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[RWBY] RWBY Shorts

Pretty sure that's a commonly used trope.
But I do love the idea.
A young and oblivious Jaune having a fucking squad of scary ass warrior older sisters shadowing him. Scaring away every girl who comes near Jaune or seems to want to ask him out.
Rando Girl: Gets close to Jaune and talks to him.


I'm picturing like one of those zombie movies last stands where there's a horde bashing up against a barricade.

Tanya: we can't hold back all these milfs!

Saffron: this was so much easier when he was young enough to get them arrested for trying!

*Amazonian dommy mommy arm breaks through the boards*

All seven sisters: *scream*
I'm picturing like one of those zombie movies last stands where there's a horde bashing up against a barricade.

Tanya: we can't hold back all these milfs!

Saffron: this was so much easier when he was young enough to get them arrested for trying!

*Amazonian dommy mommy arm breaks through the boards*

All seven sisters: *scream*

Winter - "We're almost through, Weiss, don't stop for a moment, press harder!"

Weiss - "Isn't laying siege to Jaune's family home just a bit extreme, surely we could talk this out like civilized people, not animals!"

Winter - "Talk like that is how you enter your 40's unmarried, single, childless, and living in an apartment full of cats like Glynda Goodwitch!"
"Of course, ladies..."

Pyrrha can of course rest easy knowing that Jaune is likely to end up like his father, big and strong and powerful enough to hold her still, peeling her armor off with his bare hands and wrapping one big hand around her ponytail, using her beautiful hair like reins as he makes her submit to him, all her skills and techniques barely enough to faze her juggernaut of a partner-

Pyrrha: *claps her red, red cheeks*

Yang, on the other hand, finds that Jaune will be big, strong and dependable, a proper rock of strength and support. He'd...he'd domesticate her, the wild and tough Yang Xiao-Long, make her blush and squirm like a schoolgirl, but what would he be like if he was a bit more driven. A little teasing here, a little flirting there, and she might just end up with teeth marks on her neck, a pretty collar around her throat, whispered promises into her ear about what he'd do to her as they travelled around the globe until he made an honest, conquered prize out of her with a brood of young golden dragons in her belly-

Yang: *wakes up panting and sweating*

Nora wonders how many nieces and nephews she's going to have mingled with her own brood with Renny, a huge family for her to spoil and love and treasure-

Ren: *eyes closed* "No, Nora, we can't ask Jaune to name his future child 'Kneebreaker Destroyer Arc'."
One day while getting ready for bed Ren takes off his shirt for his shower before entering the bathroom and pyrrha and Jaune see his full back tattoo.

That's how they learn that kuroyuri was a mafia town and Ren pretty much restarted the family business to provide for him and Nora.

His Yakuza is made almost exclusively out of abandoned kids (like Nora) or orphans (like him).

They all call him Pops. He thinks it's a mafia thing but he hasn't realized he's accidentally adopted like 80 other orphans of random ages.
Last edited:
-As it turns out, the teachers at Beacon are betting on various relationship outcomes. And are not above influencing the shipping for their own personal benefit. Who's betting on Jaune getting a harem?
Would it be weird if Glynda is actively encouraging the girls and Jaune to form a harem, not because she wants to win the betting pool (though she may or may not have a decent amount money put on it), but because then she has a chance at joining the harem/getting with Jaune?

Headcanon - Jaune's sisters ran off any female admirers, so Jaune's social romance stats are underdeveloped.
So someone like Cavendish from One Piece?
Cavendish was so charming even since he was a kid, that all the (presumably unmarried) women of his country all refused to get married to anyone else, and that caused him to become a pirate (and there are a couple of ships full of ladies still following him around).
Cavendish was an actual prince of his kingdom, before he ran away (so he's literally a bishounen prince with abs).
Maybe part of the reason why Jaune went to Beacon is because he wanted to be around girls (any girl who are not family) his own age, while the reason his parents didn't want him to go is because he would be surounded by girls and women totally outside of their supervision, so they would be powerless to do something to protect him.
Headcanon - Jaune's sisters ran off any female admirers, so Jaune's social romance stats are underdeveloped.
A young and oblivious Jaune having a fucking squad of scary ass warrior older sisters shadowing him. Scaring away every girl who comes near Jaune or seems to want to ask him out.
I'm picturing like one of those zombie movies last stands where there's a horde bashing up against a barricade.

Tanya: we can't hold back all these milfs!

Saffron: this was so much easier when he was young enough to get them arrested for trying!
So I was wondering if it would be okay if I quoted your post, or mention your names in a different thread,the [NSFW] Hot Pieces of RWBY thread specifically, because I have the feeling that that thread could have a lot of fun with those ideas.

I'm asking because I'm not sure what the etiquette is about that sort of thing, and I don't want to give away someone's identity in a place they don't want, but I also don't want to take away your credit.
So I was wondering if it would be okay if I quoted your post, or mention your names in a different thread,the [NSFW] Hot Pieces of RWBY thread specifically, because I have the feeling that that thread could have a lot of fun with those ideas.

I'm asking because I'm not sure what the etiquette is about that sort of thing, and I don't want to give away someone's identity in a place they don't want, but I also don't want to take away your credit.
Go nuts boyo
How Does it Work?! New
Fuck it. Based on my confusion over how the fuck Weiss' Semblance can possibly be inherited when it's a soul thing and not based on genetics whatsoever.

No, I do not believe in the soul trinity thingamabob.


Winter watched with pride as her younger sister dance around her opponent. Sure, Weiss wasn't the greatest combatant, but she was still only a first year and she was easily in the top ten of Beacon's first years. She would go far. Maybe one day Winter and Weiss can go all out in a spar together? That would be lovely.

The young boy who was defending himself fairly well against her younger sister's onslaught was the 'Jaune Arc' mentioned in her sister's letters? He didn't seem to be as bad as her sister made him out to be. He certainly didn't seem to be asking Weiss out right now.

Jaune lashed out with his sword, catching Weiss on the hip and sending her tumbling with her momentum. Yes, Jaune was able to fight her even with his crush. That was good. Maybe he'd grow up to be someone Weiss could depend on? Hopefully. Winter knew her sister needed more people in her life.

Weiss' team was fantastic from what the letters said. Despite some early hiccups, or maybe because of them, they are getting along very well. However, some friends outside of that team would always be a good idea.

Weiss formed a glyph under the boy and sent him skyward. More glyphs appeared and at the height of his journey upwards, he was sent crashing back into the ground. Even still, his aura held up exceedingly well. Was it his Semblance? Or was he just some kind of monster when it came to his aura reserves?

"Ugh." The Arc boy stumbled to his feet. "Snow Angel, do you think you can not do that?" He requested with a nervous smile. "Your Semblance is great. I wish I had something like it. It feels like it can do anything. It's elegant and powerful. It fits you." He nodded with a smile on his face. "But… I'd really rather not have another concussion."

"Hmph." Weiss held Myrtenaster perpendicular to the ground. "Of course my Semblance is great. It is the Schnee family's Semblance." She aimed the tip at her opponent and-

"Hold on a second. Snow Angel, what do you mean 'Schnee family's Semblance'?" His question gave her younger sister pause.

"I-I mean it's the Semblance of the Schnee family."

"What does that mean?" Jaune Arc insisted. "Do all Schnees have the same Semblance?"

"Yes." Weiss nodded.

"...I…" Jaune's eyes went wide. "So… Every single member of the Schnee family has the same Semblance?" He asked with his voice full of incredulousness. "That… That's…" He almost stumbled back as he processed what Weiss had said.

Winter… had never seen someone have this reaction to learning about the Schnee's inherited Semblance.

"How does it work?" Jaune seemed to calm down enough to ask. "I mean, how does the Semblance appear in every member of the Schnees?"

Weiss huffed. "It's an inherited Semblance. It's passed down."

"...Ha…" The Arc let out a quiet bark of laughter. "B-But… Aren't Semblances reflections of the soul? Like… Who you are as a person, as an ability?" He finally stepped out of the crater Weiss had made with his face. "D-Does it just… replace your original Semblance? O-Or…" He gulped and was left with a lack of words.

Winter began to worry for the boy. His breathing grew heavier and he was almost hyperventilating.

"U-Um… No?" Weiss, Winter noticed, seemed a bit thrown off by Jaune's change in behavior. "A-Are you alright?"

"..." The Arc took a great breath of air and then…

"I don't know how the Schnee Semblance works! It's inherited, but what does that mean!? If it's inherited, shouldn't you have two Semblances!? What does that mean, what do you mean it's inherited!?" Jaune Arc began to shout. He dropped both his sword and shield and took a step towards Weiss, and she stepped back in shock at his sudden outburst.

Even Winter was shocked by this. In Weiss' letters she noted that Jaune Arc never seemed to ever shout, or be angry, at least not to this extent.

"It's inherited but you don't get your own Semblance!? How do you know it isn't just overwriting your own Semblance!? It doesn't make any sense!" Jaune Arc threw his hands up into the air as he shouted to the heavens.

"You can't inherit a Semblance! YOU CAN'T INHERIT A SEMBLANCE! Fine, you can develop a similar Semblance or you can have a Semblance that ultimately does the same thing! But you can't inherit a Semblance, that doesn't make sense! IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!" He stomped closer to her sister, and Winter almost flew out of her seat to protect Weiss.

"If-If you inherit a Semblance, you don't have your own Semblance! I don't know! I don't know! Someone tell me! Someone tell me how the Schnee Semblance works, I NEED TO KNOW! I NEED TO KNOW HOW THE SCHNEE SEMBLANCE WORKS!" Jaune Arc screamed out, almost sobbing at this point.

"PLEEEEASE!!!" Jaune Arc roughly grabbed hold of Weiss' shoulders and screamed, nay, begged. "PLEASE JUST TELL ME! I NEED TO KNOW!"

Winter stood up from her seat as Jaune began to throttle her little sister.

"SOMEONE EXPLAIN IT! IT'S CONFUSING, I DON'T KNOW! HOW DOES THE SCHNEE SEMBLANCE WOOOORK!?" The Arc's voice began to break, going higher and louder as he screamed. Winter feared for her sister's life as Weiss' head was rocked back and forth, the young girl gripping the taller boy's armored hoodie as if her life depended on it.

Winter leaped from the back of the stands overlooking the Beacon combat class' arena. She landed behind the young Arc and grabbed hold of his arms and attempted to pry them off her little sister.

And yet, the Arc's strength somehow surpassed her own, and she could not break his grip. He continued to throttle Weiss and scream his pleas to the heavens. "HOW DOES IT WOOOOORK!? HOW DOES THE SCHNEE SEMBLANCE WORK PLEEEEEAAAASE!? PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME!!! I NEED TO KNOW HOW THE SCHNEE SEMBLANCE WOOORKS!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-"

Suddenly the young Arc went limp and collapsed onto the floor. Winter saw the teacher, Glynda Goodwitch, groan as she rubbed her temples. "Ms Schnee wins. Someone… Someone please check whether or not Mr Arc has had a brain aneurysm again." She sounded tired.

Brain aneurysm? Winter and Weiss both gasped and turned their attention back to the Arc boy. The two sisters stared down at him as… blood started to drip down from his nose.

"Oh no." The sisters whispered.
Cowboys of Remnant: Catting Around New
- - -

It wasn't like Jaune was antisocial. Not in the slightest. He was perfectly gregarious and got along pretty well with most people. There were a few guys on the cattle drive he never quite saw eye to eye with, and back in Radian, of course. Couldn't please everyone. But Jaune was not some anti-social loner.

That said, he had grown to love the moments where it was just him, Orleans, and the open world on cattle drives. When he went scouting or foraging, there was just something almost soothing about being out in the wild, only birdsong and the wind in the trees to be heard.

So as much as he loved his friends, he did need some time in more familiar surroundings.

So this Saturday, after he'd gotten some chores and his workout done, he'd mounted up Orleans and rode out into the Emerald Forest. Orleans had been happy for the break in routine herself. She'd crushed the skulls of a few Ursas, and the rest seemed to get the message to leave them alone (for now).

Jaune had gotten off Orleans in the middle of a meadow filled with wildflowers. He took her by the reins and led her to a sunny spot, where he slipped the bridle out of her mouth and let her go graze. He sat down on a big, sun warmed rock in the middle of the field, and sat down. He looked around at the bounty of nature, and closed his eyes to take in the sounds.

Squirrels chittering in the trees. Birds chirping and singing. A few insects buzzing around in the tall grass, which sent soft rubbing sounds into the air thanks to the wind.

Jaune smiled and just let himself be.


Jaune opened his eyes, had his revolvers out and cocked, and spun around in a split second. He blinked stupidly at a familiar pale girl with a black bow on her head. As well as an equally familiar pistol/short sword pointed at him.

Jaune lowered his weapons first and coughed. He tipped his hat.

"Sorry about that, Miss Belladonna," he said, "You uh, startled me."

Blake nodded slowly and lowered her own weapon.

"Sorry," she said quietly.

"Jest uh... Make more noise next time, please?" Jaune asked, "I'd hate to have to explain to Ruby how either of us got shot."

The ghost of a smile emerged on her face as she nodded.

"Agreed," she said.

Jaune fidgeted. Of all of his friends, he knew Blake the least. Wasn't for lack of trying, mind you. But she didn't seem inclined to talk a lot. So Jaune felt it impolite to force the issue.

"Need something?" He asked.

Blake shook her head.

"Just peace and quiet," she said.

Jaune nodded.

"Yes miss, I can do that."

She walked over and sat down on the rock. She pulled out a book, and began to read. Jaune stared at her for a moment, before mentally shrugging and just sitting down a few feet away from her.

Only the sounds of nature filled the air for a while. Jaune just added the sounds of Blake turning pages and humming every now and again to the orchestra he was registering.

It was a mite strange, but he could certainly understand the appeal. He was doing it himself, after all.

That said...

"If ya want to let yer ears loose, that's fine by me," he coughed. Blake turned and stared at him intently. He shrugged.

"My neighbors the Siths are all cat Faunus. You learn to tell certain things about 'em," he said. "If you're comfortable, or not. It's fine by me."

Blake continued to stare, her expression unreadable. Jaune coughed.

"Uh... Sally Ann wears a bonnet sometimes, so her ears don't get too hot in the sun, ya know?"

Blake continued to stare in silence. She then slowly reached up and undid her bow. She let it drop and revealed her ears, which twitched.

Huh. Cute, Jaune thought. He smiled at her and nodded.

"You won't tell?" Blake asked quietly. Jaune shook his head, leaning back.

"Nah. Ya got yer reasons. I respect that."

Blake hummed softly and then nodded.

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it, Miss Belladonna."

They returned to silent reading and meditation. No other words passed for over an hour.

After that time, Blake closed her book. She stretched her arms up over her head and looked over at him. She pulled her bow back on over her ears.

"Can I get a ride back?" She asked.

Jaune nodded.

"Course, Miss Belladonna," he said. He whistled, and Orleans galloped up. He reattached her bridle, and hopped on. He held out a hand to her with a smile.

"You can ride behind and-"

Blake took his hand, and then flipped herself up in front of him. She scooted back in the saddle, and placed the shocked Jaune's arms around her waist so he could take hold of the reins.

"This will work," she stated.

Jaune, bright red, managed a nod.

"Uh, er, um, y-yes Miss Belladonna."

Orleans neighed in annoyance. Jaune shook his head, and patted his horse's side.

"Come on girl. Let's get home."

Orleans shot Blake a glare from one eye, but whinnied and complied, galloping off. Blake held on tightly as she nearly lost her balance, but Jaune quickly wrapped an arm around her stomach and pulled her back against him.

"You all right?" He asked.

Blake shot him a coquettish look.

"Just fine," she nearly purred.

Oh Lord, give me strength, Jaune thought to himself as his face burned bright red.

- - -
So random thought, but that bit with Nick, Isabel, and Willow meeting at the Vytal festival is making me wonder what'd happen if something happened to Jacques that left Willow a widow... a kind man and a LOT of Alchohol she has on hand.

For some reason, I'm remembering that scene from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air where Will comes across his mother in a compromising moment. Because it ain't just Nick And Willow in there...


Nora messing around and banging away randomly on a computer that should had been recalled but hadn't and Ren needing to use it for some reason or another hits delete to clear our the key sequence


so after deleting it. Ren vanishes in a flash. Nora freaks trign to find it.. and then he's back.... sorta


View: https://youtu.be/JZmw3jzX1t0?si=lI7hs9rUZox8bjwA

Ren is now the Freakzoid!

Remnant now shudders!

Cue conflcited Nora. Freakzoid is all about the loving the Nora.. but for her.. it's not quite right.
Whitley fucks up remnant. It's not exactly on purpose.

But when your quintillionare father dies choking on a olive because he tried to do a villain laugh while drinking a martini and your mother is so lost in the sauce that Qrow Branwen attempted a intervention you don't really have a lot of oversight.

So what does a (secret) nerd with no supervision and more money than the gods do?

Fund every wackjob trying to make cool stuff!

In less than 5 years remnant has seen 3 mutant uprisings, 2 Kaiju, 16 super hero teams, 9 faunus mutating into straight up furries, and 1 guy claiming the Grimm are created by a goth cougar (the man was very promptly taken into police custody and checked for illegal substances).
Ren the Triad New
How about Ren's family was basically Triads? Chinese Yakuza. And it took their remnants a while to find Ren, the heir to the family.

That gets you Ren and Nora having similar vibes as Joker and Harley but without the domestic abuse and psychological torture.

Also Ren is now a crime lord.

Ren: "Ahem... Jaune? I need advice."
Jaune: "Yes?"
Ren: "Any ideas on how to be a proper crime lord?"
Jaune; "..."
Ren: "Kind of on the clock here."

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