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New profile posts

I hope you come back with moemon's fic someday. I really like that onex3
Currently on road trip with barely any access to wifi. Plus side, just made massive headway into A Guiding Hand, hopefully the rest of the chap continues to be peak.
Fun fact, I can't access this site straight from the basic url (questionablequesting.com), i need to use a thread link to access this site else i get a white screen and a broken https symbol
That's hella weird. It worked just fine for me just now when I tried it!
The three true and absolute realms common to all universes and settings: Senior, Fellow Taoist, and Ant.
Can you tell me how you post images i wanted to post this in full picture 375205113 - [World IV] Yasaka (Queen) by gamesnice on DeviantArt
"She can't run as fast as me, so what's the point of mounting her?"

"Who keeps a mount for traveling? Isn't it just for showing off?"
I have returned after who knows how long, I apologize for my lateness, but then again I'm not exactly rich. I will try to rewrite my stories and hopefully I can reconquer the love that was lost during my ausence
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As long as we get more tfbnsac or the fat bastard never stood a chance I'll be happy

Anyway, it just needs a beta read and its ready to go.
How the hell do war games even work in Danmachi? I've seen more than a few stories reference keeping the super OC donut steal MC's from being stolen by other gods but it's like... Can't the MC just... Leave if the lose? Like what's actually keeping then there in the new employ? I get that other families could apply pressure but it always just reads as this false thing?
The Uninspired
The Uninspired
Either way, don't mind me. It's 12:30 and I'm doing a big tired rant. I hope anyone reading has a swell day! <3
Woah man you're here too, (granted I only know that you've been here longer than I was) so yeah that's awesome, my cousin and I love your greyjoy s.i fanfic and was hoping that you would finish it or even create a new one in the HotD series if you still have the enthusiasm and inspiration from your "muse" to the series, If for nothing else for closure and nostalgia thanks.
Hey! Thank you for the comment. Unfortunately my muse was killed with GoT Season 8. So I'm not likely to finish it ever. Sorry.
What about house of the dragon? Would you at least be open to put the fanfic with the omakes with and including the ones that wasn't threadmarked like the portal to otl short story, the skagos omake that somehow wasn't there (was wandering what was that about?) The amazing "youtube history channel" series made by the amazing Duran.
It's been two weeks since the last update of hentai gamer, and I don't want to necro the thread for this, but henge is a physical transformation, not just an illusion.

Unless you're just going to say that it's an illusion in your AU, in which case you do you, I guess.
Guess that is one of the many things I get from fanon then. But yeah, for the purposes of the story, most Henge are illusions, and Naruto's sexy jutsu version managed to be a physical transformation as a special thing.

Also I think two weeks isn't a necro.
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in cultivation, not just modern xianxia, there's the idea that the human body is a small world and outside of the body is another world, and that the fusion of the two is the unity of heaven and human

I guess it's a matter of being constantly told that deriving pleasure from the pain of others is morally wrong, but considering it from a perspective of positional factions and individual interests rather than a matter of deterministic morality, "there's nothing wrong with me deriving pleasure from other people's pain, but they can't get pleasure from my pain".
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Therefore, it's really how that set of dialogue is used in a narrative that matters, hm...
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Today I learned that some people have great calculation ability, but use it in places no one expects

Wait this is where you ask to have your username changed?
You can do that yourself now in Account Details. Just make a post on the forum first to have your account actually approved and unlock the permission. Try the Introduction thread.