"

She looks up towards Black.

"The Manhunters who attacked the crystal pocket universe used Red Queens to stabilise themselves. I had assumed that this was simply a replica, but it has been using her other abilities as well. Perhaps doing that does not require all of her?"
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Makes sense that you don't get to manipulate extra planar realities with a clockwork mind alone. You would need complexity enough for a mind with emotions and a soul.

On a side note: I like how they took care to shade Superboys crotch so they wouldn't have to draw a bulge.
16th May 2011
11:44 GMT -5

Indigo staggers, blinking in surprise as I

Finally, a good target for his Blood Rage! Get her, Raul!

lunge forward, blood vomit spraying from my mouth and-.

I'm suspended mid-dive and the vomit is.. sort of pooling in the air just in front of her. I'm not-.
Temporal fuckery, or spatial? Either way, that's not cricket!

I fly left, making it all of a metre before I find myself unaccountably slowing to a stop once again. The.. hell?!

"LexCorp Metropolis." Indigo's chest glows as he undoes whatever Red Queen just did to him "Basement."
At least he's got the word out. I see he can pull out Wholeness Rightly Assumed or an equivalent.

The blue black beams flicker out again, but this time he vanishes before they strike him, reappearing just behind her!

Tranquillising her ain't gonna help here, Saul...

The air goes white as a massive discharge of electrified plasma explodes out from Red Queen. I don't think that was Indigo, but if I've got any time-.

I fly backwards-.
I'll say this: Red Queen's power spamming is such a cheap boss fight. Dozens of different abilities, with cooldowns in the microseconds? Cheap!


I just hit the back wall-. She's twisting spatial dimensions, right! A bucket excavator construct eats through the wall and I fly back, dropping down the shaft a level before creating a rock drill construct and boring through the.. server room-
Mind that collateral damage, Raul! There are still people here.

"Aaaaagh!" / "What the fuck?! / "Hit the alarm!"

-cooling system in a spray of escaping refrigeration gas before drilling upward underneath-.
At least she's not bothering to Mind-whammy people anymore. So the authorities will be here soon.

My constructs disappear and I'm falling towards the ground, the shock of cold! This is what I get-

Ow! Ugh.

-for get getting the temperature controlled version!
Oof. Any bets on just how cold the coolant is? Because I'm picturing liquid nitrogen or something close...

I tap my chest plate to activate my force field and furiously try to reactivate my there we go! This time I try to lock on-.

I'm not seeing any emotion. How-?
Oh, that's annoying. Emotional shielding?


The alarm finally goes off as the last of the staff flee for the exits. Okay, magic of tech based ring shutdown, only bypass I can do at short notice-.
Besides the old 'fist through the device' kind...

She's helping Krona destroy everything and fighting in a building full of people.

Butcher's Horns.

The red light roils around my body as I leap through the hole I made in the roof to the next floor up, claw-.
Ah, rapid assault, one thing Reds are good at.

Where is the-?

I'm slammed across the room, environmental shield twisting as a blurring Red Queen hits me with more than human speed and strength! One interior wall explodes around us as we smash through it, but the next is fortified and I merely dent it! I'm taking hits, but when I'm like this I don't really feel it, and I can see the damage on her armour where the red light it biting back.
Ah, Red rings. Such a useful frontline combat powerset... The only drawback is having to deal with damage when the red mist wears off...

A spray of blood vomit forces her to back off for a second, circular saw constructs as negligently slapped aside and the plasma discharge construct… Hits but doesn't appear to do all that much. She raises her right hand-.

Which is suddenly yanked aside y glowing yellow tethers, the black-blue beams she was planning on firing at me instead scything through the floor and wall as Indigo appears behind her, his staff glowing with the light of fear. I fire the blood vomit again, this time getting a solid hit and melting through her armour, revealing-.
Well, good to see he can whip out the beatdowns when needed...

"By the command-"

The yellow tether evaporates as the blood vomit eats through the Manhunter infiltrator's now-exposed chassis!
And that's a surprise!

"-of Krona-"

The chassis smokes, the colouration browning as the infiltrator jerks its right fist and.. the left side of Indigo's torso jumps about two inches left. He shudders, and a second jerk causes his staff to go flying into the room's debris. He collapses, an indigo body cast appearing around him as he tries to hold his internal organs together. A point blank bull construct gets-. Sliced, and I'm barely able to dodge her black and blue beams.
Ouch. The one time we see him get in a cape fight, and he gets torn up... The joy of focusing on non-combat XP and skills.

What do I do what do I d-?

The room explodes and the Red Queen is gone.
Wait What?


I look left and a two metre wide hole had been punched into the building through the rock and soil outside. I can see a curved tunnel whose interior is illuminated by daylight. On the right, the exit hole looks much the same.
Looks like someone made a dynamic entry... and exited the same way...


"Indigo, are you alive?"

"Just about."
Might be hard to talk when you're concentrating on holding your upper torso together...

"I've only got a first aid k-."

"I'll live. Get the Queen."
Now that's a request I can get behind!

My aura flares back to full as I shoot out and up through the hole, the crowd who are in the process of evacuating LexCorp at a sprint. Okay, great, is someone-?

"Hey." A young man in some kind of… Nineties reimagining of Superman's costume… Drops down to float next to me. "You on our side now?" He tips his glasses down slightly so that he can see me over the top of them. "'cause horns made of blood are usually a bad sign."
Oh, boy. 90's Superboy and his two-tone body stocking costumes... Eye candy, but not really the best time.

"Look after the civilians."

"You don't get-!"
To give orders? Are you really arguing with someone in the middle of a fight... Oh, wait, 90's Superboy... The picture of teenage contrariness.

I shoot upwards, trying to work out where she's gone. She could just teleport-.

A plume of debris and a chorus of car alarms draws my attention to the coastline, blue and white figures flying around a blackened red figure I assume to be Red Queen. Superman and.. either Power Girl or Supergirl. Superman deliberately tanks a volley of those blue-black beams in a way which has me wincing while the other one zooms in a scores a couple of punches. I-.
Wouldn't it be easy to tell PG apart from SG? Just look at the chest size...x3

I frown. I'm feeling anger from Red Queen, but not-. The Manhunter isn't angry at us, it's angry atitself?

Four Gold Lanterns flash into the sky above me, followed a moment later by Black. One of the Golds-. Is that Barbara Gordon? Heads towards me.
Oh, sure. He recognises Barbara on sight. What's Zaul's excuse, lack of energy to care?:p

"Red Lantern." She eyes me for a moment, paying particular attention to my horns. "I'm taking command."

"Good for you. Any idea why I can feel emotion from that Manhunter?"
Well... Alpha Lanterns are a thing... Albeit one from a different universe and later period of time...

She looks up towards Black.

"The Manhunters who attacked the crystal pocket universe used Red Queens to stabilise themselves. I had assumed that this was simply a replica, but it has been using her other abilities as well. Perhaps doing that does not require all of her?"
...Ew. Still, better than 'Future's End's Brother Eye-created cybor-zombies, if you'll pardon my new-52.

Backup has arrived! Let's see Red Queen-bot get a well-deserved beatdown, shall we?

Which is suddenly yanked aside y glowing yellow tethers...
Which is suddenly yanked aside by glowing yellow tethers...
"You on our side now?"
Double space.
...zooms in a scores a couple of punches.
...zooms in and scores a couple of punches.
-for get getting the temperature
'for forget'?

Okay, magic of tech based ring shutdown, only bypass I can do at short notice-.
I'm not clear what this means or refers to... The alarm? The coolant leak? Something else?

The colour of the beams used by Red Queen are sometimes 'blue black', sometimes 'black blue', and sometimes hypenated - was this intentional?

'to borg' - the verb referring to the process of turning a living being into a cyborg, a 'cybernetic organism'... Related to the term 'to roboticise'. May also imply a loss of agency, in that the resulting being is not, or is not completely, controlled by the original organic parts. This can be complicated by various vitalist ideas, such as 'soul' or 'spirit', where even if no living nervous tissue remains some 'essence' may be assumed to possibly influence the behaviour of the being. Also see 'ASFR-ism' (robot fetishism), and 'uploading'.

Yes, as some might have thought, this has got more messy...

I'll admit I'm curious as to the origin of the blue-black beams (which I'd assume are a feature of some other super)...

Also, Superboy, I did like the (high tech) X-ray specs he wore for a while. Lots of potential for a tech-enhanced pseudo-Kryptonian... Pity they took those off him again...
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I frown. I'm feeling anger from Red Queen, but not-. The Manhunter isn't angry at us, it's angry atitself?

"Good for you. Any idea why I can feel emotion from that Manhunter?"

She looks up towards Black.

"The Manhunters who attacked the crystal pocket universe used Red Queens to stabilise themselves. I had assumed that this was simply a replica, but it has been using her other abilities as well. Perhaps doing that does not require all of her?"
Ah, poor Jade. Looks like this version of her got the conversion treatment.
...Ew. Still, better than 'Future's End's Brother Eye-created cybor-zombies, if you'll pardon my new-52.
Doesn't seem likely.
Which is suddenly yanked aside by glowing yellow tethers...
Double space.
...zooms in and scores a couple of punches.
'for forget'?
I'm not clear what this means or refers to... The alarm? The coolant leak? Something else?
Thank you, corrected.
The colour of the beams used by Red Queen are sometimes 'blue black', sometimes 'black blue', and sometimes hypenated - was this intentional?
Not especially. The Red Lantern is in the middle of a fight and not taking time to ponder his descriptions.
I don't think that was that poor of a showing, but still, I think the Illustres and Grayven have had to fight bigger, meaner and more clever things that whatever Red Lantern has killed. And Indigo, I don't think has been in a good fight in forever, really.

And we don't know where our unequipped Illustres is. He was with Overgirl, Time Trapper and Komand'r in that base that is now a crater. We are as in the dark as in Indigo, Red, Black and these gilded Green Lanterns.
Paragon is an enlightened lantern and renegade is a new god and has advenced equipment, Raul is probably more of a highly skilled brawler but his rings limitations don't allow him the opportunity to branch out all that much in comparison to paragon and renegade and Saul has probably been in only a handful of fights at most.

Paragon is probably where TP is right now.
But after his attack on Sinesto

wreaths (twice)

circular saw constructs as negligently slapped aside
as circular saw constructs are negligently slapped aside

Perhaps doing that does not require all of her?"
Ooh, heart. Nom nom.

Paragon is probably where TP is right now.
You mean the hoarders' houses?
Fairly poor showings from Red and Indigo if we are being honest. Are SI Paul and Grayven both that far above average?

The Red King, for whom the Red Queen is named, had given himself 63 superpowers and had a suit of power armor specifically designed with countermeasures for the entire Justice League (including green lantern) as a cherry on top.

Which he used to level every city on Earth in one parallel. With which he blew up the planet Earth in another parallel.
Wait why does indigo lantern's staff glow yellow? Wouldn't it be indigo?

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