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Would you bang the avatar above you?

I'mma say no to banging the pony-chimera lady and offer instead to just comb her mane.
No definitely no smash but I'll make you an Astarte aspirant and if you'll survive you'll join the glorious luna wolfs
That's a hard no for me.
Well, guess my avatars tend to be not attractive in this way for a big part of people. Well, I find some odd charm in bits of cosmic horror and abstract forms. Chaos all the way to my heart. :V

I don't actually see who is behind this big gun clearly. But probably some guy. Maybe even an anime one, pretty one. But I think, I'll pass.
Well, guess my avatars tend to be not attractive in this way for a big part of people. Well, I find some odd charm in bits of cosmic horror and abstract forms. Chaos all the way to my heart. :V

I don't actually see who is behind this big gun clearly. But probably some guy. Maybe even an anime one, pretty one. But I think, I'll pass.
Spike Spiegel, Bounty Hunter. Have a bounty you need hunted?

Dunno who they are but yes as long as they don't smell like rott or something.

Would also have said yes to the sultry horse.

I reiterate, after some good sleep and a massage like she looks like she needs.
Dear senator you're so out of your league that it ain't even funny. Not even your precious nanomachines can change that the difference is the same as that of the earth and the heaven a worm and a dragon.

The anathema will indeed be sticked somewhere but that somewhere is quite opposite of your pretentious idea.

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