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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

How much karma is Mr. Luthor paying off right now?

At least three.

Yup, as predicted. He's a massive, capitalist threat.

New theory: Dox has realised that Earth's fractured government is a threat to everyone and sent Khan as a almost-harmless stress-test to show them these issues.

Or to distract Paul while he does something, again, he does not agree with.

Or to get rid of Khan in a way that does not lower his social standing in the Corps by making him appear tyranical.

Or, knowing Dox, all of the above and a few things more.
At least three.

Yup, as predicted. He's a massive, capitalist threat.

New theory: Dox has realised that Earth's fractured government is a threat to everyone and sent Khan as a almost-harmless stress-test to show them these issues.

Or to distract Paul while he does something, again, he does not agree with.

Or to get rid of Khan in a way that does not lower his social standing in the Corps by making him appear tyranical.

Or, knowing Dox, all of the above and a few things more.

Considering the fact that Earth seems to produce advanced tech that doesn't make sense and the world is fractured into hundreds of governments there may be a risk that if they go to the stars then they'll bring their problems with them.

So the first theory may hold some truth to it.
7th April
17:57 GMT +2

"I know you like to pretend-"

"… second stage, undercutting and displacing local suppliers, aided by the socio-political instability…"

I wonder just how long Manga Khan's been talking? I suppose it helps that he doesn't need to actually breathe.

Mister Luthor has recovered somewhat, but now… He's getting a better idea of what he's hearing.

"-that you're not a supervillain-"
"That's never been proven." Honestly, Lex, this is the best time to try to mend your fences with OL. If anyone on the Light is monitoring you, they're probably half-asleep from Manga Khan's seminar.

"…leveraging our privileged position to fully monetise the opportunities provided…"

And praise be to Ploutos, I don't think he likes it. I think he's actually disgusted by it. That someone like this can succeed as a trade-prince.
My god, he can actually see sense. Admittedly, Manga khan sets the difficulty really low.

"-but if you wanted to-"

"…seventh stage, welcomed with open arms by local stakeholders due to the collapse…"

Or I could just be projecting, there.
You, biased, OL? Never!:rolleyes:

"-take over the ClusterCorp-"

"… a new chapter in the history of both Earth and the ClusterCorp-. Though at that point those two will be the same."

"-I'd totally help."
To be honest, they couldn't be any worse than Manga Khan... Unless he's some sort of interstellar trade savant...

"Your confidence is appreciated."

Lord-Lantern Comic King turns to face us, throwing his arms up in exaltation!
And he didn't even notice that they stopped paying attention, like, an hour ago, did he?

"Any questions?!"

"Just.. one. I was going over the briefing material which L-Ron gave me, and I couldn't help but notice that some of your.. business tactics are.. awfully similar to those employed by the Reach. Now, as I'm sure you're aware-."
Oooh, dayum! That's a low blow! How's Manga Khan gonna react?

He points at me with his right hand!

"Copyright strike!"
<facepalm> He.. got all his human social interaction cues form the internet, didn't he?

"I'm-? I'm sorry?"
No, Clarrissi Dox should be the sorry one. For inflicting this on the Corps...

"Huh." He looks at his right hand. "I thought that was how people on Earth stopped each other talking about subjects they didn't want them to. Perhaps it only works for natives."

"Um. That's not-."
That only works on YouTube (Or the DC equivalent...) I wonder... Do people with unfavourable opinions on superheroes get shouted down in comments on bystander footage of super fights? o_O No, no, of course they would...

"Though there may be some superficial similarities between the Holy Writ of the Rrrrrrr and the business plans of ClusterCorp, but if so then it is merely an example of convergent evolution as plans are darwinistically trialled and either continued or discarded. Naturally, this has resulted in a degree of similarity, considering that our objectives are often similar, at least in the initial phases, but the Rrrrrrr-."
...He can't even say their name? Good gravy, that must be one hell of a berserk button...

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

"A degree of similarity between, considering that our objectives and theirs are-."

Oh, yes. Milk it for all it's worth, OL. And then post it to YouTube! (or the local equivalent, whatever it's called?)

"Our… Competitors, and-."

"And who are they? What are they called? The… Reach?"
I suppose it's a bonus that the Corps is engaged in military counter-operations to ClusterCorp's competitor...

"The R-. The R-. The Rrrrrrr-."

Mister Luthor shakes his head.

"I don't really think-"
Even he's having some sympathy for Manga Khan? Then again, he's not quite this bad towards Superman.


"-we need to hear him pronounce-"
I'd be careful, Manga Khan sounds a bit like a boiling kettle right now, I think...


"-the word 'Reach'. Though I can recommend a good voice coach-"
Hahahaha! A point for that burn, Lex!


"-if you think that it would help."
No, no, not a boiling kettle... A revving motor!:VA small one!

The meeting room door opens and L-Ron flies in at speed, a small cylinder deploying from his chassis!

"M'lord! Your inhaler!"

"-rrrrrrrrrr-" Manga Khan grabs the cylinder and plugs it into a port in the side of his helmet. There's a gasping noise as the cylinder crumples. "-reach. Reach. Reach. Thank you, L-Ron."
Ah, I wanted him to blow a gasket seal on his encounter suit...

"You're welcome, sir."

Mister Luthor and I share a glance. I hadn't realised that Manga Khan's species could have speech impediments.
What would that even have looked like in gaseous form? A strobe light?

"So." Manga Khan slams his hands down on the table. "What say you?"

"I think that some of the local governments may take issue with some of those steps."
Especially the big ones. You know, the ones with the superheroes.

"Of course! Competition is a vital part of the capitalist experience!"

"Yes, good. Um. Well, I agree that competition is vital to spur progress. I'm not sure that you're correctly modelling legislative impacts and -frankly- social panic and human ingroup-outgroup psychology. But I do have contacts amongst your target marketisation groups and can arrange meetings with potential suppliers."
Wow, OL can actually speak Corporate! Ring translator for the win!

Mister Luthor nods.

"I… Was planning to offer my services as a go-between for your negotiations with the United Nations, but your business plan-" And this time I do see him swallow his distaste. "-appears to involve you bypassing them entirely. Is that your opening position, or are you truly committed to it?"
Evidently he sees the UN as a toothless administrative group, not actual customers...

"What works is what works. I, Lord-Lantern Manga Khan, and through me ClusterCorp, have no interest in appeasing market-oppressors! Any group who wishes to persuade me to do business with them would be wise to make me a convincing offer!"

"M'lord, you're shouting again."
He might want to up his meds, while he's here...

Manga Khan stiffens slightly, then raises his arms to shoulder height and makes an.. odd crackling noise as he slowly lowers them back down again.

"And done. Perfectly calm. Perfectly rational."
Oh yes, that's not worrying at all.

"Am I to understand that you will only comply with local laws if those laws provide you with a greater advantage than you could get by operating outside of them?"

Manga Khan waves his right hand, and… Dozens-. Hundreds of messages begin playing, accompanied by holographic representations of the sound wave. They appear to be… People seeking to buy or sell various objects or services. Some are.. purely speculative, and some are offering things which are quite illegal.
Seriously hope you're taking notes, OL. If only for evidence.

"I have the high ground. The racket is in my court, and I am ideally placed to kick it out of the parking lot. Seventeen minor governments have already purchased non-interference contracts. Two more have entered negotiations to rent our surface-to-space lift capacity. And that is ignoring the thousands offering to pay to see us ungarbed."
...Good gods, imagine if the porn industries worldwide started importing alien porno. Then again, I doubt they'd undercut their own business like that... Also, could you prosecute Manga khan for his murder of those metaphors?:p

Mister Luthor's eyes dip for a second. Big countries probably haven't started making overt moves yet, but ClusterCorp has no investment in the Earth's current power balance. Building a satellite is relatively cheap. If countries other than the US could make observation satellite networks… That's an… Interesting leveller.
I'd be especially worried about what they want put into orbit. Remember Ra's kill-sat?

"As a member of a species that doesn't reproduce sexually, that latter request puzzles me, but a merchant like myself is obliged only to satisfy the demands of the client-base. Lex Luthor, you said that you had an offer for me?"
Here we go... But would he be willing to mention it in front of OL?

And I, for one, am glad you skipped most of Manga Khan's little seminar, Mr Zoat. Now, to see what Lex has to say. I wonder if he's working on his own or on the Light's behalf here.
this right here is why you keep lex Luthor alive, its time for him to save the human race.
Keep in mind that this isn't well-intentioned but fatally flawed extremist Lex; this is Lex who, when offered to roll on his supervillain cronies and save the Earth from what will ultimately be a series of disasters spearheaded by Vandal Savage, decided instead that the caveman was ultimately the kind of person he'd rather associate with.

I suspect that this Lex might even attempt to ally with Comic King. This isn't the first ranting, insane moron that he's sided with thinking that it's a useful idiot that he can control, and in canon the Light attempted to do the same thing with the Reach, so it wouldn't even be slightly out of character.
Keep in mind that this isn't well-intentioned but fatally flawed extremist Lex; this is Lex who, when offered to roll on his supervillain cronies and save the Earth from what will ultimately be a series of disasters spearheaded by Vandal Savage, decided instead that the caveman was ultimately the kind of person he'd rather associate with.

I suspect that this Lex might even attempt to ally with Comic King. This isn't the first ranting, insane moron that he's sided with thinking that it's a useful idiot that he can control, and in canon the Light attempted to do the same thing with the Reach, so it wouldn't even be slightly out of character.

I'm still miffed the Light us still a thing in the Paragon tl when, they were dealt with ages ago by Gravy. Also the British government too tbqh.

Guess the real divergence is Paul trying for all the shinies, while Gravy is more about cutting out the wastage and inefficiencies.
this right here is why you keep lex Luthor alive, its time for him to save the human race.

And no need of Superman being gone and or a villain this time.

But really, Manga Khan was tricked successfully by a used car salesman cyborg.

He did bounce back later but you don't really need a twelve level intellect to trick the guy.
I'm still miffed the Light us still a thing in the Paragon tl when, they were dealt with ages ago by Gravy. Also the British government too tbqh.

Guess the real divergence is Paul trying for all the shinies, while Gravy is more about cutting out the wastage and inefficiencies.
Paul wants the Earth to be the best it can be, whereas Grayven also wants the Earth to be the best it can be for him.

There's quite a bit of overlap between the two, but not enough for them to employ similar methods.
Paul wants the Earth to be the best it can be, whereas Grayven also wants the Earth to be the best it can be for him.

There's quite a bit of overlap between the two, but not enough for them to employ similar methods.

Grayven is also getting the Earth ready as fast as he can for an alien invasion.

He is also not poking Hell with a stick or planing on doing mass resurrections.

Are we sure Oh El isn't going for a bad ending? Unless Chaos Lord Constantine did deal with the demon summoners in the UK off screen.
Grayven is also getting the Earth ready as fast as he can for an alien invasion.

He is also not poking Hell with a stick or planing on doing mass resurrections.

Are we sure Oh El isn't going for a bad ending? Unless Chaos Lord Constantine did deal with the demon summoners in the UK off screen.
That's a good point. He certainly could have.
The Angels killed the demon worshiping British government people when they invaded and they weren't brought back because Mammon requested those that died and went to hell stay there.

It's possible that without them around the rest of the government just stopped doing that shit, and while they may still be corrupt they're at least not cannibalistic child rapists.

Renegade is also preparing to fight Darkseid, who may now have more interest in the Earth because his son is living there, while paragon Darkseid is barely aware Earth exists according to Zoat.

Paragon has also ensured that Hell can become a less worse place and killed the First of the Fallen, who is at least as strong as Darkseid, and he has gotten the Angels to potentially adopt more reasonable methods for doing things.

He also brought a arcano technological revolution to the surface world and Atlantis before the renegade did and helped Senator Knight develop a plan for integrating magic into the modern world.

Campaigned for the rights of non humans before the renegade did.

He also helped destroy that eyeball religion and its god, rescued Ratchet and others like him who were about to get their limbs removed, saved Sodam and his alien friend from their horrible fates, Sodam getting brainwashed and his friend getting stuffed like an animal.

He also destroyed Devlos Ungol and stopped the Black Circle from claiming all those ships, thus potentially saving billions of lives, as well as potentially stopping the Anti Monitor.
Paul wants the Earth to be the best it can be, whereas Grayven also wants the Earth to be the best it can be for him.

There's quite a bit of overlap between the two, but not enough for them to employ similar methods.
It's not even that. Grayven is working on bulking up Earth's defenses in anticipation of an invasion by Darkseid. It's a truly worthy goal, and something he's obviously succeeding in, given the fleet of Cosmic Rod-powered defense frigates he's building.

Paul, on the other hand, had been working on more fundamental magitech research... or at least he was, until the Silver City and what might be Mister Smiley slapped him around. Ever since then he's basically been flying a holding pattern: hanging around the Team and joining in their face-punching sessions, tooling around Gotham and annoying the man who dresses like a bat, and spending so much of his time and energy on Nazi Supergirl that everyone, the woman herself included, thought that he was trying to replace Jade with her. Oh, and he's burned his bridges with the largest community of magitech researchers on Earth in order to secure a supply of more primitivist mages for a minor Orange Lantern Corps operation.
potentially stopping the Anti Monitor.

Unless he prevented the Anti-Monitor joining the Siniestro Corps, not really.

You also have to remember this is not the same Anti-Monitor, he is just the monitor of the newish negative Universe, so he is chump change compared to the one in the Crisis Of Infinity Earths.

Campaigned for the rights of non humans before the renegade did.

Renegade actually didn't change any laws since they inconvenience fighting demons and alien invaders.

Grayven is no longer taking orders from anyone be it the League or Batman.

He has powerful magical allies like Luna, Circe and Sunset.

He has a family, Oh El does not.

He found a way to beat the anti-life, Oh El has not.

While Grayven has things to deal with, the Reach are at least not motivated to invade Earth and risk angering Darkseid.

Edit: I think the main problem I have is:

Oh El is still taking orders from Batman despite him no longer expending any time with the Team.

Oh El doesn't have the magical support Grayven has.

Oh El romantic relationships never go anywhere while Grayven-s do, even if one ended in a breakup.

Oh El choices sometimes make it sound like he doesn't understand humans while he still looks human while Grayven doesn't look human but acts like one.
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Oh El choices sometimes make it sound like he doesn't understand humans while he still looks human while Grayven doesn't look human but acts like one.
At a couple of points, Paragon was approaching (but didn't quite reach) 'What is this thing you call love?' territory, though that was at least partially due to the whole 'turned off his hormones' thing.
Paul is still in a stable relationship with Jade, while renegades relationship with her ended badly, his relationship with Kom died before it could take off because they are incompatible, and he is just starting a relationship with Luna.

Paragons enlightenment may also be affecting the way he thinks so that's why he doesn't understand humans all that much.

Paragon also has John Quinn, the new Fate, as a contact, he has Hephaestus and Vulcan, and while he may have lost Sephtian, he still has Venturia, he also has Ambrose and potentially Constantine if he comes back.

Though yeah I predict his actions may come to bite him in the ass sooner or later.

Oh and let's not forget that he has multiple Sivanas if he wants some scientific issue solved, plus he has a better relationship with the Controllers than renegade does.
Unless he prevented the Anti-Monitor joining the Siniestro Corps, not really.

You also have to remember this is not the same Anti-Monitor, he is just the monitor of the newish negative Universe, so he is chump change compared to the one in the Crisis Of Infinity Earths.

Renegade actually didn't change any laws since they inconvenience fighting demons and alien invaders.

Grayven is no longer taking orders from anyone be it the League or Batman.

He has powerful magical allies like Luna, Circe and Sunset.

He has a family, Oh El does not.

He found a way to beat the anti-life, Oh El has not.

While Grayven has things to deal with, the Reach are at least not motivated to invade Earth and risk angering Darkseid.

Edit: I think the main problem I have is:

Oh El is still taking orders from Batman despite him no longer expending any time with the Team.

Oh El doesn't have the magical support Grayven has.

Oh El romantic relationships never go anywhere while Grayven-s do, even if one ended in a breakup.

Oh El choices sometimes make it sound like he doesn't understand humans while he still looks human while Grayven doesn't look human but acts like one.

Oh El has Best Snek. He doesn't pull her out because she's too dangerous for most applications, but he could easily become a deity-level threat if he wanted to. This also obviates most of his need for direct magical support, as any small magical effect can be tanked with his nigh-infinite reserve of Spell Eaters, and any large effect could go down to FEED ME or be assimilated directly by Snek.

Oh El no-sold the only anti-life fragment he's encountered. He didn't need to find a counter for something he barely noticed. The other fragments would probably present more of an issue, but we haven't seen them yet and we can't blame him for ignoring an issue which doesn't appear to actually be an issue for him.

Oh El genocided the Citadel alone. Grayven had hundreds of casualties.

Oh El's OLC is way stronger and more diverse than Grayven's. They're presenting a credible threat to the Reach despite being less than a year old.

Oh El can instantly teleport to anyone who has a desire, anywhere in the universe, and no technology or magic we've seen yet can block it. Grayven just has glorified portable wormholes.

Their paths are different. I wouldn't say one is better than the other.
Oh El has Best Snek. He doesn't pull her out because she's too dangerous for most applications, but he could easily become a deity-level threat if he wanted to. This also obviates most of his need for direct magical support, as any small magical effect can be tanked with his nigh-infinite reserve of Spell Eaters, and any large effect could go down to FEED ME or be assimilated directly by Snek.

Oh El no-sold the only anti-life fragment he's encountered. He didn't need to find a counter for something he barely noticed. The other fragments would probably present more of an issue, but we haven't seen them yet and we can't blame him for ignoring an issue which doesn't appear to actually be an issue for him.

Oh El genocided the Citadel alone. Grayven had hundreds of casualties.

Oh El's OLC is way stronger and more diverse than Grayven's. They're presenting a credible threat to the Reach despite being less than a year old.

Oh El can instantly teleport to anyone who has a desire, anywhere in the universe, and no technology or magic we've seen yet can block it. Grayven just has glorified portable wormholes.

Their paths are different. I wouldn't say one is better than the other.

To be fair to renegade he didn't have hundred of casualties when he fought the Citadel, just a few died on his side.

He also had a harder time dealing with that because the First Citadelian was using Blake's powers to fight the renegade, and let's not forget that Blake could apparently fight an entire fleet on his own and potentially win, and he was only captured because the Psions had some exotic weapon.

The reason he included so many Tamaraneans compared to the paragon was to give them more of a reason to follow him and the reason he is more invested in Tamaran compared to paragon is because his Central Battery is on the planet and he wants the Tamaraneans to help him defeat Darkseid, probably by turning them into X'hal like beings, while paragon just cares that they get back on their feet.

Renegades OLC isn't really interested in fighting the Reach all that much, they're just helping the Controllers a bit, but yeah overall I would say that paragons version may be superior since they can at least potentially treat their members from orange corruption and probably have more resources because of the Controllers.

Don't discount Boom Tubes, remember they are connected to a godlike power, the Source, and are able to travel to other universes.

...all I have to say is this: Manga Khan and Wreck-Gar must never, ever meet.

They should meet.

It would be glorious.
Yes. Lex does have an offer. 20 quid to see him slowly ungarb.

Are you kidding? I'd pay that just to see Khan keep its clothes on!

And are we certain that Dox sent Khan to earth? I don't recall seeing anything about that in the story, just a lot of speculation.
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Are you kidding? I'd pay that just to see Khan keep its clothes on!

And are we certain that Dox sent Khan to earth? I don't recall seeing anything about that in the story, just a lot of speculation.

Zoat said Dox is experimenting to see what makes a good Lantern and Khan had LEGION codes.

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