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New profile posts

Just saw you were posting again. I'll probably participate in a space habitat quest anyway, but I still hope you'll continue Lewd Nation. I was surprised when you dropped Master and Commander though, since that seemed suitably simple for what you wanted.
The muse drifted away from QQ. The muse returns back and wants to flex some ideas. And onto ideas about lewd nation games since I see few have stepped into that void since I stepped out for a break.

As for M&C: I needed to take that back to the drawing board in terms of some gameplay concepts and then had a crunch in time for being on QQ. Not setting it aside entirely though.
Just read the A side Hard knocks quest.
Really loved it. Do you have similar recs for korean + high school setting + martial arts.

Quite difficult to find well written ones.
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Reactions: Leekz01
Sadly not really, but if you don't mind nsfw drama there is a Korean + high school setting + System story over on anonkun.

Sweet Boy
As soon as I reached the end of chap 33 of peters new groove I immediately thought of Optimus Prime in Revenge of the fallen going "I'll take you all on!" But peter against sex-ai horni super-babes
Figured out what to do about not being able to update quests during voting periods to avoid starting new stuff :3
I hate this state, hot as balls and restricting my writing time.

I just want to write Haru getting less screen time.
Is anyone else having trouble with QQ lagging.
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Reactions: Rikov
Yeah. Wonder if it's in any way related to the NA server for Hentai Foundry borking.
Probably not, but weird that they're both messing up right now.
It's been unusually slow for me as well
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Reactions: Rikov
Just wondering if you still have the source for Yuudachi?
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Reactions: illerayn
Don't really remember where I found it, probably on Google picture some years ago, so no, sorry
Don't really remember where I found it, probably on Google picture some years ago, so no, sorry
Nevermind, found it. I don't know if it was there that I found it the first time, but it at least has been reposted there : https:/ / danbooru. donmai. us/ posts/ 2558219
This 善良天使?她是幕后黑手!is actually pretty good, despite, you know original setting, with superpowers + ghost world + highschool stuff
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Reactions: Biigoh
she acts all nice and cute in front of her artificial big brother, and then starts turning her "persona" into a murderous and bloodthirsty just because she thinks it'd be funny for big brother to have internal struggles and self-blame that he didn't teach her well and start self-doubting that he made a mistake somewhere and then finally betraying all his beliefs to "save" her
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Reactions: Biigoh
to be honest, I like it better when she was being green tea and white lotus, you know, but later on the story once she's part of the Su clan, she starts being increasing bratty, though it started earlier than this, and usually she has a reason to do it, but it's still kind of cringe in a villainous way, you know, not edgy, just, bratty

I can take edge, I enjoy edging, but bratty, eh
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Reactions: Biigoh
patpats the Fishie~
I might wind up doing nexus early this week since i have an event this weekend when it's due and i'm unsure if ill be able to do the update during it. we'll see though.
Finally got around to adding a profile pic. I use a tree pic on RRL, but given the kinds of stories I read on this site I decided to try googling "horny tree" and google did not disappoint me. 😆