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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Superman went through Junior School, High School and college without anyone spotting that he did. So it can't be that hard

Not in Smallville and not in Pre 52 canon.

In Smallville quite a lot of people found out he had powers, over a dozen, only they ended being deal with in most cases since they were villains.

And in Pre 52 canon you have Kryptonite Man. He got a hate bonner on Clark Kent when he found Clark was THE BEST because he cheated by having superpowers.

Clark didn't even apologise or say something lie he didn't get his powers until he became an adult.

90s Superman was a bit of a jerk.
And in Pre 52 canon you have Kryptonite Man. He got a hate bonner on Clark Kent when he found Clark was THE BEST because he cheated by having superpowers.

Clark didn't even apologise or say something lie he didn't get his powers until he became an adult.

90s Superman was a bit of a jerk.

Not Kryptonite Man, but Conduit.

And Clark explicitly told him that he didn't have any superpowers in high school.
I'm trying to work out if a tribe of Danners has a long term chance.
Without a need for technology it would be rather hard maintaining any, long term, which would put them at a severe disadvantage.
Someone could,for instance, kill their food supply, starving them.
They are not a large enough group to have economic clout (see also lack of tech) and while their status as "tribe of hot looking victims of the state" would garner them sympathy, their ststus as superpowered people might negate that. A bit hard to be a victim when you can punch through metal.
Hmm... starving them wouldn't work because they can farm, they just don't right now to avoid detection. But if you took a hostile act like trying to starve them they would start farming, or they would all come and smash their way to your food, and the League would probably be on their side in that action since all they're fighting for is to not starve. The problem of not having technology isn't starvation, it's stagnation. The outside world isn't going to just sit still while you continue being only as strong as a Danner-enhancile. One day you're going to come out of your village and find that someone's declared your habitat a nature preserve and built a Wakandan shield wall around you that even your strength can't break. And then another day you're going to find that the political body that did that has been replaced with another that no longer cares to have you on their land. And you'll go to fight them, confident in your superhuman strength, speed, and endurance... and their shouldermounted purple death ray autoturret will start taking down fifty of you a second, because their tech didn't stay stagnant.
Of course, the downside of everyone having superpowers-

There's a splintering sound as a young woman crushes the base of the trunk of a young tree with her bare hands.

-is that they can get away with rejecting technology. I don't think much of tribal society. It's something everyone starts with and which advanced civilisations grow out of. But if the Accala spread out across the area they might try and claim at a population density that would be sustainable…
Sustainable in the short term sure. But if everyone's a Danner enhancile, then people only die of extreme old age and maybe the occasional disease(and these people know how medicine and disease works so that's a big blow to the danger of sickness). Unless they engage in population control, their population will never stop growing long term because there's nothing in their environment that could kill them. They pretty much will have to engage in farming eventually, so that even if they don't "embrace technology" like OL likes they pretty much have to grow out of being tribal hunter-gatherers because it's just not sustainable for a population over a set size.

"Dawn Warrior?" He turns back from the local he was talking to, who runs off to find someone senior. "Do your people farm?"

"My tribe don't, but some of our allies do. We know how to, but we were worried that planting areas would give us away on aerial photographs."
So yeah, even if they reject things like industrial and post-industrial technology(and even that's an if considering that OL has been hard at work removing them more negative footprints of advanced technology and even helping magic become mainstream, plus the influence of those indigenous tribes that have had closer contact with the "civilized" parts of Brazil and the fact that advanced technology is starting to reach the point where even being a Danner enchancile doesn't make you invincible) and stick to "traditional" methods, you'd still just end up seeing a revival of the old Amazonian river civilizations(now with super strength and possibly better magic thanks to OL's efforts) engaging in mass agriculture and cultivating the forest just like their ancestors did rather then sticking completely to tribal hunter-gatherers.
Not Kryptonite Man, but Conduit.

Wikipedia has Conduit as its image for Kryptonite Man. So yes it is the same character with a different name.
their population will never stop growing long term because there's nothing in their environment that could kill them.

That only works until the next plague outbreak. And yes those have been happening a lot in real life. Recently in China and a few years ago in Brazil...

Danners DON'T have a better immune system when it comes to diseases.
That only works until the next plague outbreak. And yes those have been happening a lot in real life. Recently in China and a few years ago in Brazil...

Danners DON'T have a better immune system when it comes to diseases.
No, but these ones do understand how vaccination and disease work. Modern medicine is going to be one of the things they definitely keep up, as would adopting better mystical cures and spells for disease outbreak. The Amazon River basin used to be home to a widespread and interconnected civilization of around 3 million people, possessing towns and even cities. Then Europeans arrived and European diseases decimated the region as badly as they did the rest of the Americas, reducing a thriving civilization to a collection of small tribes and villages.

What happened to the original Warriors of the Dawn wasn't the first time European diseases fucked over the natives and I highly doubt the leaders of this group are all that keen to see history repeat itself a third time in a row.
Wait if the emotional spectrum built into the universe powers them then how do they run out of charge.
Same way any battery powered device does.
So my question for Mr.Zoat is this a character being a stereotypical dumbass teenage twit who was already seeing red and had a chip on her shoulder, because of team friction *ahem Nazis ahem* or did you the author just decide to write a bit of a drama because it seemed interesting at the time, without really considering the implications?
Beryl knows exactly who he is.
What I'm wondering is what killed Arnold Munro? Danner enhanciles a are pretty damn tough. So, yeah, illness can kill them, but wouldn't Hugo know and seek treatment for anything that made him feel bad? So, wouldn't "finding his corpse" be like finding a murder victim after the fact?

Edit: Fixed the name. I didn't mean Hugo...
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I honestly thought that Hugo may have been in prison after OL had that talk with Fire about using magic to increase her powers.
Wait if the emotional spectrum built into the universe powers them then how do they run out of charge.
The setup works by using a building-sized device (the Central Battery) to create a dimensional tap through which energy corresponding to a particular part of the emotional spectrum can be extracted. This energy is then broadcast across the galaxy to a microwave sized relay/charging station (the Personal Lantern) which in turn charges the wearable device (the Power Ring) which actually generates the constructs. Each device requires the presence of the corresponding emotion in its operator(s) to correctly function, but does not deplete or alter the character of that emotion as part of its normal operations.

A Power Ring can generally only hold a finite amount of emotional spectrum energy at a given time. Some ring variations also include the ability to recharge itself directly in the presence of the corresponding emotion, but this is slow compared to using the dedicated recharging infrastructure and doesn't supply enough energy for high intensity use or use in areas without that emotion being constantly present.
Wikipedia has Conduit as its image for Kryptonite Man. So yes it is the same character with a different name.

Wikipedia doesn't. Superman wiki doesn't. DC Database doesn't. Comicvine doesn't.

Even if they had, the DC Database lists a red saturnian as a martian and even gets his name wrong, wikis are sadly not infallible-D'all. No such character, his name is Dall, he's the Prime Minister of the Red Saturnians, not MM's father in law.

What I'm wondering is what killed Arnold Munro? Danner enhanciles a are pretty damn tough. So, yeah, illness can kill them, but wouldn't Hugo know and seek treatment for anything that made him feel bad? So, wouldn't "finding his corpse" be like finding a murder victim after the fact?

Edit: Fixed the name. I didn't mean Hugo...

You're assuming that Dr Monroe was a Danner enhancile.
Jungle Gym (part 14)
8th September 2010
02:13 GMT +8

A smile to the few remaining cameras, a polite nod to the usher holding open the car door and then step inside the limousine. The door is closed a moment later and the driver begins the journey back to the airfield.


Mercy presses a button and the windows tint, preventing lip readers from recording their words. The barrier between the passenger compartment and the driver is already in place and Mercy will have already checked for listening devices in a car which hasn't been left alone for even a minute.

Still. This isn't home territory, and with superheroes -even unusually helpful ones- on site one could never be too careful.

He gives Mercy a small nod, and she opens a laptop.

"Hugo Danner. Born, eighteen ninety six in Colorado to Abednego and Matilda Danner. Only child-."

He raises his right hand slightly and she stops. No need for his full biography at the moment, though he'll need to absorb the entire thing later.

"The first recorded demonstration of his superhuman abilities was when his French Foreign Legion unit was deployed during the First World War. A fully loaded munitions train they were unloading was struck by German artillery and exploded. He was the only survivor. He was believed to be seriously injured and was transported to a field hospital, but he recovered within a day."

Rapid regeneration was interesting -and possibly very profitable- but that wasn't what Orange Lantern had claimed for him. If the train had been fully loaded… He didn't know what 'fully loaded' meant for a World War One munitions train. It would be in the full brief. Certainly, it would represent a significant level of force.

But enough to injure a kryptonian? That was harder to say with any confidence. He had considered attempting to lure the alien into a large quantity of conventional explosives, but given its estimated toughness based on data gained from weaker attacks it turned out to be impractical. The alien had an acute sense of smell, and there were limits to how much explosive could be manufactured and transported without leaving potentially incriminating records.

"His commanding officer noted that he was shot repeatedly but was never injured."

German rifles and machine guns of that era had a muzzle velocity of just under 3000 feet per second. Given the prevalence of static defences on the western front, he would have to be able to absorb repeated hits in quick succession. Whatever gave him his resilience didn't need to recharge, or if it did it was strong enough that the recharge wasn't noticeable when confronted with mainstream weapons of that era.

"He was also noted as being strong enough to pulverise German bunkers made with concrete and steel."

That was more significant. The human body wasn't designed to bring that level of force to bear, which meant that not only was he strong enough to do that, he was strong enough to do that repeatedly and inefficiently. And resilient enough to do so without being injured. Orange Lantern might still be exaggerating about his peak performance, but this was certainly worth investigating further.

"His next noteworthy action occurs in nineteen fifty two, when he attempted a coup against the government of Brazil with the aid of a group of enhanced tribesmen. They defeated the Brazilian military in every engagement before being defeated by a combination of diseases and the All-Star Squadron."

The All-Star Squadron. The American government's attempt to bring the country's anarchic superhero population under government control. He remembered noting that the organisation failed after they used their powered operatives in what was clearly a military role to support a morally dubious ally, but since he had no interest in improving superhero-related legislation at this stage he hadn't ever learned the specifics.

Physical regeneration, but not disease immunity. Useful, with an available control mechanism.

"In the aftermath of the coup's defeat he was taken into custody by the Brazilian government."

He waits a moment, but Mercy remains silent.


"I take it that they executed him."

"I haven't been able to locate Brazil's records of what they did with the survivors. Since it involves their intelligence agency-."

He nods, once. While he's not averse to using certain third party agencies to perform research on his behalf, in-house research above a certain level of risk requires his direct approval. It's a trade-off in deniability and control, and he had been burned by inadequate contractors before. Though his alliance with Ra's al Ghul has made control... Slightly less of an issue.

"Were there any survivors?"

"Yes. The one most easily contacted is Beto Accala. He's-" She turns the screen to face him. "-seventy two."

The garish costume suggests that he's operating as a superhero, but the face… He'd have guessed that the man was less than half of his actual age. No wrinkles or grey hair, not even a receding hairline. That had applications beyond security. If it actually was the result of a serum of some sort and this 'Beto Accala' wasn't simply Hugo Danner's natural son.

Though even if he was, the opportunities for studying how his body worked…

"Make polite conventional enquiries with our friends in Brazil. I would be quite interested in learning what became of Mister Danner."

'Quite interested' being code for a specific level of financial and legal risk. Given the changes which Brazil had undergone in the intervening period it was unlikely that their intelligence apparatus would react too strongly to an investigation into a foreign criminal who was disappeared in the fifties, but it would be best to smooth things over quickly if they did. He wasn't worried about his personal safety, but such people could become unprofitably distracting when not pacified.

Mercy nods. "And Orange Lantern?"

Orange Lantern indeed. He'd have to check -and he would- but he couldn't call to mind any Green Lantern demonstrating quite that level of control or power before. It would be too much to hope for future cooperation…

"Have our people assemble a file on him."

The other matter he raised -while interesting- would be rather harder to investigate than a dead expatriate. The.. 'ally' who knew most about it was far too erratic and as for other contacts… There were a few magicians of note amongst America's supervillain community, but most were far too unstable and unpredictable to be useful assets.

"Magic research is definitely an area which is ripe for LexCorp to explore. I will simply have to ask our allies whether or not they can recommend a project lead."

11th September 2010
13:27 GMT -3

"No, that's quite alright, Governor, I understand completely."

His freshly pressed suit made him stand out like an alien creature amongst the filth and squalor of the… Prison. It wasn't surprising to learn that Brazil maintained a prison for inmates that it didn't want to admit to holding. He glanced left and right, the cameras in his glasses picking up faces for analysis later.

What was surprising was that they had been looking for a face-saving way to send one inmate home, since between one round of prosecution-dodging document-shredding and another his details appeared to have been entirely lost. They had no idea why he was here at all, and amongst the current generation of Brazilian politicians the fear of the consequences if America found out than they were holding an American citizen were far greater than the fear of whatever he did to be sent here.

"And you will not have any trouble with the repatriation?"

"Oh, no. Clearly, this was the fault of someone from Brazil's period of military rule. And I'm sure that I can talk the State Department into seeing that."

If it ever came to their attention, which was unlikely.

"I will see to it that this lost soul receives appropriate counselling and care."

"That is very generous of you, Mister Luthor."

"Oh, please." He stops, waiting until one of the jailers opens the impressively sturdy metal door into the heavily-reinforced cell. "Call me Lex. And I'm about to go into the cell, so I'm going to have to call you back."

He hangs up, handing the phone to Mercy as he walks through the door. It's dark inside; no windows and little light from the barred arrowslits in the corridor. The smell is… Not as bad as it could be. He suspects that the jailers cleaned it out a little before he arrived. But the man sitting in the corner with his head bowed and his face curtained by his long and tangled hair is clearly in dire need of a bath.

He gets a little closer and crouches down in front of him, careful not to get too close or let any part of his suit touch the floor.

"Hello. My name is Lex Luthor. And I'm here to take you home."

Then he stands and steps aside and the man hardly struggles at all as his jailers manhandle him out.
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He had considered using attempting to lure the alien into a large quantity of conventional explosives,
You might want to remove "using".

which meant that no only was he strong enough to do
Change "no" to "not".

The one most easily contacted is Beto Accala.

and this 'Beta Accala' wasn't simply Hugo Danner's natural son.

Is it "Beto" or "Beta"?

It wasn't surprising to learn the Brazil maintained a prison for inmates
Change "the" to "that".

the fear of the consequences if American found out than they were holding an American citizen were far greater

Change the first "American" to "America".

He hands up, handing the phone
Change "hands" to "hangs".

He smell is… Not as bad as it could be.
Change "He" to "The".
8th September 2010
02:13 GMT +8

A smile to the few remaining cameras, a polite nod to the usher holding open the car door and then step inside the limousine. The door is closed a moment later and the driver begins the journey back to the airfield.


Mercy presses a button and the windows tint, preventing lip readers from recording their words. The barrier between the passenger compartment and the driver is already in place and Mercy will have already checked for listening devices in a car which hasn't been left alone for even a minute.
Hmm, a flashback to how Lex found the good doctor? Unconventional. I take it this is the end of the day of the Rhelasian Peace Conference, am I right? (Can't remember the dates...)

Still. This isn't home territory, and with superheroes -even unusually helpful ones- on site one could never be too careful.

He gives Mercy a small nod, and she opens a laptop.

"Hugo Danner. Born, eighteen ninety six in Colorado to Abednego and Matilda Danner. Only child-."
Surprisingly detailed... Though Lex doesn't need all the details right now...

He raises his right hand slightly and she stops. No need for his full biography at the moment, though he'll need to absorb the entire thing later.

"The first recorded demonstration of his superhuman abilities was when his French Foreign Legion unit was deployed during the First World War. A fully loaded munitions train they were unloading was struck by German artillery and exploded. He was the only survivor. He was believed to be seriously injured and was transported to a field hospital, but he recovered within a day."
'Tougher than an exploding shell' indeed.

Rapid regeneration was interesting -and possibly very profitable- but that wasn't what Orange Lantern had claimed for him. If the train had been fully loaded… He didn't know what 'fully loaded' meant for a World War One munitions train. It would be in the full brief. Certainly, it would represent a significant level of force.
Quite a bit, yes. Though only a part of it would have been effective against a man-sized target. It's just that the forces involved usually result in people becoming, to borrow the phrase, Chunky Salsa.

But enough to injure a kryptonian? That was harder to say with any confidence. He had considered using attempting to lure the alien into a large quantity of conventional explosives, but given its estimated toughness based on data gained from weaker attacks it turned out to be impractical. The alien had an accurate sense of smell, and there were limits to how much explosive could be manufactured and transported without leaving potentially incriminating records.
And less than likely to work anyway. Superman's toughness is more than just physical.

"His commanding officer noted that he was shot repeatedly but was never injured."

German rifles and machine guns of that era had a muzzle velocity of just under 3000 feet per second. Given the prevalence of static defences on the western front, he would have to be able to absorb repeated hits in quick succession. Whatever gave him his resilience didn't need to recharge, or if it did it was strong enough that the recharge wasn't noticeable when confronted with mainstream weapons of that era.
Anything smaller than said artillery shells would barely phase him. It might sting a little, which would do wonders for his temper...

"He was also noted as being strong enough to pulverise German bunkers made with concrete and steel."

That was more significant. The human body wasn't designed to bring that level of force to bear, which meant that no only was he strong enough to do that he was strong enough to do that repeatedly and inefficiently. And resilient enough to do so without being injured. Orange Lantern might still be exaggerating about his peak performance, but this was certainly worth investigating further.
No exaggeration needed, Lex...

"His next noteworthy action occurs in nineteen fifty two, when he attempted a coup against the government of Brazil with the aid of a group of enhanced tribesmen. They defeated the Brazilian military in every engagement before being defeated by a combination of diseases and the All-Star Squadron."

The All-Star Squadron. The American government's attempt to bring the country's anarchic superhero population under government control. He remembered noting that the organisation failed after they used their powered operatives in what was clearly a military role to support a morally dubious ally, but since he had no interest in improving superhero-related legislation at this stage he hadn't ever learned the specifics.
Ah, Lex...So short-sighted...

Physical regeneration, but not disease immunity. Useful, with an available control mechanism.

"In the aftermath of the coup's defeat he was taken into custody by the Brazilian government."
Oh-ho, not killed in action. More evidence!

He waits a moment, but Mercy remains silent.


"I take it that they executed him."
As if. Not when he could still be useful. Say, making supermen for the Brazilian government. Not that I expect he was all that co-operative.

"I haven't been able to locate Brazil's records of what they did with the survivors. Since it involves their intelligence agency-."

He nods, once. While he's not averse to using certain third party agencies to perform research on his behalf, in-house research above a certain level of risk requires his direct approval. It's a trade-off in deniability and control, and he had been burned by inadequate contractors before. Though his alliance with Ra's al Ghul has made control... Slightly less of an issue.
Ah, he used the Shadows to track Hugo down, eh?

"Were there any survivors?"

"Yes. The one most easily contacted is Beto Accala. He's-" She turns the screen to face him. "-seventy two."
And there's Dawn Warrior.

The garish costume suggests that he's operating as a superhero, but the face… He'd have guessed that the man was less than half of his actual age. No wrinkles or grey hair, not even a receding hairline. That had applications beyond security. If it actually was the result of a serum of some sort and this 'Beta Accala' wasn't simply Hugo Danner's natural son.

Though even if he was, the opportunities for studying how his body worked…
Now, now, Lex. Let's not jump to vivisection or dissection yet.

"Make polite conventional enquiries with our friends in Brazil. I would be quite interested in learning what became of Mister Danner."

'Quite interested' being code for a specific level of financial and legal risk. Given the changes which Brazil had undergone in the intervening period it was unlikely that their intelligence apparatus would react too strongly to an investigation into a foreign criminal who was disappeared in the fifties, but it would be best to smooth things over quickly if they did. He wasn't worried about his personal safety, but such people could become unprofitably distracting when not pacified.
And the sheer size of the bribes needed would be distinctly large, making them more likely to be noticed.

Mercy nods. "And Orange Lantern?"

Orange Lantern indeed. He'd have to check -and he would- but he couldn't call to mind any Green Lantern demonstrating quite that level of control or power before. It would be too much to hope for future cooperation…
Bobblehead Malware and shitty training. But Lex doesn't know that. And 'future cooperation'? Hilarious in hindsight.

"Have our people assemble a file on him."

The other matter he raised -while interesting- would be rather harder to investigate than a dead expatriate. The.. 'ally' who knew most about it was far too erratic and as for other contacts… There were a few magicians of note amongst America's supervillain community, but most were far too unstable and unpredictable to be useful assets.
Ah, Lex looking into the mystical side of things that OL mentioned.

"Magic research if definitely an area which is ripe for LexCorp to explore. I will simply have to ask our allies whether or not they can recommend a project lead."
"Let's not ask the Boy, though. I doubt he'd have any useful information..."

11th September 2010
13:27 GMT -3

"No, that's quite alright, Governor, I understand completely."
Three days? Lex moves fast when he's motivated!

His freshly pressed suit made him stand out like an alien creature amongst the filth and squalor of the… Prison. It wasn't surprising to learn the Brazil maintained a prison for inmates that it didn't want to admit to holding. He glanced left and right, the cameras in his glasses picking up faces for analysis later.
No doubt some useful recruits for less savoury endeavours down the line.

What was surprising was that they had been looking for a face-saving way to send one inmate home, since between one round of prosecution-dodging document-shredding and another his details appeared to have been entirely lost. They had no idea why he here at all, and amongst the current generation of Brazilian politicians the fear of the consequences if American found out than they were holding an American citizen were far greater than the fear of whatever he did to be sent here.
Ha! Of course the old administration buried his info. Wouldn't want their successors learning they had a man who could make supermen in prison...

"And you will not have any trouble with the repatriation?"

"Oh, no. Clearly, this was the fault of someone from Brazil's period of military rule. And I'm sure that I can talk the State Department into seeing that."

If it ever came to their attention, which was unlikely.
Again, bribes will grease those wheels if needed.

"I will see to it that this lost soul receives appropriate counselling and care."

"That is very generous of you, Mister Luthor."

"Oh, please." He stops, waiting until one of the jailers opens the impressively sturdy metal door into the heavily-reinforced cell. "Call me Lex. And I'm about to go into the cell, so I'm going to have to call you back."
That's a big risk, no telling how Hugo would react. Though I don't doubt he has a personal forcefield or two hidden about his person.

He hands up, handing the phone to Mercy as he walks through the door. It's dark inside; no windows and little light from the barred arrowslits in the corridor. He smell is… Not as bad as it could be. He suspects that the jailers cleaned it out a little before he arrived. But the man sitting in the corner with his head bowed and his face curtained by his long and tangled hair is clearly in dire need of a bath.

He gets a little closer and crouches down in front of him, careful not to get too close or let any part of his suit touch the floor.
I suspect those stains would be a bitch to get out. Easier to burn it.

"Hello. My name is Lex Luthor. And I'm here to take you home."

Then he stands and steps aside and the man hardly struggles at all as his jailers manhandle him out.
Ah, he's sunk into catatonia. Probably from knowing he got so many children killed with his stupid plan...

And he carts our guy off to India, drops him off in a state-of-the-art facility to create more formula for Human testing and possible post-natal augmentation methods, where the team met him as Arnold Munro... I'm impressed Lex moved so fast on this. He really wants that super-formula, doesn't he? Probably a big ego boost and profits ahead if he ever makes it work.
Ah, he's sunk into catatonia. Probably from knowing he got so many children killed with his stupid plan...

He committed suicide in All-Star Squadron. Edit-Young All-Stars rather.

Jumped into the smokestack of a factory which then shortly went boom.

So I'm not sure if he took it better or worse here.
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Seems a bit weird that it takes less than two weeks to go from being so depressed that he sat in a prison that couldn't possibly hold him for sixty years, straight to seamlessly pulling off a clever deception in which he poses as his own son in a lab in India.
Seems a bit weird that it takes less than two weeks to go from being so depressed that he sat in a prison that couldn't possibly hold him for sixty years, straight to seamlessly pulling off a clever deception in which he poses as his own son in a lab in India.

having your lifes work be appreciated can do that to a person.

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