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[RWBY] RWBY Shorts

I know it is Tanya Degurechaff, dunno what the other one is
Personally I would give it the wolf-like appearance of the Berserker Armour from Berserk, so it's appearance would allude somewhat to that of a Beowolf and to The Hound (the first and most numerous/iconic Grimm, and the most elite and intelligent artificial Grimm that also has a human/faunus at it's core).
That's just an estetic thing, it's abilities couls still be very much be those of Fate Berserker Lancelot, or possibly both (like a broken arm being pieced together by the armor injecting thin spines from itself into the broken bones.)

Yeah, that would work really well actually! A black Knight reminiscent of both a human knight and the monsters that haunt the dreams of humanity. An unholy amalgamation of the two made into a suit of armor. Something that would strike instinctual fear into humans, while appearing uncanny in how human it looks, worsened by how Grimm it feels.

You're completely right! The armor needs to look like a combination of Guts' Berserker Armor and Berserker Lancelot's armor.

And while the armor Jaune would have, which I shall now call the Berserker Armor since Lancelot is a Berserker and in reference to Guts armor, would be plenty strong enough to block most forms of damage, armor is best at defending against slashing and stabbing.

Blunt damage is only partially blocked. And since he wouldn't use his aura to defend himself unless he felt he had to, a good way to fight him would be Nora's favorite. Just break his fucking legs! The fucks he gonma do against that!? Get fucked, nerd!

So, the Berserker Armor would need some way to mitigate this glaring weakness. So... The Berserker Armor would do as the Berserker Armor is wont to do. Stab him. Stab him a whole fucking lot. Stab him and keep his limbs together so he can keep fighting even with all his bones smashed up. His aura'll heal him, so it'll only need to do it until the bones are healed back together. Don't worry, the Berserker Armor is diligent in keeping the bones together so it sets properly.

Plus... Aura Amplification. Jaune's aura ain't no normal healing. That shit is high-speed regeneration! Even severed limbs can grow back after a few days. So Jaune should be able to properly regenerate even if his bones are ground away.

Also, here's another scenario for "Black Knight Jaune Lancelot Arc": Instead of being kidnapped after the Fall of Beacon, he's kidnapped at a much younger age. So he becomes Lancelot before canon.

He's sent with Cinder to attack the Fall Maiden. This can change how things end up for the worse, or they can end up as canon or even possibky better than canon.

Worse than Canon: Lancelot-Jaune helps them beat up Amber and start the SUCC earlier, and/or helps fight off Qrow so the siphoning can be completed.

Canon: Lancelot-Jaune's Madness Enhancement ends up with him attacking his own allies. Maybe Mercury says something and sets him off, and it escalates from there. Nonetheless, Qrow halts the siphoning half-way through.

Better than Canon: Madness Enhancement goes off pretty early in the fight, and in his madness Jaune gets in the way of an ally's attack. Jaune takes this as them having attacked him, because he is literally too angry to not be stupid, and "defends himself" by attacking the people whose attack he stood in front of. Thos leads to Qrow getging Amber out of there and leaving Cinder with none of the Maiden magic.

I want Amber to be an actual character, so I'll go with better than canon, I think.

In the fight, Jaune beats up Cinder, Emerald, Mercury, Amber and Qrow. He isn't able to finish any of them off, and Jaune gets knocked unconscious by Amber burying him under a few tons of stone.

The evil trio are too battered to fight both Amber and Qrow, and retreat. Qrow investigates the Black Knight and finds him still alive. Jaune's armor and everything about him is super weird and creepy, so Qrow decides that Ozpin needs to see this for himself.

So Qrow and Amber tie Jaune up and basically cocoon him so he can't move. They take him to Beacon, and Ozpin realizes "oh fuck, this is some fucked shit" and tries to help Jaune with what little magic he has left.

Ozpin's able to break any brainwashing or mind control effect on him, and Jaune agrees to join Ozpin. Jaune can't remember anything about Cinder and her trio, on account of having been buried under a couple dozen tons of stone, but he tells them that Arthur "Arrrthurrrrrr!!" Watts is part of Salem's Inner Circle.

Ozpin also figures out that this Lancelot is Jaune Arc, since For Someone's Glory isn't being used. So, Oz sets Jaune up to join the upcoming Beacon school-year, so that Jaune can keep an eye on, and act as Ruby Rose's "Knight". Lancelot can be her shadow, her knight that protects her from Salem's forces.

Also... Arc Family would get involved. He disappeared when he was like 5 years old, and suddenly he shows up at Beacon 12 years later looking like an unholy fusion between the storybook Black Knight and a fucking Grimm? Yeah, Arc Family is getting involved. Oz will probably get Jaune's dad into his Inner Circle so he doesn't make enemies he doesn't need. And so he can protect the Arcs from having any more members stolen to turn into monsters.

I think the story would be decently dark. Jaune Arc as Lancelot is pretty fucked up, after all. I imagine it would take a lot to help Jaune, and his Madness Enhancement would stop him from ever fully recovering from what happened. But he could still learn to better be a part of society, and be a good person. He can learn to be a hero.

A very violent, murderous, bloodthirsty hero who screams "ARRRRTHUUUUUUR!!!!" And howls like a rabid dog, who constantly twitches and looks like he's always one slight inconvenience away from completely losing his shit... but a hero nonetheless.

Also, totally Lancaster and White Knight since they're both are OTP. Maybe some Knightshade as well. Might as well add Dragonayer just to complete the set.

While the story would be pretty dark, occasionally there would be some light hearted scenes.

Just... Imagine someone from teams RWBY or JNPR walking in on Lancelot-Jaune doing some fucky shit like this:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGTXTzAvthM&pp=ygUPTGFuY2Vsb3QgYmFuYW5h

Fuck you, this shit will never not be funny to me.

Remember that phrase I used in that story one time? "I have the humor of a two year old with a tumor." Yeah, I used that because that's how I describe my humor. My humor is broken and I will not apologize!

Everyone should go support Mirabeau Studios. They make good shit. Like this:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THqRYyIZAWQ
Ok so here's a idea.

Aura "resonates" in certain ways. Nobody is sure why, but certain clothes, weapons, attitudes, hell even music! Can effect the potency and strength of your aura.

Some people like Adam lean all into what their aura resonates with and become almost like a character.

Others try to resist things, maybe they use a different weapon than the one that meshes with them, maybe they avoid the musical or styles their auras react to.

It's not enough to ruin them exactly but there are little disconnects that keep them from hitting their full potential.
Aura "resonates" in certain ways.

Do people know exactly what resonates? Or do they only find out by trying different things and seeing which ones resonate the most?

What happens if you don't like what you resonate with? Or does the resonance affect what you like?

Sorry, I like overthinking stuff.
Do people know exactly what resonates? Or do they only find out by trying different things and seeing which ones resonate the most?

What happens if you don't like what you resonate with? Or does the resonance affect what you like?

Sorry, I like overthinking stuff.
It'd assume it's partially try what works and partially a pull.

I was thinking that this could be part of jaunes issues. He wants to be a knight but it's not quite right. Square peg, round hole.

I also think it could be interesting in ways like say with coco. She is supposed to be very into fashion which could limit her as a huntress if changing her style would effect her potency. Another example of Aura messing with someone outside of Qrow.

It could also be a fun way to play around with Weiss. Part of her thing is her father controlling her life. It could be that she resonates with things wildly outside of her families expected image but she's spent so long being locked into a certain style that even though they're literally the most comfortable things to her soul they make her feel unnatural and uncomfortable.
So, in canon, Ren's Semblance evolves to be only a mood detector. But you know what else a martial artist with unnatural calmness even after experiencing great stress could be?
Ultra Instinct.

That's it. That's the entire idea. Ren gets Ultra Instinct.
It also kinda fits: Beyond the absolute focus thing he has, Ren doesn't really show any outstanding desires like his friends do, except perhaps spending time with Nora and the whole Kuroyuri thing that's already resolved.
Also, he gets to dodge attacks like he dodges the screen time. (Sun and Pyrrha, maybe even Neptune has more screen time in the first three Volumes. *It's an exaggeration. Don't quote me on that.*)
To circle back a bit to the Artificer idea; would an Artificer Jaune be kinda like the Peter Parker of the RWBY setting (probably using the Iron Spider exoskeleton variant)?

Like Peter, Jaune is a quite nerdy guy who's still very popular with girls/women, comparatively anyway (especially with mature women/mothers), his main love interest is a redhead, (it's also funny how P's other hair colours match the hair colours of Jaune's friends, and both groups include a cat girl, it being Blake and Felicia Hardy/Black Cat) and at least one of their love interests was murdered by a villain, both of them never back down or give up, both have a martyr complex and suffer from heroic self-deprecation.
If he's a tinkerer, then he would have build most of his gear himself, like Peter does.

The reasons why Jaune would invent each gadget could be somewhat different, if Jaune didn't outright get spider-powers due to mutating or magically changed in some way.
  • Web shooters: Jaune doesn't have any ranged options, so he makes a way to pull enemies or himself closer so he can hit them with his sword (instead of just getting a gun like everyone else on Remnant).
  • Wall crawling: He needs more ways to get closer, and walking up a wall to get there is handy.
  • Super-strength: hit things harder with his sword.
  • Better jumping: To Dooodge!!!!! (better)
  • Waldoes/mechanical spider-arms: good for stabbing multiple enemies at once (or one much more), extra stability and grabbing stuff.
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To circle back a bit to the Artificer idea;

Artificer Jaune? Hmmm... A Jaune who creates magical artifacts, huh?

Ooooh~! I have an idea!


Jaune Arc makes homunculi. They're stronger, tougher, faster and react quicker than humans. But they're all completely white except for their blood red eyes.

They have accelerated growth, and while in their tube receive all necessary knowledge for their designated role. After a week(?) they emerge fully grown. They get equipped and are ready for battle.

All homunculi, however, are incredibly flawed beings. They all have shortened lifespans. Only living upwards of 30 years, with 10 years being the average. After that point, their body undergoes mass apoptosis and they, essentially, liquify while alive.
To circle back a bit to the Artificer idea; would an Artificer Jaune be kinda like the Peter Parker of the RWBY setting (probably using the Iron Spider exoskeleton variant)?

Like Peter, Jaune is a quite nerdy guy who's still very popular with girls/women, comparatively anyway (especially with mature women/mothers), his main love interest is a redhead, (it's also funny how P's other hair colours match the hair colours of Jaune's friends, and both groups include a cat girl, it being Blake and Felicia Hardy/Black Cat) and at least one of their love interests was murdered by a villain, both of them never back down or give up, both have a martyr complex and suffer from heroic self-deprecation.
If he's a tinkerer, then he would have build most of his gear himself, like Peter does.

The reasons why Jaune would invent each gadget could be somewhat different, if Jaune didn't outright get spider-powers due to mutating or magically changed in some way.
  • Web shooters: Jaune doesn't have any ranged options, so he makes a way to pull enemies or himself closer so he can hit them with his sword (instead of just getting a gun like everyone else on Remnant).
  • Wall crawling: He needs more ways to get closer, and walking up a wall to get there is handy.
  • Super-strength: hit things harder with his sword.
  • Better jumping: To Dooodge!!!!! (better)
  • Waldoes/mechanical spider-arms: good for stabbing multiple enemies at once (or one much more), extra stability and grabbing stuff.

I like it! There's actually a manga about a guy without spider powers trying to become Spiderman that might be good inspiration.
Artificer Jaune? Hmmm... A Jaune who creates magical artifacts, huh?

Ooooh~! I have an idea!


Jaune Arc makes homunculi. They're stronger, tougher, faster and react quicker than humans. But they're all completely white except for their blood red eyes.

They have accelerated growth, and while in their tube receive all necessary knowledge for their designated role. After a week(?) they emerge fully grown. They get equipped and are ready for battle.

All homunculi, however, are incredibly flawed beings. They all have shortened lifespans. Only living upwards of 30 years, with 10 years being the average. After that point, their body undergoes mass apoptosis and they, essentially, liquify while alive.
It's an interesting idea, but I feel like I need to point out that Artificer doesn't necessarily mean they can create anything magical.

The official definition of Artificer is; "a skilled craftsman or inventor" or "a skilled mechanic in the armed forces".

So a version of an Artificer Jaune could make magical items, but they could also be like Iron Man, Worm Tinkers if their tech is completely mundane.
If they combine magic and technology they could be like Doctor Doom.
It's an interesting idea, but I feel like I need to point out that Artificer doesn't necessarily mean they can create anything magical.


I thought Artificer had to do with magic.

I feel stupid.

Though, to be fair, me being stupid is the norm.
An interesting and kinda crack idea here but, what if Jaune accidentally finds out a glitch with aura?

Turns out using his aura boosting semblance on someone with a active aura while also doing a aura unlock attempt causes a strange interaction that re-locks their aura.
Yeah, that would work really well actually! A black Knight reminiscent of both a human knight and the monsters that haunt the dreams of humanity. An unholy amalgamation of the two made into a suit of armor. Something that would strike instinctual fear into humans, while appearing uncanny in how human it looks, worsened by how Grimm it feels.

You're completely right! The armor needs to look like a combination of Guts' Berserker Armor and Berserker Lancelot's armor.

And while the armor Jaune would have, which I shall now call the Berserker Armor since Lancelot is a Berserker and in reference to Guts armor, would be plenty strong enough to block most forms of damage, armor is best at defending against slashing and stabbing.

Blunt damage is only partially blocked. And since he wouldn't use his aura to defend himself unless he felt he had to, a good way to fight him would be Nora's favorite. Just break his fucking legs! The fucks he gonma do against that!? Get fucked, nerd!

So, the Berserker Armor would need some way to mitigate this glaring weakness. So... The Berserker Armor would do as the Berserker Armor is wont to do. Stab him. Stab him a whole fucking lot. Stab him and keep his limbs together so he can keep fighting even with all his bones smashed up. His aura'll heal him, so it'll only need to do it until the bones are healed back together. Don't worry, the Berserker Armor is diligent in keeping the bones together so it sets properly.

Plus... Aura Amplification. Jaune's aura ain't no normal healing. That shit is high-speed regeneration! Even severed limbs can grow back after a few days. So Jaune should be able to properly regenerate even if his bones are ground away.

Also, here's another scenario for "Black Knight Jaune Lancelot Arc": Instead of being kidnapped after the Fall of Beacon, he's kidnapped at a much younger age. So he becomes Lancelot before canon.

He's sent with Cinder to attack the Fall Maiden. This can change how things end up for the worse, or they can end up as canon or even possibky better than canon.

Worse than Canon: Lancelot-Jaune helps them beat up Amber and start the SUCC earlier, and/or helps fight off Qrow so the siphoning can be completed.

Canon: Lancelot-Jaune's Madness Enhancement ends up with him attacking his own allies. Maybe Mercury says something and sets him off, and it escalates from there. Nonetheless, Qrow halts the siphoning half-way through.

Better than Canon: Madness Enhancement goes off pretty early in the fight, and in his madness Jaune gets in the way of an ally's attack. Jaune takes this as them having attacked him, because he is literally too angry to not be stupid, and "defends himself" by attacking the people whose attack he stood in front of. Thos leads to Qrow getging Amber out of there and leaving Cinder with none of the Maiden magic.

I want Amber to be an actual character, so I'll go with better than canon, I think.

In the fight, Jaune beats up Cinder, Emerald, Mercury, Amber and Qrow. He isn't able to finish any of them off, and Jaune gets knocked unconscious by Amber burying him under a few tons of stone.

The evil trio are too battered to fight both Amber and Qrow, and retreat. Qrow investigates the Black Knight and finds him still alive. Jaune's armor and everything about him is super weird and creepy, so Qrow decides that Ozpin needs to see this for himself.

So Qrow and Amber tie Jaune up and basically cocoon him so he can't move. They take him to Beacon, and Ozpin realizes "oh fuck, this is some fucked shit" and tries to help Jaune with what little magic he has left.

Ozpin's able to break any brainwashing or mind control effect on him, and Jaune agrees to join Ozpin. Jaune can't remember anything about Cinder and her trio, on account of having been buried under a couple dozen tons of stone, but he tells them that Arthur "Arrrthurrrrrr!!" Watts is part of Salem's Inner Circle.

Ozpin also figures out that this Lancelot is Jaune Arc, since For Someone's Glory isn't being used. So, Oz sets Jaune up to join the upcoming Beacon school-year, so that Jaune can keep an eye on, and act as Ruby Rose's "Knight". Lancelot can be her shadow, her knight that protects her from Salem's forces.

Also... Arc Family would get involved. He disappeared when he was like 5 years old, and suddenly he shows up at Beacon 12 years later looking like an unholy fusion between the storybook Black Knight and a fucking Grimm? Yeah, Arc Family is getting involved. Oz will probably get Jaune's dad into his Inner Circle so he doesn't make enemies he doesn't need. And so he can protect the Arcs from having any more members stolen to turn into monsters.

I think the story would be decently dark. Jaune Arc as Lancelot is pretty fucked up, after all. I imagine it would take a lot to help Jaune, and his Madness Enhancement would stop him from ever fully recovering from what happened. But he could still learn to better be a part of society, and be a good person. He can learn to be a hero.

A very violent, murderous, bloodthirsty hero who screams "ARRRRTHUUUUUUR!!!!" And howls like a rabid dog, who constantly twitches and looks like he's always one slight inconvenience away from completely losing his shit... but a hero nonetheless.

Also, totally Lancaster and White Knight since they're both are OTP. Maybe some Knightshade as well. Might as well add Dragonayer just to complete the set.

While the story would be pretty dark, occasionally there would be some light hearted scenes.

Just... Imagine someone from teams RWBY or JNPR walking in on Lancelot-Jaune doing some fucky shit like this:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGTXTzAvthM&pp=ygUPTGFuY2Vsb3QgYmFuYW5h

Fuck you, this shit will never not be funny to me.

Remember that phrase I used in that story one time? "I have the humor of a two year old with a tumor." Yeah, I used that because that's how I describe my humor. My humor is broken and I will not apologize!

Everyone should go support Mirabeau Studios. They make good shit. Like this:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THqRYyIZAWQ

I hope not to rain on anyone's parade, but there's no reason join Salem's Camp except for self-destructive spite, greed or insanity.

She literally wants to destroy the world or that will be an inevitable consequence of her plans, which is why I can never find any fic's about joining her side worth reading.

Plus, she's overpowered and in my opinion poorly written.

Though you could say the latter about almost all RWBY characters.
Again, Volumes 4-9 all feel like rough drafts that were written in the moment without any real thought as to how they would all work together, and filled with stupid political stuff that just pandered to the vocal minority of the fanbase-People who for the most part don't buy anything to support the show.

But that's not really a discussion for this thread to focus on. Some more random ideas:

-Cowboy Jaune is determined to not court any woman unless he's absolutely sure she's the one he'll marry. His friends have opinions on this.

-Eve Taurus seeks favor with Jaune's family in Radian, so they will bless their union.

-Nora and Ren's continuing adventures with Yin, the childhood friend who wants to marry Ren.

-Nora's dad isn't dead, he just got hit with a curse:


-Blake and Weiss escalate their feud with their boyfriends Jaune and Sun!

-As it turns out, the teachers at Beacon are betting on various relationship outcomes. And are not above influencing the shipping for their own personal benefit. Who's betting on Jaune getting a harem?

-More ideas for Jaune's sisters as presented in White Knight Errant.

-Taiyang enters a martial arts tournament to get some extra money for his family. Cue various shonen manga references!

I thought Artificer had to do with magic.

I feel stupid.

Though, to be fair, me being stupid is the norm.
To be even more fair, D&D has a whole class that specialises in making magic items called Artificer, which is also the first thing that comes up when you search the word Artificer, so the confusion is very understandable.
-As it turns out, the teachers at Beacon are betting on various relationship outcomes. And are not above influencing the shipping for their own personal benefit. Who's betting on Jaune getting a harem?
Have it be Professor Port, and he's getting paid right after Glynda admits she's parts of it.
-More ideas for Jaune's sisters as presented in White Knight Errant.
Aqua and her party decide to visit, and inspite of how much of a scumbag as he can seem. Was actually a pretty decent big brother figure for Jaune the few times he was around, some of the others are conflicted. Possibly especially Weiss and/or Pyrrha. Ren is just annoyed at how willing Kazuma is to provide Nora with explosives to cause chaos.
there's no reason join Salem's Camp except for self-destructive spite, greed or insanity.

The post you replied to is a continuation of another of my posts in the previous page. Plus, I even bring up brainwashing and mind control in the post you replied to.

It is heavily implied Jaune working for Salem was not willing. At all.

She literally wants to destroy the world or that will be an inevitable consequence of her plans

If you have a method to grant her death, then there's really no reason not to join her.

Hell, one of the ideas I've been workshopping is an SI-OC character whose given Morgan le Fay's powers. The idea is that he goes to Salem and gets her to help him set up a Greater Holy Grail underneath Vale with Arthur's help.

Then, he sets up a Holy Grail War. Seven Masters, Seven Servants. Except he cheats, because of course he will.

He's set it up so it will happen every 60 years, and the Grail will provide the bulk of the energy for the Servants. For the first Holy Grail War, Salem will be the Master of Ruler. She will come to Vale and adjudicate the conflict. She will ensure that no one is going against the rules, and there's no mass slaughter of people. Fighting happens at night, and Salem will be the one to inform any Masters of the Holy Grail War.

The SI-OC, Ludwig, would be the master of Avenger. He would fight as an extra player, and if he wins he'll wish that Salem has her immortality removed. If he fails, it's no big problem since Salem can always try again when the Greater Grail recharges in 60 years. For an immortal, that's no time at all.

My thoughts on the pairs are as follows:

Jaune Arc
Berserker: Kriemhild

Weiss Schnee
Saber: Sigurd

Raven Branwen
Archer: Tomoe Gozen

Ilia Amitola
Rider: Dobrynya Nikitich

Roman Torchwick
Assassin: EMIYA

Cinder Fall
Lancer: Caenis

Penny Polendina
Caster: Leonardo Da Vinci

Ruler: Artoria Pendragon

SI/Ludwig Gazettweit Regelvin Sveltenrosse
Avenger: Gorgon

Yes. I did name the SI-OC "Ludwig Gazettweit Regelvin Sveltenrosse."

Yes. The name is ridiculous.

No. I do not know what that means.

No. I do not really care what it means.

Yes. I did spend a long time coming up with the name.

Yes. I did name him that to emulate the weird ass names Magus tend to have in the Nasuverse. It's my favorite series, fucking sue me.
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The Vytal Festival Reunion New
- - -

All the stands, games, and other activities were a bit overwhelming to Jaune. Sure, they'd had festivals in Radian like clockwork, but this was on a whole other level!

"Heh," Yang muttered, "Nobody would confuse you for a small town yokel, would they?"

Jaune coughed and blushed. He scratched the back of his head as multitudes of people bustled, played, and laughed around them. They were relaxing by a fountain near the entrance to the festival proper.

"I... Yeah, I'm not selling sophisticated, am I?" He asked.

He'd agreed to meet up with the teams at the festival. He and Yang had been the first to arrive, and she was not making things easy. She elbowed him playfully.

"Relax, I'll show you how to handle all this," Yang chuckled, "I mean, Ruby's gonna be overwhelmed so we'll both need to wrangle the teams, huh?"

"Yeah," Jaune nodded. He playfully elbowed her back. "Though I think Ruby's been doing more of that with you lately."

"Oho~! VB's actually joking back?" Yang laughed with a grin, "What has gotten into you?"

It was strangely freeing when he stopped pursuing Weiss. It let him see a lot more going on around him than his desperate need to prove himself. He shrugged.

"Just appreciating that I'm waiting with a pretty girl, who's a lot of fun, and I want to have fun too," he said.

Yang stared at him, her jaw dropped. Her cheeks went red. Jaune gaped back.

Huh? Is that... No way...!

She cleared her throat, and elbowed him a bit more sharply.


He winced and held his side.

"Heh... D-Don't get too carried away, Jaune," she said with a wink, "But this is a nicer attitude than what you usually have. Keep it up!"

"Uh, sure?" Jaune blinked. Yang beamed.

"So, where shall we herd our kids to first, Papa Arc? Don't want them to get upset tummies, so no dessert until after dinner!"

"Sounds like a good plan to me!" A baritone male voice boomed cheerfully behind them.

Jaune yelped, as did Yang. Jaune winced.

Oh no, please, don't let it be...

He slowly turned around. Yang gaped next to him. He supposed he couldn't blame her: The pair before them were getting a lot of looks and Scroll photo shots.

A man well over seven foot tall and built like a brickhouse stood before him, wearing a well traveled brown duster over white and black plate armor. A truly gigantic twin-pronged railgun sword hung off his back, and a bastard sword only slightly shorter with one blade hung from his belt. His chin was like a lantern, and covered in a fine, well groomed beard. Faint scars were over his cheeks and above his gray eyes. His hair was short and neat, and just as blonde as his beard. He grinned broadly, his teeth shining in the sun.

His female companion was much shorter, only coming up to his shoulders, but was absolutely stunning. She was curvy but athletic, with wide curves and long, strong legs. She wore a green dress with a simple belt, stockings, and slim and elegant black boots. A white labcoat rested on her shoulders and waved slightly in the breeze. Her golden honey hair was tied back in a high ponytail, and her deep blue eyes were magnified by a pair of black rimmed glasses. Her face was slim with a pointed chin and light freckles over her high, aristocratic cheeks. Her expression was a mixture of relief and some annoyance, all directed at Jaune.

"Hey Jaune!" Ruby shouted, appearing right next to him. She beamed, then looked at the newcomers. The rest of their teams arrived. Weiss and Pyrrha stared intently at the tall man, both gaining slight blushes.

"Uh... So... Who are these people? Why are we standing around awkwardly?" Nora broke the ice.

Jaune cleared his throat.

"Um, friends? This is Nick and Isabel Arc... My parents."

- - -

For the fifth time, Pyrrha looked worriedly over at the trio of Jaune, Nick, and Isabel. They had moved some distance from the fountain to talk in privacy. The rest of the teams still lingered, wearing expressions ranging from concern to impatience.

"It'll be fine, Pyrrha, r-really!" Ruby insisted. "I mean... What's the worst they could do?"

"Pull Jaune out of Beacon so we never see him again?" Nora laughed... Then became very somber. Ruby and Pyrrha gaped back at her in horror. Nora winced.

"Y-Yeah, um, that's less funny right now, isn't it?"

"I'm sure they'll be fine," Blake said, though her tone was a bit more sullen than usual.

"Yes," Weiss stated, "I-I'm sure it'll be fine... Still... It's amazing to think he came from two such intense people..."

"And did you see his dad?" Yang grinned, and licked her lips, "Rowr. I think we're seeing the future there, ladies."

"Yang!" Ruby blushed brightly. Weiss and Pyrrha followed suit. Blake gave the two Arc men a once over and hummed.

"I can see the appeal."

"BLAKE!" Weiss cried. "D-Don't say such things, you perverted cat!"

"It's what you're thinking," Blake deadpanned.

"I AM NOT! I-I just think Jaune might look better with a beard, th-that's all," Weiss stuttered, "H-He needs all the help he can get!"

"Right, that's all you're thinking," Yang deadpanned, "Not what's under the beard... Or the armor-"

"SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!" Ruby cried, covering Yang's mouth with her hands, "THIS IS SERIOUS!"

"They don't seem too angry," Ren observed calmly, "More that they're sorting things out. He did run off to Beacon without their permission, after all."

"You-You think so?" Pyrrha asked hopefully.

Jaune and his mother hugged tightly. He patted her on the back, and she pulled back just enough to smile at him. He smiled back, though wiped a tear from his eyes as discretely as he could. He then turned to his father, who looked very stern... Before he grinned and pulled his son into a tight bearhug, nearly taking him off his feet.

"See?" Ren said with a nod, as everyone became noticeably less tense. The Arcs walked back over. Jaune smiled a bit nervously, but the tension in his shoulders was a lot less severe.

"Hey guys, um... Yeah. Like I said, these are my parents. Mom, Dad, this is Ruby Rose, Pyrrha Nikos, Weiss Schnee, Yang Xiao-Long, Lie Ren, Nora Valkyrie, and Blake Belladonna."

Isabel's eyebrows shot up in shock. Nick blinked, still grinning.

"Ah... That's quite the group of friends you have, Jaune," Isabel observed, sounding a bit faint. She nevertheless shook everyone's hands politely.

Nick for his part just grinned broadly and gave a big hug to each of Jaune's teammates. Ren bore it stoically, Yang rolled her eyes but went along with it, Weiss blushed the entire time, Pyrrha beamed even through her red face, and Ruby and Nora were the most reluctant to let go.

"So good to meet you all!" Nick cheered happily, "Thank you for looking out for my son!"

Blake had to be held in place by Jaune when she tried to run.

"Trust me, don't run, he'll chase you down," Jaune muttered. Blake sighed, and accepted the hug with as much grace as she could. She scowled as Nick patted her on the head, and set her down. He looked them all over with a bright smile.

"So! Which one's your girlfriend, Jaune?"

"NICK!" Isabel hissed. Nick shrugged.

"What? It's just a question, dear!"

"Ah?!" Jaune gasped. "I uh, um-None! We're all just friends!"

"Y-Yes! Good friends!" Pyrrha insisted.

"Comrades!" Weiss added.

"Besties!" Ruby flushed.

"Breakfast Buddies!" Nora contributed cheerfully.

"Me," Yang offered with a wink and a wave of her hand.

"YANG!" Pyrrha, Weiss, Ruby and Jaune gasped.

"ALL THIS TIME AND YOU DIDN'T TELL US?!" Nora gasped. She narrowed her eyes. "I thought Blake-Blake was the ninja!"

Yang laughed.

"Nah, I'm just funning you, honest! We're just friends, Mister Arc..." She winked at Jaune as he blushed, "For now."

Blake silently approved of the shit stirring. She was a cat Faunus, after all.

"Well, you kids have fun," Nick said cheerfully, "We'll catch up later!" He waved his hand.

"Yes, we don't want to um... Cramp your style, do we?" Isabel asked with a more gentle smile. One that turned impish.

"Not until we bring out the baby photos, at least."

"OH KAY NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN LET'S GO!" Jaune shouted, somehow managing to shove both teams towards the festival entrance.

"B-But I wanna see-!" Ruby tried.

"I-I wouldn't mind-" Pyrrha insisted.

"Come on, it'll be great!" Yang laughed.

Blake took pity on Jaune and helped herd the rest of the teens through the gates. After all... Her mom kept baby pictures too.

- - -

Things managed to settle down a bit when they got into the festival proper. They played some games, got some snacks, listened to live bands, and generally enjoyed themselves.

Yang pulled Jaune onto the dance floor for a bit, then Ruby insisted on her turn, then Pyrrha insisted on it, then Weiss for some odd reason and Nora just dragged Ren onto it. Blake was then shoved onto the floor by Yang, who did a quick turn with Jaune and then just as quickly escaped.

After this, they sat at a ramen stand and enjoyed their bowls full of noodles. Blake went to town on a fish ramen bowl with such gusto Nora checked her for a fever. Blake hissed at her, and Nora wisely backed off.

"So... Everything is okay with your parents now, correct?" Pyrrha asked Jaune quietly, as he slurped up some noodles. He nodded.

"Yeah... I mean, we'll have to do some more talking but..." He smiled. "Yeah. We uh... We don't hate each other or anything."

"That's good," Weiss said quietly, "To not have issues with your parents."

"Yeah," Yang sighed wistfully.

Nora pouted. Ren stared into his bowl. Jaune turned and smiled at them.

"You're invited to stay at the farmhouse in Radian if you'd like? For the summer or after Beacon?"

Both looked up. Nora's eyes widened.


"Yeah," Jaune said, "I-I mean, Dad and Mom were going to offer. I told them about you, how you guys were part of my team and my friends. They were all for it, since Saphron, Tanya and Aqua all moved out. Plenty of room."

"We... We'd have a home?" Nora whispered. Jaune nodded firmly.

"Yeah. If you'd like? I mean, you'd have to do some chores on the farm, nothing major, but-"

Nora leaped into Jaune's arms and hugged him tightly. Ren, moving more quickly than he ever had out of combat, got up and squeezed Jaune's hand.

"Thank you Jaune," Ren said sincerely, "That means... Everything to us."

"Urk... N-No problem," Jaune wheezed, "Nora?"

"Yes, bestest brother in the whole wide world?!" Nora cried happily.

"Can you let go? Can't breathe...!"

"Oh!" Nora loosened her grip and grinned. "Hear that, Ren? We're part of the family now! Sorry Pyrrha! Guess we win!"

"Win what?" Jaune asked between gaspes to get oxygen back into his lungs.

"N-Nothing!" Pyrrha insisted.

Jaune looked around at the rest of his friends with a smile.

"Same for the rest of you, um, if you'd like? I just told Ren and Nora first but um, you guys have different situations and-"

"Thank you Jaune!" Pyrrha cried, "Th-That would be wonderful!"

"So," Yang grinned, "Would I share your room?"

"Certainly not, you-you bimbo!" Weiss cried furiously. Yang smirked at her.

"Oh yeah. That's where you wanna be, right Weisscream?"


"Weiss Schnee!"


Weiss slowly turned. An older woman in elegant white clothing stood there, a balding brown haired man in a black suit and mustache standing a few steps behind. Weiss flushed brightly.

"Uh, um... M-M-Mother?! What are you doing here?!"

"I'm here to see you in the Vytal Tournament," Willow stated flatly, "Where else would I be?"

Weiss bit back a response, though everyone could see the tension in her shoulders.

"I... Yes Mother, of course," Weiss managed, far more politely though her eyes remained narrowed, "It is... Good to see you." She looked over at the balding man and gained a small smile.

"Hello Klein."

"Miss Weiss," Klein said with a small but genuine smile. Willow looked over Weiss's teammates, her eyes cold. Ruby winced at her gaze. Blake and Yang glared back. Nora tilted her head to the side quizzically. Ren didn't react at all, and Pyrrha merely offered a polite smile.

When her eyes got to Jaune... They widened in shock.

"... Arc?" She asked.

Jaune coughed.

"Ah, yeah, I'm Jaune Arc, ma'am," he said, rising and letting Nora let go and fall back onto her feet, "It's nice to meet you."

He held out his hand. She stared at him like she'd seen a ghost. Weiss frowned deeply.

"He's the leader of our sister team, mother, and does a... An adequate job of it," she insisted. Ruby and Jaune stared at her like she'd grown a second head, while Yang hid a smirk and Pyrrha's smile became a bit tense.

"Son of... Nicholas Arc from Radian?" Willow breathed.

Jaune and Weiss both blinked. Jaune nodded.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Oh hey kids!" Nick Arc's voice boomed. All eyes turned to him. He wore a large crown made of multiple, brightly colored balloon animals, some cheap plastic necklaces, and had a big root beer float in a plastic skull mug with two straws in one hand. In the other he held his wife's hand. Isabel had a silly plastic crown as well, and held a large stuffed teddy bear under her other arm.

"Nick?" Willow gasped.

Nick blinked, and then grinned broadly.

"Wills! How's it going?"

"'Wills'?" Jaune and Ruby's teams all asked in varying levels of disbelief. Isabel's eyes narrowed.

"Willow," she stated, cold and unfriendly.

Willow's eyes narrowed right back.


"Fancy meeting you here!" Nick laughed. He let go of his wife's hand and pulled the surprised Willow into a bear hug. "Great to see you!"

"Y-Yes... Wonderful~," Willow gasped, actually smiling in Weiss didn't even know how many years.

"Nick," Isabel hissed. Nick let Willow go, and smiled apologetically to his wife.

"Sorry dear, but it has! Oh, hey Klein! Still butlering?"

"As always, Mister Arc," Klein observed wryly.


"How do you know eachother?!" Weiss demanded.

"It's... A long story-" Willow tried, staring with warm eyes and red cheeks at Nick.

"A business rival tried to assassinate her and our team were bodyguards for her for a while when we were fresh out of Beacon," Isabel stated, tense and flat, "The end."

"There was more to it than that," Willow insisted, her smile far more tense as she glared at Isabel.

Isabel's smile became a thing of deadly beauty, and everyone could swear they felt menace radiate off of her.

"In your mind, perhaps," Isabel stated, clinging to Nick's arm.

"This is great!" Nick laughed. "So, things go well with that Jacques guy? You're still married, after all."

"Yes, you are, aren't you?" Isabel said, eyes like daggered behind her glasses. The white haired woman smiled back, death burning in her eyes.

"We have our difficulties," she stated easily, "Marriage isn't easy, after all. But new doors open all the time."

"What a wonderful optimistic attitude to have," Isabel replied tensely. "I'm sure it's doing wonders for your relationships."

Klein coughed.

"You know, there's an ice rink nearby. Why don't we all go there while you three catch up, ma'am?"

"Works for me, Klein," Willow said, warm eyes and blush back on as she gazed dreamily at Nick, "Thank you so much. I'll see you later, Weiss. I love you, sweetie."

"Um... Thank you?" Weiss managed, weirded out. The others accepted this offer and moved away to the ice rink. Even as they call got their skates on, everyone's eyes were still on the happily oblivious Nick, and the very tense Isabel and Willow.

"What was that about?" Jaune whispered to Klein.

"Ah, your parent didn't tell you?" Klein asked.

"Tell us what?" Weiss demanded.

"Your mother always had a... A special place in her heart for Mister Arc's esteemed father after he saved her from assassins," Klein stated, "But well... he obviously didn't end up with her."

Weiss gaped in utter disbelief. Yang grinned.

"Hey! Look on the bright side, Weisscream! At least you and Jauney Boy aren't siblings!"

"What?!" Weiss gasped. Klein nodded sadly.

"Yes... Nothing happened but he did leave quite the impression on her."

"I noticed," Blake deadpanned. Weiss winced.

"Klein, surely you could tell us this in private-?"

"It's hardly a scandal," Klein huffed, "Though your mother may soon turn it into one."

Weiss held her head between her hands.

"You... Mother likes your father?!" She gasped.

"Guess it runs in the family," Blake deadpanned.

"Huh?" Jaune asked.

"NOTHING!" Weiss hissed.

"Though clearly, Amazons and blondes do too," Klein said, looking over at Yang and Pyrrha with a knowing eye. Yang and Pyrrha blushed.

"We don't know what you're talking about," they said as one, before looking at eachother. Klein smiled wryly.

"Of course, ladies..."

- - -

This is pretty rough and stream of consciousness. It just wouldn't leave me alone until I got it out. The idea was that Jaune's parents have connections to all the parents of the various teammembers of RWBY and JNPR, including Ren and Nora. So far this is just Willow's connection. How about the others?
So you know all those stories that have Ren secretly being a girl? I had a different and much stupider idea.

Cardin Winchester is unaware of three things regarding his team.

1. Due to beacon trying to keep at least a minimum standard of male vs female students all of his teammates are faking being male to stay enrolled.

2. All three of his secretly female teammates are also faunus and hiding it from their team leader.

And finally number 3. All three of his teammates have massive crushes on the poor oblivious ginger.
So you know all those stories that have Ren secretly being a girl? I had a different and much stupider idea.

Cardin Winchester is unaware of three things regarding his team.

1. Due to beacon trying to keep at least a minimum standard of male vs female students all of his teammates are faking being male to stay enrolled.

2. All three of his secretly female teammates are also faunus and hiding it from their team leader.

And finally number 3. All three of his teammates have massive crushes on the poor oblivious ginger.
I imagine him and Jaune just relaxing together to get away from their women and bonding over the fact that they got them thirsty women that regularly try to dislocate their pelvis
You know how some authors will insert a character from a different setting, just to stir shit up? Not just for RWBY, but for any fiction with a decent fanfic scene.

I had the random idea of wanting to see Sung Jin-Woo from Solo Leveling in RWBY. But it's the endgame version who has killed the architects of Solo Levelling's dungeon system, twice.

So you have him on Remnant, just chilling and using his vast armies of Shadow soldiers (basically if a necromancer used souls as soldiers instead of actual bodies) to just delete the Grimm and poke holes in Salem's plans.

I'm unsure what RWBY characters would be best for him to interact with. Maybe he encounters Ren and Nora while they are surviving on the road?
This is pretty rough and stream of consciousness. It just wouldn't leave me alone until I got it out. The idea was that Jaune's parents have connections to all the parents of the various teammembers of RWBY and JNPR, including Ren and Nora. So far this is just Willow's connection. How about the others?

Kali, like Willow is still an admirer, albeit more passive, of Jaune's father. Looking at Ghira, she might have a type that Jaune's father fit.

Pyrrha's mother could also be a tsundere-ish type like Weiss, that was constantly challenging Nick to fights, but not because she liked him or anything!

Pyrrha, Blake, and Weiss's mothers get together and begin plotting to have their daughters succeed where they failed.

Willow - "I've got this in the bag, I've got two beautiful single daughters!"

Hippolyta (Pyrrha's Mother) - "Are you sure, Willow? Winter seems rather career oriented...."

Kali - "Willow's not wrong to be confident, dear. It's always the quiet daughters, I can tell you that from experience."
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Had a weird idea for a Miraculous Ladybug crossover.

Basically the Relic Sword of Destruction gets busted.

Turns out the relics have the same transfer effect as the maidens.

What's the new host of destruction?

16 year old Adrian Arc. And there's no way he's not gonna use these cool new powers, but he's gotta hide it somehow.

His solution? Pretend to be a cat faunus when he's using his powers! Genius. There is absolutely no way this can backfire.
Headcanon - Jaune's sisters ran off any female admirers, so Jaune's social romance stats are underdeveloped.
Pretty sure that's a commonly used trope.
But I do love the idea.
A young and oblivious Jaune having a fucking squad of scary ass warrior older sisters shadowing him. Scaring away every girl who comes near Jaune or seems to want to ask him out.
Rando Girl: Gets close to Jaune and talks to him.

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