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[RWBY] RWBY Shorts

Just want to give a heads up. I'm currently working on a little thing. It's at around 3.5k words right now.

The basic premise is that Jaune Arc has the Heaven's Feel as his Semblance.

Its most basic functions are the creation, operation, manipulation and destruction of souls. That means Jaune can do whatever he wants with souls, including outright destruction, with a touch.

Yes. Yes it is as overpowered as it sounds. Do I care? Only a little.

I would do some stuff for the other True Magics, but...

The First is mostly unknown other than that it has to do sith "Denial of Nothingness" which is the creation of ether clumps. I would hazard a guess and say it's the creation of matter and energy Ex Nihilo, but the Third AKA Heaven's Feel can also do that... kind of... I'll explain when I get to it.

The Second Magic is the "Kaleidoscope" or the "Operation of Parallel Worlds". It's basically being an "Old Spark Planeswalker" with extra goodies like pulling infinite energy from other worlds and being able to just... delete timelines at will and shit like that.

The Third, "Heaven's Feel", is the "Materialization of the Soul". It's pretty much an unlimited soul creation, destruction and modification ability paired with true immortality and infinite mana by way of your soul acting as a perpetual motion machine. Pretty fucking sweet.

Heaven's Feel grants functionally infinite magical energy as a side effect.

"Wishcraft" is basically just dumping incredible amounts of magical energy into the universe to force it to do what you want.

Wishcraft is, for the most part, pretty useless. It's main use is being what allows a Holy Grail to grant wishes. It uses the stupidly huge magical energy reserves and its infinite magical energy generation abilities to forcibly enact your Wish upon reality.

So, if your soul is materialized and you have infinite magical energy to spare... You can just fart magic and poof shit into existence.

It ain't exactly Ex Nihilo, but it's not like you're losing energy either way. It doesn't matter which way you take it, you make stuff for free and entropy goes and cries in the corner like the little bitch it is.

The Fourth... Absolutely nothing is kniwn about it other than that the visual used to represent it was a Black Hole.

The Fifth... "Magic Blue" which I kind of already did a thing on. Not much is known about either. We know jt has something tp do with "extinction" and "consumption". We know Aoko, its user, accidentally accelerated the Heat Death of the universe. We also know that Goetia's "Genesis Light-Year" plan in Grand Order was a facet of the Fifth True Magic.

I may just do the Second Magic, and maybe the First? After all, unlike the Fourth, we at least have something to work off of in terms of the First.

Blake: "Oh, so now faunus aren't worthy of equal treatment?!"
Goetia: WHAT.
Blake: "And, those antlers? That's racist against deer faunus-"

Goetia was right all along.

Ok, jokes aside, he kind of was right all along. The Human Order Revision Incident was foreseen by him, so his Human Order Incineration Incident was enacted when it was to prevent it.

Oh my gods I can't wait to find out what Marisbury Animusphere's plan is!
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My response would be:

"Faunus ARE Human! Humans were around a lot longer than Faunus have been, and both races can interbreed. That means Faunus are a subspecies of Human. And NO! The 'sub' in subspecies does not signify inferiority, only which one came first. Faunus are part of Humanity, whether they like it or not!"
I think that's the joke.
The Training Armor New
(damn it Jaune this is why you don't grab random stuff when joining a fighters academy)

Ruby: so Jaune where did you get your armor because it's kinda...bad?

Jaune: it belonged to another one of my ancestors, it was supposed to be one of a few sets of armor he had specifically for training.

*Weiss who is sitting nearby overhears and glances at Jaune before looking in horror*

Weiss: Arc do you happen to remember the name of that ancestor?

Jaune: uhhh Leon Nemia Arc I think?

*Weiss jumps up and starts smacking his head*

Weiss: you. Giant. Moron. Do you want to die?!

*Pyrrha grabs Weiss with a murderous smile*

Pyrrha: Weiss? I hope you have a good reason for assaulting my partner. A very good one.

Weiss: Leon Arc was a well known huntsmen from a few generations ago, the two most notable things about him were his love of lions, and his absolutely bullshit semblance.

Ruby: ooh oh! Did he shoot lasers? Summon the dead? Teleport.

Weiss: his semblance was called endless. It made it so his body didn't have a max threshold for its attributes.

Jaune: pretty girl use English please?

Weiss: *sigh* as long as he kept training his strength would go up forever. He didn't have to worry about hitting a limit. And that was for everything, strength, speed, all of it.

Pyrrha: fascinating but that still doesn't explain your assault.

Weiss: I didn't recognize it at first because I've only seen it in pictures but Leon Arc commissioned his training armors from my family. They're stuffed to the brim with dust. Forged into the plates, worked into the straps, even woven into the padding. All for the purpose of making training harder.

Everyone else: how much harder?

Weiss: this looks like the third version of the armor so a strength and speed reduction of around 60% and a simulated weight experience of 400 pounds.

Jaune: that sounds like a lot.

The girls: it is.

Jaune: so what are you saying? It's good armor?

Weiss: take it off before you kill yourself you moron!

A week later during his first combat class since ditching the armor Jaune accidentally underestimates his strength and speed without the armor and sends Cardin flying through three walls and Into the Forrest from initiation.
Neptune is very easy to pick on.

Cowboy Jaune Short Suggestion - In a lot of western's, women that are interested in a cowboy or sheriff will bake them a pie or cake. Time for the girls to show off their skills..... or lack there of......
An easy win for Yang, she has experience at it, the others might need a biohazard warning though.

Blake: "Dog faunus."
Cu: "Uh...I'm called the Hound of Ulster because-"
Blake: "You're a dog faunus. It all makes sense."
Cu: *twitches*
Blake: "Because otherwise it's racist."
Lion King Arturia: "..."

Gilgamesh: "Heroes? I see no heroes, only mongrels."
Blake: "Racist!"
Gilgamesh: "...I admit, that's a new one."

Blake: "Oh, so now faunus aren't worthy of equal treatment?!"
Goetia: WHAT.
Blake: "And, those antlers? That's racist against deer faunus-"

Lion Arutria also shows that the onesie wearing is not just a Jaune thing but the entire clan likes wearing them, also that Gil one made me crack up.
Some ideas and prompts for your Friday:

-More parents meet at the Vytal Festival! Arjun and Saia find May, their long lost daughter, and her idiot male teammates! Taiyang and Qrow get into misadventures with Nick! Jaune's sisters arrive! Raven tries to steal Nick away and it's totally not because she has a thing for super strong blonde himbos, no sir!

-Ruby's Silver Eyes have more options than just Anti-Grimm Laser. One of them, unfortunately, is the ability to see through clothing. And she can't shut it OFF!

-Pyrrha runs into Jaune in disguise before Beacon, when her airship breaks down in Radian. He doesn't recognize her at Beacon later... Much to her frustration. Shenanigans ensue.

-A few more of Jaune's weird and wonderful relatives that might be fun to write:

>Uncle Engie, the Engineer from Team Fortress 2

>Aunt Jun Kazuma, from Tekken. Which unfortunately brings the whole Mishima Bloodline drama into things.

>Uncle Joe "Blondie" Manco, aka "The Man with No Name" from Sergio Leone's Dollars trilogy.

>"Uncle" Alucard from Hellsing. He's not actually related to Jaune, he just calls himself that to annoy Seras and Father Anderson who are.

-More Cowboy Jaune antics!

-I didn't like a lot of the character stuff done with the Justice League in the RWBY crossover movies. How would you have done things?

-Rather than attempt to destroy Vale, Cinder has a new mission when she finds out Jaune is the heir to the Kingdom of Vale: Get herself hitched and become Queen!
An easy win for Yang, she has experience at it, the others might need a biohazard warning though.

Weiss would probably try to pass off Cake Butler's work as her own, I don't know if Cowboy!Jaune would call her on it though...

Cowboy!Jaune - "This is a mighty fine cake you baked, Miss Schnee!"

Weiss - "Well, it was certainly a great deal of hard work, but..."

Yang - "Hard work, really? Did you sprain a finger calling Cake Butler?"
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Some ideas and prompts for your Friday:

-More parents meet at the Vytal Festival! Arjun and Saia find May, their long lost daughter, and her idiot male teammates! Taiyang and Qrow get into misadventures with Nick! Jaune's sisters arrive! Raven tries to steal Nick away and it's totally not because she has a thing for super strong blonde himbos, no sir!

-Ruby's Silver Eyes have more options than just Anti-Grimm Laser. One of them, unfortunately, is the ability to see through clothing. And she can't shut it OFF!

-Pyrrha runs into Jaune in disguise before Beacon, when her airship breaks down in Radian. He doesn't recognize her at Beacon later... Much to her frustration. Shenanigans ensue.

-A few more of Jaune's weird and wonderful relatives that might be fun to write:

>Uncle Engie, the Engineer from Team Fortress 2

>Aunt Jun Kazuma, from Tekken. Which unfortunately brings the whole Mishima Bloodline drama into things.

>Uncle Joe "Blondie" Manco, aka "The Man with No Name" from Sergio Leone's Dollars trilogy.

>"Uncle" Alucard from Hellsing. He's not actually related to Jaune, he just calls himself that to annoy Seras and Father Anderson who are.

-More Cowboy Jaune antics!

-I didn't like a lot of the character stuff done with the Justice League in the RWBY crossover movies. How would you have done things?

-Rather than attempt to destroy Vale, Cinder has a new mission when she finds out Jaune is the heir to the Kingdom of Vale: Get herself hitched and become Queen!

-That Raven one looks like the most fun, mama Arc ain't having any of it, Yang fears that if Raven succeeds then she loses her own blonde himbo, time is running out!

-Blake catches on and keeps trying to use her new power for her own smut fics.

-Pyrrha's disguise was only a pair of cheap glasses, turns out she can Clark Kent it like a boss, it works on everyone else too.

-Great Grandpa Roshi visits, it's time to train Jaune in the family martial arts, well he would if he can stop being distracted by all the pretty girls.

-Cowboy Jaune vs Adam Taurus, Jaune uses cowboy lingo/speech to try and trash talk Adam but all Adam hears is Jaune hitting on him, cue Adam running away from Jaune as Jaune chases him, Blake's chases them for fanfic material.

-RWBY/Justice League: I wouldn't do it in the first place, the entire idea was stupid and awful.

-Yes... Cinder shall be the Queen of Vale, all that power will be hers and it's got nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! to do with her massive crush on Jaune, NO! she does not turn into a blushing gooey mess every time he smiles at her SHUT UP! >////<
-I didn't like a lot of the character stuff done with the Justice League in the RWBY crossover movies. How would you have done things?

One interesting idea for this is Batman. He's a cool calm individual with deep trauma who collects orphans.

You could have them find out he's a dimensional analog of Ren. Maybe some drama of him wondering if he was destined to lose his parents even in another world.

Could have batman offer to pull them in and have a conflict of them wanting to stay (a world with a new family and no Grimm? Sounds nice.) but also not wanting to leave their friends.

Some fun parallels and contrast could be drawn between Nora and Harley.

Mostly them both being kinda goofy but with way more depth than people give them credit for.

But the contrast is Ren actually cares about Nora unlike the joker and Harley situation.
Raven tries to steal Nick away and it's totally not because she has a thing for super strong blonde himbos, no sir!

I've honestly never considered Tai or Jaune to be himbo's. I didn't see them do anything in the show that was fundamentally dumber than what alot of the female cast has done, canonically, and no one calls them bimbos.

As far as I can tell Jaune was just a nice, if overly sheltered young man, and Tai seems to be a good dad who's had it pretty rough. Neither of them were like Kronk from The Emperor's New Groove. (Disney's supreme himbo)

But yeah, Jaune and Yang team up to deal with her home wrecking ex-mom, and learn alot about each other in the process, leading to them going out after giving Raven the boot.
Pyrrha runs into Jaune in disguise before Beacon, when her airship breaks down in Radian. He doesn't recognize her at Beacon later... Much to her frustration. Shenanigans ensue.

Would be funnier if Jaune is nursing a small crush on Pyrrha's alter ego.

Pyrrha: I'm losing romantic competition. To myslef In a wig. Aargh!
Some ideas:

- Someone (maybe Jaune, Cardin, Sun, an OC) has a very unique and weird Semblance, as what it can do changes to something random each day/8 hours/hour, so nobody knows what their power will be, or if it will be helpful in any way.

- Cowboy Jaune's eventual transforming weapon has a lasso mode, similar to Blake's Gambol Shroud, maybe something like an electric lasso or a lightsaber-like lasso (like from Kingsman 2).

- Jaune is an actual werewolf, but because nobody on Remnant has any idea what a werewolf is, what it can do, or its weaknesses (except for maybe Ozpin and Salem, who are familiar with it from the old world), so he's a quite an Outside Context Problem.
Whether Jaune can control himself while transformed, or can control the transformation I don't know yet, but Remnant's shattered moon is always full, so that may change some things compared to typical werewolves.

Some pictures that might also give some ideas for fics, shorts or moments.
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r/fnki - Yang Xiao Long: Jaune Arc: Emotionally traumatised Emotionally traumatised Killed a redhead Killed a redhead Arm amputated

-More parents meet at the Vytal Festival! Arjun and Saia find May, their long lost daughter, and her idiot male teammates! Taiyang and Qrow get into misadventures with Nick! Jaune's sisters arrive! Raven tries to steal Nick away and it's totally not because she has a thing for super strong blonde himbos, no sir!
Doesn't that kinda make Raven an even worse person?
It implies that she either only ever liked Taiyang because of how he looked, or because she's still likes him, but is willing to take any replacement over actually returning into her daughters life when she would be litteraly a couple of steps away from Yang.
That is my interpetation at least.

-Ruby's Silver Eyes have more options than just Anti-Grimm Laser. One of them, unfortunately, is the ability to see through clothing. And she can't shut it OFF!
CDN media
Or Ruby has a lot of trouble being around Jaune, as he's both absolutely shredded underneath his armour and hoody, and very well endowed.
She might also be unable to stop snickering when she's around Cardin, Adam, or Ozpin (or some other character of your choice).

-Great Grandpa Roshi visits, it's time to train Jaune in the family martial arts, well he would if he can stop being distracted by all the pretty girls.
That sounds like a fantastic chapter/short. 🤩
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A few more random ideas:

-Weiss is paired up with Jaune in combat class. She's so arrogant about her chances she tells him that whoever wins will become the other's slave. Jaune agrees... And manages to beat her because once you get past Weiss's guard, you can just clobber her. Weiss is fully expecting Jaune to slake his lusts with her body... Instead, he just orders her to be nicer to her teammates and be his friend. Much to Weiss's confusion,

Pyrrha meanwhile is kicking herself for not thinking of that sooner, damnit!

-Ren receives a letter from his late father. It tells Ren where a hidden treasure he concealed long ago is, with a map to it. The letter didn't arrive until now because it was treasure stolen from a corrupt Mistralian magistrate. However, the statute of limitations has to run out. Well, Ren is fine with recovering treasure for himself, Nora, and his friends, so off they go! But alas... Others know of the treasure, and are seeking it too!

-Turns out that Ruby hits a MEGA growth spurt over the summer and is nearly as tall and... Ahem... Gifted as Yang. Everyone tries very hard not to notice. Especially Jaune.

-Roman Torchwick has the perfect idea to keep RWBY from foiling any more of his schemes: Pose as a life coach and get Jaune to become a lady's man so that they're too busy going on dates with Jaune they won't interfere! It's foolproof!
-Turns out that Ruby hits a MEGA growth spurt over the summer and is nearly as tall and... Ahem... Gifted as Yang. Everyone tries very hard not to notice. Especially Jaune.

Weiss - ".....HOW?"

Ruby - "I guess finally turning the big one five, and always drinking my milk finally did the trick. Don't worry Weiss, when you hit 15 like me, I'm sure you'll get a growth spurt too!"

Weiss - "I'm 17!"

Ruby - "Oh...... maybe buy a dairy farm?"
-Ren receives a letter from his late father. It tells Ren where a hidden treasure he concealed long ago is, with a map to it. The letter didn't arrive until now because it was treasure stolen from a corrupt Mistralian magistrate. However, the statute of limitations has to run out. Well, Ren is fine with recovering treasure for himself, Nora, and his friends, so off they go! But alas... Others know of the treasure, and are seeking it too!

Ren begins his search for one piece.
Weiss - ".....HOW?"

Ruby - "I guess finally turning the big one five, and always drinking my milk finally did the trick. Don't worry Weiss, when you hit 15 like me, I'm sure you'll get a growth spurt too!"

Weiss - "I'm 17!"

Ruby - "Oh...... maybe buy a dairy farm?"

She must take after her father. He's a pretty skinny bugger himself.
A few more random ideas:

-Weiss is paired up with Jaune in combat class. She's so arrogant about her chances she tells him that whoever wins will become the other's slave. Jaune agrees... And manages to beat her because once you get past Weiss's guard, you can just clobber her. Weiss is fully expecting Jaune to slake his lusts with her body... Instead, he just orders her to be nicer to her teammates and be his friend. Much to Weiss's confusion,

Pyrrha meanwhile is kicking herself for not thinking of that sooner, damnit!

Jaune: *trollface* "Oh, and if you disobey me...I'll punish Ruby. Or Pyrrha. Or even Yang."
Weiss: *shocked gasp*

-Turns out that Ruby hits a MEGA growth spurt over the summer and is nearly as tall and... Ahem... Gifted as Yang. Everyone tries very hard not to notice. Especially Jaune.

Except Ruby is aware. Well aware.

That's why she's striding up to Jaune in just a set of overalls with that guileless smile on her face, just to ask her bestie to help her around the forge or just go look at weapons together.

-Roman Torchwick has the perfect idea to keep RWBY from foiling any more of his schemes: Pose as a life coach and get Jaune to become a lady's man so that they're too busy going on dates with Jaune they won't interfere! It's foolproof!

With the Tournament coming up;

Jaune: "'scuse me, I've got a call to make."

<A few days later, the door is kicked open as a very attractive and curvy fox faunus storms in, shock pistol in one hand>

Carmelita: "Where's the idiota that told my goddamn Ringtail about some punk trying to make a name for himself as a Master Thief?"
Jaune: "Love you too, Aunt Carm."
Carmelita: "...Jaune? You...but why?"
Jaune: "I heard Uncle Sly wonder what to get you for your anniversary, so I thought I'd help."
Carmelita: *heaving angrily* "...I just chased that criminal through a museum, an aviary, half of Vale, the Headmaster's office and some warehouse downtown after he had his tongue down my throat, found Roman Torchwick and his accomplice unconscious and arrested them, confiscated enough Dust to blow up this city, and then had that Ringtail slap my ass and steal another goddamn kiss!"
Jaune, Team RWBY, Team JNPR: "..."
Carmelita: *happy giggle* "He's not leaving our bed for the next month~"
Blake: "...Ringtail? That's rac-MMMPH!?" *sputters through Yang's hand*

I kind of have Sly living in Radian, working as a consultant and happily married to Carmelita. Bentley and Murray are there too.
What Pyrrha Really Wants New
Alternatively, Pyrrha makes the bet that she'll do anything Jaune wants if he beats her... And he does!

Naturally Pyrrha made that bet in the desperate hope that Jaune would do something lewd to her... And Jaune just wants her to loosen up and be more honest and sincere.

Jaune: "Honestly Pyrrha... I want you to speak your true feelings. You don't have to hold anything back from me."

Pyrrha: "I-I just... I mean... Sorry-"

Jaune: "Seriously. Stop it."

Pyrrha: "What?"

Jaune: "That! We're friends! You can be completely honest and straightforward with me! Just tell me your true feelings!"

Pyrrha: "I-I don't... I-I mean... I don't know... Sorry, but... It's so hard and-!"

Jaune: "DAMNIT PYRRHA TELL ME HOW YOU REALLY FEEL! How far do I have to go?!"

Pyrrha: "I-I-I-!"


Pyrrha: bright red, shuts her eyes "I WANT YOU TO-TO SPANK ME BECAUSE I'M A NAUGHTY, NAUGHTY GIRL!"


Jaune: "... Wait what?"

Pyrrha: "... You asked...?"
-Roman Torchwick has the perfect idea to keep RWBY from foiling any more of his schemes: Pose as a life coach and get Jaune to become a lady's man so that they're too busy going on dates with Jaune they won't interfere! It's foolproof!

Roman screws up by having Neo as his assistant coach, who decides she doesn't want to share with those goody two shoes from team RWBY. Antics ensue, especially after Yang & Ruby discover Neo has set her sights on their childhood friend.
Okay, here's an idea. But some background:

There was an episode of The Real Adventures of Johnny Quest, where, in a remote European village, a scientist was experimenting with implants that made everyone happy and loyal and productive.

This would be very attractive to terrible dictators and leaders in Remnant for a variety of reasons, as this would minimize the chances of Grimm attacking their communities and give them total power. I can see the SDC investing in this concept, Jacques especially, as a secret project.

But! There was a problem with the technology. In that thanks to faults in the tech thanks to solar flares and other issues, the people with these implants will go into berserker, homicidal rages and not remember any of it.

This could be a very interesting plot for RWBY and JNPR to get involved in. To stop this mad scientist and his diabolical plan.
The Real Adventures of Johnny Quest
Why do I see Jaune using a large trombone as a shotgun? No, it doesn't turn into an actual shotgun. Just a trombone being a shotgun similar the what happened in The Adventures of Johnny Quest 3D Fan Game.

A stupid Idea:
Cardin inherits an amulet that literally turns him into Leo Luster in all his Awesome Gorilla Glory when worn. Cue him showing how cool and hip he is to everyone and Salem falling for him, much to the chagrin of Cinder and Ozpin.
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Neptune is very easy to pick on.

Cowboy Jaune Short Suggestion - In a lot of western's, women that are interested in a cowboy or sheriff will bake them a pie or cake. Time for the girls to show off their skills..... or lack there of......
Ruby makes a cookie cake!
Ok so a funny cowboy Jaune world idea.

Saffron always wanted to be a cowgirl but wasn't allowed.

She can handle cattle like a pro, she can follow animal trails like a natural and field dress a kill in minutes.

The only thing holding her back is her complete inability to use a gun.

Oh she can hit something, in fact she gets a hit every single time she shoots. 100% success rate.

Of shooting people in the ass.
She'll be pointing to a target in front of her and somehow ends up shooting the ass of someone five feet behind her.
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Got two idea.

First idea, Whitley and Jaune as childhood friend.

Jaune and his family comes to visit Atlas. When Jaune visit the comic store, he met a white haired kid looking at X-Ray and Vav. Whitley never sneaks out from his family mansion and got to know what a comic was. His father only allows him to read book on business, politics and studious subjects. Jaune helps Whitley choose a comic and invites him to hang out a bit with his family. His mother doesn't mind, she gave birth to 8 children. His father also doesn't mind because Whitley seems to be the kid that needs some love and affection. Whitley got to see what a positive family feels like. When Jaune and his family leave Atlas, he and Whitley exchange contact. When Jaune came back to Atlas, he taught Whitley how to use Aura and encourage him to use his family semblance.

Jaune: Good job son.

Whitley: Thank you father.

Second idea.

When Jaune falls into the abyss, instead of ending up in the Ever After, he got transported to Nier: Automata universe. He falls somewhere near the Machine Village. Pascal found him unconscious, think he is an android and being the kind Machine decided to help him. Later on, Pascal found that he was a human. When Jaune woke up, he saw that he was being treated by a bunch of bulky robots. When he comes to realizations that he was nowhere on Remnant and have no way home, he decided to stay at Pascal village and help the Machine out. He either clear hostile Machines, tell stories to children machine or help Pascal learn more about human.

When Androids (Either the Resistance or YoRHa) come to trade with Pascal, they found out about Jaune. Some was ready to cry when they found out a human still alive (Devola and Popola), some was curious how he is here and others wants to bring him to safety away from Machines (Commander White). They eventually found out that he is a human from another dimension.

The Androids decided to help Jaune in finding a way to return to his planet. They will of course follow him.


Whitley having a good time.


Oh wow, they fix QQ reader mode. Now instead of 21 pages, it has 11 pages. Old QQ used to have 30 threadmarks in a reader mode page, after the update I don't remember but now it has 20 threadmarks in a reader mode page.

Bruuhhhh I was literally thinking if I could/should write a Nier x RWBY crossover story with Jaune. Though my thoughts was more so exploring both the Androids and their purpose and also whether they'd have souls or not. Eventually Jaune would help end the fight between robots and androids and Yorha's Eden facility would have been revealed to have been working on tech to cross dimensions. Though the work only started recently due to newly recovered data regarding how white chlorination started and proof that Maso is foreign to their reality. Proving the existence of other dimensions and thus Eden is secretly put to work on creating a way to cross realities. Which would be how Jaune gets home.

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