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[RWBY] RWBY Shorts

Also, I just realized: If Arturia and Shirou are Jaune's great-grandparents... Then that means Mordred is his great-aunt. Or potentially his grandmother if you go that route. Or you could move them up a few generations if you wanted to. The point is... Something like this would happen:

View: https://youtu.be/GAbsCdtAehY

Weiss: "Who is that mad woman?"


Weiss: "... And all becomes clear."
Ren: "Ahem... Jaune? I need advice."
Jaune: "Yes?"
Ren: "Any ideas on how to be a proper crime lord?"
Jaune; "..."
Ren: "Kind of on the clock here."
Somehow Jaune has way more knowledge and advise about being a crime lord than he should have and and Jaune refuses to explain it (but is implied to be connected something like a sister, cousin or aunt).
So a idea that brings rwby closer to a few different fandoms I like (see if you can guess em)

A semblance isn't a super power. A semblance is a concept your soul connects to and techniques you make for it.

For example the schnee semblance is Control, many of them have the same semblance so they've passed down techniques both for enemy control (summoning) and battlefield control (glyphs).

Rena semblance is connectivity. His emotion sensing is him forming a light connection with the people around him and his Grimm blocking is him doing the opposite, stopping a connection from forming.

Theoretically someone could develop many different abilities based off of their semblance. Realistically? It took the schnee around two hundred years to figure out a handful of glyphs and summoning.
Theoretically someone could develop many different abilities based off of their semblance. Realistically? It took the schnee around two hundred years to figure out a handful of glyphs and summoning.
Or alternatively, the Schnee Semblance is about lineage, where the family Semblance can do a little bit more with each generation (a bit like how the One For All Quirk from MHA, but without the power stockpiling).
This doesn't mean it gets more powerful, as it still requires aura to use, aura requirements don't lessen with generations, and the aura reserves also don't necessarily grow with each generation (unless one of them has children with an Arc, who have genetically very large aura reserves, but their own unique Semblances), but it does make it more versatile.
Or alternatively, the Schnee Semblance is about lineage, where the family Semblance can do a little bit more with each generation (a bit like how the One For All Quirk from MHA, but without the power stockpiling).
This doesn't mean it gets more powerful, as it still requires aura to use, aura requirements don't lessen with generations, and the aura reserves also don't necessarily grow with each generation (unless one of them has children with an Arc, who have genetically very large aura reserves, but their own unique Semblances), but it does make it more versatile.
One idea I liked was showing different expressions of the same concept.

For instance two people I could see having the same concept are Ren and Raven.

Raven forming her portals by connecting two points in space, or herself to someone else.

Same concept, radically different expressions.
Cowboys of Remnant: Catting Around 2 New
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The ride back to Beacon was pretty picturesque and calming... Even with Jaune pressed tightly against her back. Oh, she absolutely took advantage of it, enjoying his squirms and blushes. It felt good to be able to tease and have fun again. To not have her past weigh so heavily on her.

Blake knew it couldn't last, but she was determined to at least find some joy before things came crashing down again.

They always did.

"So Jaune," she commented, as Orleans navigated a bit of rocky terrain, towards the cliffs, "Have you noticed it yet?"

"Er, uh, um..." She could picture the mental calculations running through the rustic boy's mind as he held her, seeking out the least dangerous answer, "I'm afraid I do not know what you're talking about, Miss Belladonna."

Blake smiled inside.

"The affection you've attracted from a few girls," Blake observed.

Jaune tightened his grip on the reins and her, as Orleans seemed to grumble around her bridle. She didn't miss a step though, and neither did Jaune.

"I uh... Er... I'm very happy to have made so many friends, Miss Belladonna. Lady or man, friends are friends," he replied carefully.

My father would want him as a diplomatic attaché, that was very good, Blake laughed mentally. It helped assuage the guilt she felt over leaving her family, just a little.

"I think you know what I mean," she said softly, pushing back against him meaningfully. She felt his blush as he coughed.

"Er, um... I reckon I do," he said slowly.


"So what, miss?"

"Well," Blake shrugged, "Aren't you going to do anything about it?"

Jaune was silent for a moment, chewing over her words. Orleans snorted in irritation and kicked a boulder out of the way. It went crashing down the ridge into a gulley some distance away.

"I mean... Er... I'm more in favor of courting a lady properly, miss," Jaune admitted, "Sure, lots of my friends dated, but a small community like mine? You mess around too much without matrimony as the goal, you break a lot of hearts and burn a lot of bridges. If I pursue a woman for that, it's for keeps, miss."

Blake's heart fluttered a bit. Not for herself personally, but she was struck by his sincerity. He genuinely meant it.

Just like Kenchi in Ninjas of Love: Volume 5, the selfless, old fashioned samurai would would only be with his true love.

That said...

"You shouldn't think of it that way," Blake insisted, "You should think of it as... Playing the field. I mean, you don't have to go all the way if you don't want to. But dating helps you learn romance. And romance in the wider world is much more complicated than it is in Radian." She glanced back at him. "You owe it to yourself and your future bride to be well rounded, don't you think?"

Jaune flushed but did give it some serious thought. Orleans grumbled a bit more, kicking some more stones as she navigated down slope, Finally, they got down off the ridge and onto the grassy plains they'd fought the Initiation on.

"Miss Belladonna?" Jaune said.

"Yes Jaune?"

"I will consider it," Jaune said with a nod, "Though uh... I wouldn't mind your advice. You're... Much more worldly than me, Miss." He flushed. "N-Not that I mean that as a bad thing! Not at all! So please don't take it that way!"

Blake smirked a bit as Orleans broke into a gallop, the wind rushing through their hair.

"Not at all. I'm very happy to help my friends."

Inwardly, she couldn't help a cackle. Part of her felt she should be doing more for her cause, doing more for Faunus... Yet seeing this young man stand up for a Faunus he didn't even know had made her pause a bit on that. Made her reflect on Headmaster Ozpin's advice to take time to enjoy herself and learn how to live life normally again.

Granted, stirring up the soap opera that was the lives of her friends may have not been the best choice, but... It was certainly better than brooding or being filled with fear and self loathing.

She still had those feelings, but... At least she could distract herself a little from them. Until reality intruded once more.

Orleans got them up the mountain and back to Beacon in no time. Blake though insisted they take Orleans around the main courtyard first, to let her see it and enjoy herself like them. Jaune had agreed, and soon they trotted up into the beautiful courtyard filled with fountains, trees, and sculpted marble.

Coincidentally, their friends had just gotten back from a trip out to Vale and were lounging in the courtyard. All perked up when Jaune and Blake on Orleans trotted by.

"Hey Jaune! Hey Blake! Hey Orleans!" Ruby said cheerfully. Blake could feel the intensity of the looks Yang, Pyrrha, and Weiss were giving her as she practically sat in Jaune's lap. Jaune dismounted, and Blake did so with him. Jaune held onto Orleans' reins, and patted his horse on the side. She whinnied quietly, as Jaune smiled at their friends.

"So, what have you two been up to?" Pyrrha asked, her smile a bit strained.

"Oh, uh, Miss Belladonna, Orleans and I just went out for a ride in Emerald Forest," Jaune said, smiling cheerfully.

Blake nodded, let the anticipation build, and then said:

"That was a lovely ride. You ought to take me for a spin next."

Many jaws dropped. Weiss's cheeks went bright red. Yang's eyes narrowed. Pyrrha's smile became downright terrifying.

Jaune, for his part, choked.


Blake smiled guilelessly and reached up to caress Jaune's cheek.

"Really living up to that nickname, Stud. When can I expect round 2?"

The looks on everyone's faces brought true joy to Blake's heart. A joy she had thought long forgotten.

Also, Jaune really was very handsome when he blushed that shade of red.
One idea I liked was showing different expressions of the same concept.

For instance two people I could see having the same concept are Ren and Raven.

Raven forming her portals by connecting two points in space, or herself to someone else.

Same concept, radically different expressions.
I don't get what Ren has to do with this idea.
Do you mean that he disconnects himself from others or something?
Or do you mean that he can sense the emotions of others (which he could only do after Volume 8 Episode 7)?
As far as I understand Ren's Semblance iesn't about connecting with others.

Could you perhaps clarify what you mean?
Somehow Jaune has way more knowledge and advise about being a crime lord than he should have and and Jaune refuses to explain it (but is implied to be connected something like a sister, cousin or aunt).

Jaune truly has a sister for everything.

Does he just pull new relatives out of his ass whenever he needs something done?

Oh fuck, what if that's his Semblance?
"Hey Jaune! Hey Blake! Hey Orleans!" Ruby said cheerfully. Blake could feel the intensity of the looks Yang, Pyrrha, and Weiss were giving her as she practically sat in Jaune's lap. Jaune dismounted, and Blake did so with him. Jaune held onto Orleans' reins, and patted his horse on the side. She whinnied quietly, as Jaune smiled at their friends.

"That was a lovely ride. You ought to take me for a spin next."

Many jaws dropped. Weiss's cheeks went bright red. Yang's eyes narrowed. Pyrrha's smile became downright terrifying.

"......in other news, a missing student at Beacon Academy was found tied up in a railway mail sack earlier today and is in stable condition, more at 11 with me, Lisa Lavender!"
I don't get what Ren has to do with this idea.
Do you mean that he disconnects himself from others or something?
Or do you mean that he can sense the emotions of others (which he could only do after Volume 8 Episode 7)?
As far as I understand Ren's Semblance iesn't about connecting with others.

Could you perhaps clarify what you mean?
Ok I'll try to make the idea a bit clearer. Do you know about the Fate series element and Origin? Shirou Emiya from that has a element and Origin of Sword so he's absolutely amazing at learning anything with a blade, (and comparatively shit at learning things not tied to the concept but that's not important).

For this idea Semblance= Origin. You create techniques based on the single concept that is basically stamped all over your soul.

For this I'm saying Ren and Raven are stamped with the same concept (connectivity) but the techniques they came up with are wildly different.

Theoretically as long as you have enough time, effort, and a tricky enough mind almost any concept can lead to any powers. It's just stupidly difficult so most people don't get past one ability that they basically stumble across when they first figure out their concept.

Rena connectivity ability he figured out is emotional connectivity, as a small kid traumatized to all hell that manifested as stopping emotional connectivity. His ability to deaden emotions and hide from Grimm. And later when he's less traumatized his ability to sense emotions by forming a mild connection.
It's been suggested in a few fics that Salem is able to reach out and influence people through their dreams with her magic. There are many limits on it, of course. She can't brainwash everyone, and she's usually only able to connect with people in the depths of rage, sorrow, grief, and other negative feelings.

She also only goes for people who she might be able to influence to her cause.

So! What does she try to do to each of our eight main characters when they are at their lowest?
It's been suggested in a few fics that Salem is able to reach out and influence people through their dreams with her magic. There are many limits on it, of course. She can't brainwash everyone, and she's usually only able to connect with people in the depths of rage, sorrow, grief, and other negative feelings.

She also only goes for people who she might be able to influence to her cause.

So! What does she try to do to each of our eight main characters when they are at their lowest?

Can't mount a successful Anti-Salem resistance if the Depressed Silver-Eyed Girl is too busy fighting her best female friend on being the first one to mount her best male friend.

If it worked on Team STRQ, it should work on them as well.
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It's been suggested in a few fics that Salem is able to reach out and influence people through their dreams with her magic. There are many limits on it, of course. She can't brainwash everyone, and she's usually only able to connect with people in the depths of rage, sorrow, grief, and other negative feelings.

She also only goes for people who she might be able to influence to her cause.

So! What does she try to do to each of our eight main characters when they are at their lowest?

Ruby - zombie summer shit talking and possibly trying to kill her in her dreams. Salem using this to wear away at Ruby so she can be later captured.

Weiss: visions of her dad/sister/mom/brother pretty much constantly shit talking. Poke and prod at her insecurities and keep her from being well rested. Eventually she's either going to snap and attack someone and get kicked from beacon or Salem can send a agent with some honeyed words and she'll latch on to it.

Yang: visions of Raven. Yang doesn't have a ton of foresight and is quick to anger so sending her into a spiral shouldn't be too hard.

Blake: we all know it'll be Adam. Probably with mocking approval of her choices and vague threats. She'll be so paranoid and busy second guessing herself that I'm sure Salem who has hundreds of years of experience manipulating people can play her like a fiddle.

To further expand.

Nora: The Nuckelavee and other Grimm tearing apart Kuroyuri. She is forced to watch as the Grimm take turns ripping Ren apart. He's screaming at her, blaming her for everything. If only he had left her there, maybe his parents would hsve lived, msybe he'd have been able to escape. Every time he dies, he resets and another Grimm tears into him. Over and over and over again, for what feels like days but is only hours.

Ren: Similar to the above. Except more in line with that scene in Berserk. The one with Femto and Casca.

Pyrrha: I have no fucking idea.

Jaune: Everyone rejecting him. Everyone hating him. He's kicked out of Beacon for being weak and cowardly, for lying his way into Beacon. He goes back home in shame, only his family to hate him and reject him as well. Basically all Salem has to do is vindicate his own self-loathing. Constantly reinforce his guilt and fears, what he hates about himself. It doesn't matter how many nice things people say while he's awake. Because when he's asleep he'll be Salem's to torment.
To further expand.

Nora: The Nuckelavee and other Grimm tearing apart Kuroyuri. She is forced to watch as the Grimm take turns ripping Ren apart. He's screaming at her, blaming her for everything. If only he had left her there, maybe his parents would hsve lived, msybe he'd have been able to escape. Every time he dies, he resets and another Grimm tears into him. Over and over and over again, for what feels like days but is only hours.

Ren: Similar to the above. Except more in line with that scene in Berserk. The one with Femto and Casca.

Pyrrha: I have no fucking idea.

Jaune: Everyone rejecting him. Everyone hating him. He's kicked out of Beacon for being weak and cowardly, for lying his way into Beacon. He goes back home in shame, only his family to hate him and reject him as well. Basically all Salem has to do is vindicate his own self-loathing. Constantly reinforce his guilt and fears, what he hates about himself. It doesn't matter how many nice things people say while he's awake. Because when he's asleep he'll be Salem's to torment.

Yeah they really didn't give Pyrrha much in canon. Though you could take this as a reason to explore it.

Perhaps Pyrrha just wants to be free. Free to be herself. Fame has brought her nothing but having to hide all her feelings and never act for what she wants. To not always be Invincible. To be vulnerable, to be sloppy, to be weak and thus allowed to be flawed.

Perhaps being selfish, getting to be selfish, is her true desire. What Jaune represents is a love that would be genuine and free.

And thus her being locked away, surrounded by empty praise, never knowing love or true affection or imperfections would be her hell.
Perhaps being selfish, getting to be selfish, is her true desire. What Jaune represents is a love that would be genuine and free.

Oh my Gooooods!

I just figured out who Pyrrha's dad is!

Because he is pretty much exactly what you just described!


EDIT: Shut up! I'm not crying! You're crying!

DOCTOOOOR! We miss you!
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Cowboys of Remnant: High Noon New
- - -

Weiss Schnee held back a sigh as a familiar blue haired boy once again walked alongside her. His smile was charming, his looks fantastic, his style impeccable, all of these things were true.

"Come on Snow Angel! Let me show you a great time!"

Neptune Vasilias was indeed a Huntsman-in-Training that once upon a time, she may have fallen to with his flattery and charming smile.

"We could go out onto the bay, under the moonlight! Dance all night under the stars..."

Weiss sniffed.

She might have fallen for this cheesiness... If she hadn't gotten the same routine in Atlas from much wealthier suitors. All of whom wanted her for her power, her wealth, her looks... But never for her.

"Neptune, I do appreciate your... Forwardness," she said, deciding to be polite despite this being the fifth time she'd put up with it this week alone, "But I am simply not interested."

She made it to her dormroom door as Neptune kept pace. He smiled and winked.

"I know, maybe I'm coming off as a bit strong, but that's how I am! I can't let a beauty like you escape my sight before I've made my feelings clear."

He pulled out a bouquet of roses from his satchel and held them before her. Weiss raised an eyebrow.

"From the best florist in town," Neptune teased, "I know you've got gardens of the things, but... I put all this effort into getting this for you. Come on. Isn't that worth a date at least?"

Weiss sniffed the roses. They did indeed smell good, wonderful even. She'd always loved them.

"They are lovely..."

"Howdy Miss Schnee!"

In the JNPR dorm door, there was Jaune, standing in his "work clothes", as he called them. His ever present hat and poncho over his armor, jeans, boots, and gun belt. In his hands was a pot containing a few wildflowers.

Weiss instantly brightened and beamed at her friend.

"Hello Jaune, and haven't I told you to just call me Weiss?"

Jaune winced.

"Sorry Miss Schnee. Not sure I can do that, but I'll try. Promise."

"I'll hold you to it," Weiss smiled, never minding the scowl on Neptune's face. Jaune then nodded to Neptune.

"Mister Vasilias."

"Arc," Neptune sniffed. "You mind going somewhere else with those weeds? I'm talking to Snow Angel here-"

"Why did you get those, Jaune?" Weiss asked, curious. Jaune shrugged.

"I found some flowers out in the Emerald Forest I thought would brighten up the place. I got some for our dorm room and wanted to know if you wanted some. Pyrrha liked hers. I wasn't sure what you'd like, Miss Schnee, so I asked my sister for advice and got a few of the prettiest types."

Weiss flushed. She knew flower language quite well. Despite the cold, Solitas did have a floral culture and they had a great many meanings involved. Jaune's sister had put together a wonderful bouquet of various wildflowers. The message sent was of deep affection. Even love.

It was more than likely that Jaune had no idea of this. For all his wonderfully manly attributes, he had several blindspots in culture."

"I would love some!" Weiss said cheerfully, walking over to take Jaune's arm in hers. "How about you bring it into my dorm and we'll find a good place for it!"

"Er... If you're sure about that, Miss Schnee," Jaune said carefully, "I wouldn't want your reputation to suffer-"

"Not at all!" Weiss laughed, ignoring Neptune completely as she pulled him into her dormroom, "I'm always pleased to have you as company!"

"Ah, thank you Miss Schnee."


"Trying, miss." Jaune tipped his hat politely to Neptune. "Mister Vasilias."

Neptune's scowl and roses were forgotten by Weiss the moment Weiss shut the door on him.

- - -

"I'm telling you Sun, he's some kind of super playboy!" Neptune complained to his best friend Sun and the rest of their team at lunch later that day. They had gone to the cafeteria, since it was cheap and easy. Sun sighed as he ate his steak sandwich and gave Neptune a deadpan look.

"You've been hounding her all week. Isn't it obvious she's not interested?" Sun suggested.

"Not interested?!" Neptune demanded, nearly sending his salad off the table by slamming his hand down, "How could she not be?!"

"Maybe she's just into more rugged men," Sun suggested wryly. Neptune scoffed.

"That cornpone? Who does he think he's fooling, huh? He's more of a gardener than a gunslinger! I mean, his guns are so drab! They don't even mechashift!"

"So? A man's entitled to like simplicity in his weapons."

"Your nunchucks shoot shotgun shells!"

"Like I said, simplicity," Sun smirked.

Neptune scowled out across the quad. There was Arc again, with Weiss, Pyrrha Nikos, and even Yang Xiao-Long following him!

"How does he do it?!" Neptune demanded.

"He has a horse?" Scarlet suggested, eating some fries lazily.

"He's not a tryhard?" Sage submitted, meditating over the remains of his chicken tacos.

"Feh... They think he's hot stuff? Well, it's time for the big city to knock the little city back where it came from," Neptune smirked. He got up and headed for Jaune and his friends.

"Oh, this should be great," Scarlet opined.


Jaune blinked and looked around. Neptune scowled.

"I'm talking to you, Arc!"

Jaune blinked.

"Yes, Mister Vasilias?"

"Can the polite act!" Neptune snorted, "You're doing a fine bit, but the cowboy gag has run its course!"

"What gag?" Pyrrha asked, frowning a bit. Damn, even when she frowned she looked good.

"I... What?" Jaune blinked. "I was a cowboy. Well, cowhand."

"What, you also duel the bad and the ugly too?" Neptune scoffed.

"Who're they?" Jaune asked, genuinely confused.

"You literally look like the Man without Any Name!" Neptune groaned.

Yang looked Jaune up and down.

"Huh! Now that you mention it... You kind of do!"

"Man without what now?" Jaune asked, his confusion increasing. Neptune snorted.

"Still gonna play dumb, huh? Well, I'll make it simple for ya." Neptune held his hand over Tri-Hard. "Showdown at High Noon!"

Jaune blinked, still not comprehending.

"Er... You want to what?"

"Duel, you idiot!" Neptune growled. "I want to duel you!"

"It ain't combat class-"

"Doesn't matter! I'm calling you out, pilgrim!" Neptune stated in a terrible Rural Valean accent.

"Why? I kiss yer sister or somethin'?"

"This is ridiculous!" Weiss sputtered. "Students aren't allowed to have duels!"

"He accepts!" Yang smirked. "First one to shoot off the headwear wins!"

"What?" Jaune gasped, reaching up to his hat, "But my hat-!"

"I accept!" Neptune grinned, adjusting his goggles, "You're gonna have to find a new gimmick, tinhorn!"

Jaune gave Yang a long suffering look. Yang just smirked and winked to him, and the others.

"Relax Stud. You've got the equipment to bring this mule down," Yang licked her lips. "I should know."

"Miss Xiao-Long," Jaune groaned, blushing hard. Weiss shook her head and scowled at Neptune.

"If you think this will impress me, you're sorely mistaken!"

"You'll definitely change your tune when Cowpie here drops his act!" Neptune smirked.

Weiss narrowed her eyes.


"Yes Miss Schnee?" Jaune asked.

"By all means, remove his headgear," Weiss stated. "Er... Please?"

Jaune looked to Pyrrha, as though for some kind of sanity. Pyrrha smiled and shook her head.

"We both know some people only learn the hard way," she said. Jaune sighed, but nodded. He turned to Neptune.

"Fine... How we doin' this?"

"Thirty paces, then Snow Angel says 'Draw'," Neptune stated.

Jaune nodded.

"Fair enough, Mister Vasilias. As you wish."

Jaune and Neptune both backed up. The three ladies moved away but roughly in between them. A few other students gathered around, curious. The rest of SSSN joined to watch as well. Sun looked faintly amused, Scarlet was smirking, and Sage looked his usual stoic self.

"All right, Jauney-boy! I'm sending you home crying to your mommy!" Neptune snarked.

Jaune's eyes narrowed, and for a moment, Neptune was reconsidering his actions. Those eyes were hard as diamonds, and seemed to be cutting right into him. He rested a hand on Tri-Hard, and sucked in a breath.

No... No, it was all an act. The second he was put in his place, Weiss would lose her interest and he'd swoop in!

"Are you ready?" Weiss asked. Jaune tossed his poncho aside, and set his hand over his revolver. Neptune held one hand over his gun. Sure it was bulky, but he could pull and fire in less than a split second. He'd trained very hard for this!

"Ready!" Neptune stated.

"Yes miss," Jaune replied.

"Then... DRAW!"


Neptune yelped as a shot went right past his skull. His shattered goggles fell off his face and onto the ground in front of him. He stared down at them, and then back up at Jaune. The gunslinger calmly spun his revolver around his fingers, before sliding it into his holster.

What the-?! I didn't even see him DRAW!

"Wow!" Pyrrha cried, rushing up to Jaune's side, "That was incredible, Jaune!"

"Absolutely!" Weiss cheered, now on his other side, "How were you so accurate?"

Jaune blushed, looking genuinely bewildered.

"Er, um... Well, Pa put a gun in my hands when I was little... Bein' on a farm and all... Mister Duke had me practice a lot, and it comes in handy sometimes..."

"Heh, hope you're not as quick a shot in other areas of your life," Yang smirked, wrapping her arms around him from behind.

"M-Miss Xiao-Long!" Jaune sputtered, now bright red.

Neptune gaped at this display, and then went to his knees. He stared at the remains of his goggles in disbelief.

Sun cleared his throat as the rest of the observers broke up.

"You okay there, Neptune?"

Neptune sighed heavily... Then reached up to run his hands through his blue locks.

"Does my hair look okay?! I think he might have singed it! Guys? Did he? Can you check?"

Silence ensued for a moment, before Sage broke it with his patented deadpan:

"He's fine."

- - -

Because sometimes I just wanna bully Neptune. But not too much.
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Because sometimes I just wanna bully Neptune. But not too much.

Neptune is very easy to pick on.

Cowboy Jaune Short Suggestion - In a lot of western's, women that are interested in a cowboy or sheriff will bake them a pie or cake. Time for the girls to show off their skills..... or lack there of......
Ok so a funny cowboy Jaune world idea.

Saffron always wanted to be a cowgirl but wasn't allowed.

She can handle cattle like a pro, she can follow animal trails like a natural and field dress a kill in minutes.

The only thing holding her back is her complete inability to use a gun.

Oh she can hit something, in fact she gets a hit every single time she shoots. 100% success rate.

Of shooting people in the ass.
Hey, I've been thinking about the "Ever After" and there's something that nobody remember. The Original Fairy tail are dark stories. What happen if the time that Jaune passed in the ever after was more similar to a horror story. Like if there are some places where you should not go. Gigantic terrible wolf, baba yaga, ghouls, vampire. You know the nightmare were Grimm were inspired. Could be awesome that they were the villains of the ever afterans.
Also, I just realized: If Arturia and Shirou are Jaune's great-grandparents... Then that means Mordred is his great-aunt. Or potentially his grandmother if you go that route. Or you could move them up a few generations if you wanted to. The point is... Something like this would happen:

View: https://youtu.be/GAbsCdtAehY

Weiss: "Who is that mad woman?"


Weiss: "... And all becomes clear."

Yes! That's hilarious. And in comes Blake, sees it, and declares it some shade of racist. Probably... Or maybe Zwei joins in.

PS: Also, loved the Showdown! Always up for a little Neptune bullying.
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Also, I just realized: If Arturia and Shirou are Jaune's great-grandparents... Then that means Mordred is his great-aunt. Or potentially his grandmother if you go that route. Or you could move them up a few generations if you wanted to. The point is... Something like this would happen:

View: https://youtu.be/GAbsCdtAehY

Weiss: "Who is that mad woman?"


Weiss: "... And all becomes clear."

Yes! That's hilarious. And in comes Blake, sees it, and declares it some shade of racist. Probably... Or maybe Zwei joins in.

PS: Also, loved the Showdown! Always up for a little Neptune bullying.

Blake: "Dog faunus."
Cu: "Uh...I'm called the Hound of Ulster because-"
Blake: "You're a dog faunus. It all makes sense."
Cu: *twitches*
Blake: "Because otherwise it's racist."
Lion King Arturia: "..."

Gilgamesh: "Heroes? I see no heroes, only mongrels."
Blake: "Racist!"
Gilgamesh: "...I admit, that's a new one."

Blake: "Oh, so now faunus aren't worthy of equal treatment?!"
Goetia: WHAT.
Blake: "And, those antlers? That's racist against deer faunus-"

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