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Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

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The land of Elysia has always been strange, the fabric of space and time is thin here, where...


Dapper Cthulhu
Apr 21, 2014
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The land of Elysia has always been strange, the fabric of space and time is thin here, where this thinness is at its worst are places known as Dungeons, Labryinths, Monster Nests, or other such names. These places operate under strange rules and logic, limiting entry and exit, while at the same time endlessly spawning vicious beasts. For a long time there was simply no way to combat their spread, or so the legend goes.

Eventually though, a change occurred, 'special' people began to be born, perhaps one in twenty people are born 'special', Branded this way. They operate by different rules than everyday folk, wounds do not bother them until the fatal blow is struck, and they gain and learn skills through the strange 'skill' and 'job' crystals that are often dropped by dungeon spawned beasts, allowing those who are successful to grow in power rapidly and do many strange and amazing things. These people are the only ones who can enter and disperse dungeons; all others are rebuffed by the barriers that surround them. No one remembers how the first of these people came to be, any more than they remember when the dungeons began to spread across the land.

These days humans live in crowded cities surrounded by hungry wilderness and it is only by the efforts of those blessed with these powers that they remain, for any civilized place overrun by dungeon beasts will turn into a dungeon itself with time.

You're home is the frontier city of Altkhot. Were those seeking their fortunes in the multitude of dungeons that surround your home come to trade and rest. The City Lord is a pretty mercantile sort though, so newly marked Branded have to make their way on their own after they receive a stipend to purchase their very first job crystal. Better than the more tyrannical cities, but it does mean a certain… increased mortality rate.

That brings us to you. You have just turned eighteen recently and received that very stipend. You had thought yourself a normal person, but when the day of your birth came around you found yourself marked, and changed. Now it is your civic duty… and only real career option, to take up the task of exploring dungeons, horror stories about Branded who refused and suffered ever increasing 'Inactivity Penalties' from their brand are the stuff of nightmares. Its not all bad though, the possibilities are endless, you could attain riches to make kings weep, power to make the very earth tremble, a city of your own to rule on lands cleared by your own hand, or a thousand other things. Then again, you could also die a gruesome death in some terrible place surrounded by monsters. Of course, now that you're Branded you're old money is useless, you should probably just worry about getting enough gilder together for room and board once you purchase your job crystal. In any case, Who are you?



[] Personality/Background(Give me a few sentences, just to give me a basic idea of how to start the character. Setting is still a little malleable, so most anything that would fit as a D&D background is fine. I do have final veto though. May net you a minor skill or two)

[]Appearance(Pictures are fine, so are descriptions if you can't find one you like.)

AN: So Dungeon Crawler Quest. Something more action oriented for me to write when I need a break from DDQ. Probably much shorter updates too, but given the monster length those have swelled to its not saying much. Anyway the basis is simple, the world runs on old school dungeon crawler/MMO logic and so do a select group of people, you are one of them. If you are familiar with Wizardry, Etrian Odyssey, or SMT you know what I'm talking about. Make your way in the world and survive.
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Castle Round 2

Goblin Glade
Level Cap: 3/5/8/12
Ranks Unlocked: E D C B
Condition: Defeat the Boss(E/D/C/B)
Recommended Party Size: 2/2/3/3
Rooms 5/5/6/6
Exp: 160/210/390/520

Wailing Cavern
Level Cap 5/7/10
Ranks Unlocked: E D C
Condition: Discover the Exit
Recommended Party Size: 3/3/4
Rooms 6

Crystal Lake
Level Cap 6/9/12
Ranks Unlocked: E D C
Condition: Defeat the Boss
Recommended Party Size: 4/4/5
Rooms 8

Ogre's Den
Level Cap 4/6/10
Ranks Unlocked: E D C
Condition: Defeat the Boss
Recommended Party Size: 2/2/3
Rooms 4/4/5

Drake's Nest
Level Cap 7/9
Ranks Unlocked: E D
Condition: Defeat the Boss
Reccomended Party Size: 4/4
Rooms: 6/6

Ashen Grotto
Level Cap 5/7/10
Ranks Unlocked: E D C
Condition: Defeat the Boss
Reccomended Party Size: 3/3/4
Rooms: 5/5/6

Lost Graveyard
Level Cap 6/9
Ranks Unlocked: E D
Condition: Defeat the Boss
Recommended Party Size: 5/5
Rooms 6/6

Desecrated Fort
Level Cap 8/10
Ranks Unlocked: E D
Condition: Defeat the Boss
Reccomended Party 4/4
Rooms: 6/6

Castle of the Ice Queen
Level Cap 7/9/12
Ranks Unlocked: E D C
Condition: Defeat the Boss(E,D), Survive the Final Room(C)
Reccomended Party: 4/4/5
Rooms 6/6

Ork Warcamp
Level Cap 8/10
Ranks Unlocked: E D
Condition: Defeat the Boss
Recommended Party 2/2
Rooms 4/4
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Character Sheet

  • Name: Al (Alice Falconis)

    Gender: Female

    Character Image

    Job: Ice Elementalist Rank C(115/140)

    Race: Lesser Undine(+1 Power, Agility, -1 Constitution)

  • Level: 6 (538/600)

    Health: 74(+5 for [Handmaiden's Dress])

    Special Points: 96 (+15 for Job, +5 for [Handmaiden's Dress], +5 for [Bawws Stick])

    Strength: 3

    Agility: 4

    Constitution: 4

    Power: 8

    Will: 7

    Perception: 6

    Charisma: 3

    Study Level: 30%

  • Weapon Slot: [Bawws Stick] A crude wooden staff, or rather a small tree with a skull affixed to the top. Provides a boost to spell damage and the duration of status effects. Value 260

    Chest Slot: [Handmaiden's Dress] A provocatively cut funerary dress. Boosts the power of Ice and Dark Spells, and grants a bonus to Health and SP. 260

    Accessory 1: [Handmaiden's Veil] A gauzy black veil, scented with funerary incense. Increases the power of Dark spells and reduces threat generated by the wearer. 240

    Accessory 2: Shawl of the Naiad: An thin white shawl that gives the wearer a small chance of charming enemies when they notice the wearer. Increases effectiveness of Water skills. 200

    Bag 1: [Ogre's Rucksack] Five Extra Slots. A Crudely made hide sack. Is pretty spacious though. Value 100
    Bag2: [Merchant's Bag] Three extra slots. A merchants rucksack, always seems to have Gilder in it. 200

  • Consumables (12/17)
    3 [Potion] Heals twenty five Health on consumption. Value 10
    2 [Amrita] Restores Fifteen SP on Consumption. Value 15
    4 [Hi Potion] Heals fifty health on consumption. Value 50
    1 [Ether] Restores forty Sp on consumption. Value 55
    1 [Burn Salve] Cures the target of the Burn Condition Value 15(stored)
    1 [Escape Orb] Allows a party to leave a dungeon automatically on consumption. Value ? ?

    Spare Equipment:

    Gilder: 1490

    Job Crystals: Water Elementalist E 0/35, Wind Elementalist E 0/35. Dark Elementalist 0/35

  • Slot1: Ice Magic: C (100/160)
    -Stay Frosty! Your foes won't care for the frostbite.
    --Frost Spray: Mid Range. targets up enemies in a one hundred twenty degree arc. Low Damage. Slows targets. Chance of freeze. 3 SP
    --Chill Aura: Deals a small amount of ice damage and slows enemies in close range to you. 5SP Lasts for one full [room]
    --Icicle Spear: Single target Medium Damage. Medium chance to slow, small chance to freeze. 4 SP
    --Frost Guardian: You create an animated statue of ice that guards you and attacks your foes. Lasts until destroyed. The Frost Guardian can only be healed by Ice damage. 20 SP

    Slot2: Staves: C (100/160)
    -Its more than a walking stick! With a staff equipped the range, power and accuracy of your spells is increased.
    --Dual casting: Due to your skill with magical staves you may cast two spells simultaneously, however the difficulty of doing so doubles the SP cost of both spells

    Slot3: Water Magic: C (36/160)
    Wave weaver: You move with increased Agility in the water, and may breath normally underwater. Attacks with a liquid component have a high chance of missing you.
    -Acid dart: Medium damage plus tiny ongoing damage on to up to four targets. 3SP
    -Aqua prison: Traps a single target in a sphere of water. Target may only escape the sphere if Strength is higher than casters Power. Lasts five ticks. 5SP
    -Wave Crash: Medium damage and chance for knock back and stun on all targets in a short line. 8 SP
    -Acid Rain: Wide area effect spell, lasts three ticks, dealing low water damage to all in range, chance of inflicting the burn and /or slow status. 10SP

    Fire Magic: D (1/80)
    -Burn Baby Burn: Novice you may be, but all of your enemies will burn under your might.
    --Scorching Ray: Long Range, targets up to two enemies for Mid-high damage and high chance of burn. 3 SP
    --Flame Burst: Low Fire damage to all enemies in melee, medium chance of burn. Knocks enemies back. 5 SP
    --Fireball: Mid range Burst. For medium Fire damage, and a high chance of Burn. 5 Sp

  • Slot1: Magician's Blood: C(40/240)
    -Increases potency of spells
    -Grants a low resistance to all elemental effects

    Slot2: Cat's Curiosity: C(40/240)
    -Provides a boost to all Loot rolls, increases chance of extra encounters in dungeons.
    -Increases the users Perception by 1

    Slot3: Divine Eye: D (125/160)
    -Allows The User to See Enemy Health, SP, and Level, and Resistances
    -Allows User to see additional Dungeon Information.
    -Allows User to see the value of [common] and [uncommon] items

    Slot4: Mana Absorb: D 54/100
    You have grown adept at weaving the flows of magic, you now recover six SP per room in dungeons, and after each fight outside due to absorbing the ambient magic in the air.

  • Wind Magic: E (0/40)
    -Wind dancer: You listen as the wind whispers, enemies will have a harder time striking you.
    Gale Burst: Damages and knocks back all nearby enemies. 3sp
    Cloak of Winds: Increases the Casters Agility by one, and reduces the accuracy of all ranged attacks made against them by a small amount. Lasts one room.

    Slot4: Dark D (6/80)
    Shadowed Soul: Your descent into the Dark begins. You generate a bit less threat than normal for your attacks, and gain a small resistance to debuff effects.
    --Vampiric ray: Single target, medium damage, heals the caster for half the damage dealt. 3SP
    --Aura of the Dark: Enemies within close range take a small amount of Dark damage and have their strength penalized by 1. Lasts one room 6 SP
    -Abyssal Cloud: long range small burst. Inflicts medium dark damage on all targets and has a chance of debuffing targets defense. 8SP

  • [Purty Hat] Appears to be a number of gemstones stuck together in a circlet with bits of wire, hide strips and unidentified gunk. Somehow makes you resistant to lightning. 240
    [Cloak of the Bat] Fancy stuff, sleek and black, grants a resistance to confusion. Value 100
    [Drakescale Cloak] Snazzy and stylish, this cloak of drake scales adds to defense and lightning resistance. Value 100
    [Obsidian Shield] A slab of shaped volcanic glass, has a low defense, but very high fire resistance. Chance to burn enemies that strike the user. 130
    [Earthspeaker's Boots] A pair of rather common looking if finely made boots. The wearer's earth skills are more potent, and they are more likely to find treasure in the underground.200
    [Warg Hide Boots] Warm and Fluffy. Increases health and resistance to fire. 180
    [Yeti Pelt] Warm and fluffy armor for hunters of the north. High resistance to Ice and a boost to Health. 240 Cannot equip
    [Frigid blade] A sword made of clear ice, high critical rate and bonus frost damage. 180 Cannot Equip
    9 [Potions]
    4 [Amrita]
    1 [Hi potion]
    1 [Panacea]
    [Axe Warrior Job Crystal] Ever want to split skulls with an axe? Well this is the job for you. Value: 300
    [Water Elementalist Job Crystal] Water Magic Adept, decent at control and damage. 300
    [Snow Tiger Race Mod] The essence of a powerful beast and beloved pet. Increases Agility and Will at the cost of Strength. Boosts Ice damage and resistance. Reduces fire damage and resistance. 300
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  • [Potion] Heals twenty five Health on consumption. Value 10
    [Amrita] Restores Fifteen SP on Consumption. Value 15
    [Elemental Vial] Deals a small amount of Elemental Damage when thrown. Comes in Fire Lightning and Ice. Value 20(15)
    [Antidote] Cures the target of poison or toxic. Value 10
    [Burn Salve] Cures the target of Burn. value 15
    [Paralysis Salve] Cures the target of paralysis. Value 20(15)
    [Hi-Potion] Heals for sixty health on consumption. Value 50
    [Ether] Restores forty SP on consumption. Value 55
    [Panacea] Cures the target of all status effects. Value 100(90)
    [Escape Orb] Allows a party to leave a dungeon automatically on consumption. 200(??)

  • Althena
    -[]Blessing of Safe Travel: Decreases the likelihood of random encounters in the wild. 60 Gilder.
    -[]Blessing of the Savior: When a lethal blow is struck, damage is reduced so that you remain at one health. Discharges after one use. 75 Gilder
    -[]Silver Blessing: Slightly increases the Gilder from dungeons as well as wandering foes. 70 Gilder
    -[]Blessing of Lesser Good fortune: Slightly raises the likelihood of receiving treasure from dungeons and wandering foes. 75 Gilder
    -[]Blessing of the Eagle's Eye: Increase the likelihood of striking critical blows. 60 Gilder
    -[]Blessing of Armor: Slightly increases ones resistance to physical damage. 70 Gilder

    • Strength: A characters raw physical might, makes you hit harder and more accurately melee weapons. Controls most physical actions that require short bursts of force. I.e Lifting heavy weights, breaking objects, etc.

      Agility: A characters dexterity and finesse as well as general reaction speed. Controls accuracy and damage with ranged weapons. Controls actions requiring control and finesse, such as balancing, acrobatics etc.

      Constitution: A characters health and hardiness. Controls total health, resistance to physical ailments and damage and actions requiring sustained exertion.

      Power: Your level of magical might. Controls all actions related to damage and effects of spellcasting. Controls all actions relating to magical brute force and finesse.

      Will: Your spiritual resilience and toughness of mind, controls defense against non damaging magic as well as total SP. Controls actions requiring mental perseverance.

      Perception: The acuity of your senses and your overall level of awareness. Controls all actions for searching, spotting, or otherwise finding things, as well as noticing when you are being lied to or deceived.

      Charisma: Your ability to convince others of your opinion and draw people to you, as well as your ability to deceive others.

      The point at which a stat offers no bonuses or Penalties is four. The Cap for the race [Human] is ten. Raising a Stat above seven costs two stat points
    • All skills and Jobs are rated on the following scale

      E: Barely competent

      D: Passable

      C: Skilled

      B: Expert

      A: Master

      S: Legendary

      EX: Bullshit

      Skills can be raised only by using them. New skills can be gained only by finding or buying skill orbs, leveling up jobs, and sometimes as quest or dungeon rewards. The experience needed to raise a skill rises exponentially with each rank. The road from E to D is fairly short if fraught with peril. The road from A to S is much, much longer. Ability at each rank is similarly exponential. Skills cannot go above your highest ranked related job in rank. Job Rank is raised by adventuring with a job equipped

      Example: Skill: Swords is rank C. It cannot rise further unless you have a job with 'Swords' as a skill above rank C.
    • Loot and You

      As a starting adventurer you lack many of the accumulated niceties that allow your more experienced kin to lug a dragons entire hoard in one go. Unenhanced your inventory can contain items equal to three times your strength. In your case this number is nine. This does not include equipped items though. You may carry up to twice your inventory in times of need, but this causes the [slowed] status which cannot be cured until the burden is reduced. Multiples of the same item take up multiple slots, so two potions take two of your current nine slots.

      You cannot carry more than nine of the same consumable no matter how large your inventory is.
    • As an Ice mage Status effects become relevant to you sooner than most, below is a list of the most common status and a summary of their effects.

      Poison: Slowly damages the victim over time. Pretty obvious, potency varies with the poisons originator.

      Toxic: Quickly damages the victim over time. Overwrites poison, very bad, cure immediately if possible.

      Slow: Slows attack and movement speed, severity depends on the originator of the effect.

      Freeze: Completely stops all movement and attack, only purely magical abilities can be used by the victim. Cancels Burn.

      Burn: Standard effect of fire spells slow damage over time, accuracy debuff do to the distraction. Cancels out freeze, but not slow.

      Confusion: Victim will act and target randomly until cured.

      Charm: Victim obeys the caster of the charm effect to the best of their abilities, very nasty avoid if possible.

      Skill Bind: Removes the targets ability to use any skill or ability requiring the use of SP.
    • Dungeons are essentially enclosed combat encounters consisting of a varying number of distinct [rooms] containing enemies.

      Some dungeons will have rooms in the single digits, others could have dozens! Some dungeons require all rooms to be cleared, others simply require that you defeat the [boss] there may even be dungeons with more esoteric conditions for completion. It is impossible to leave a dungeon, without special items allowing for it, without completing its victory condition.

      The two main points of commonality in dungeons are the [Level Cap] and the Rank. Level Cap is the maximum level a character is allowed to enter the dungeon at, attempts to enter a dungeon too low for you will simply fail. There is no minimum level for dungeons though, but be careful! Higher caps mean much more difficult foes.

      Ranks follow the same scheme as skill and Job ranks, with the exception of EX rank dungeons being both exceedingly rare and often entirely distinct from their lesser bretheren. You won't have to deal with those for a long time, so we can come back to those later.

      When you clear a dungeon in its initial E Rank form, it unlocks the D rank version. Clearing the D unlocks the C and so forth. Each iteration is significantly harder than the last, and comes with a higher level cap. You may only enter each dungeon once every twenty four hours though, no matter which rank you choose to do, so pick carefully!

      Loot and Experience

      Gilder dropped by enemies will automatically be divided evenly among party members. Any other drops, be they equipment or items will have to divided manually.

      Experience and Job points are rewarded at the end of the dungeon and are based on rooms cleared [bosses] and [sub bosses] defeated, as well as extra encounters and other factors. Have fun discovering the secrets of the dungeons!
    • There are many many types of equipment to be found in dungeons, shops, and other places, however you can only wear so many at once. The following is a listing of the equipment Slots available.

      Acessory2(locked until level 5)
      Acessory3(locked until level 10)
      Jewelry1(locked until level 15)
      Jewelry2(locked until Level 20)

      Now you may be wondering, what is the difference between Acessories and Jewelry? In this system Acessories are any piece of equipment that is worn over some part of the body, but is not the primary armor piece. Examples include Cloaks, Boots, Helmets, Gloves and more. it should be noted that you cannot equip two accessories that cover the same part of the body. So no wearing multiple hats or boots.

      Jewelry is the slot for very small items that nontheless provide bonuses, such as rings, amulets, or earrings.
      Bags are simply items providing extra inventory slots, though some of these have special effects as well.
    • You can pick up missions on the notice board in the City Plaza. Missions Unlike dungeons do not have clear level requirements. Though the City Mission council ranks jobs according to likely difficulty.

      Missions can be all sorts of things, from retrieving certain rare reagents from outside the city, to escorting a non branded through dangerous territory, or even investigating monster infestations in the 'real world.' Missions rarely drop the sort of treasure dungeons do unless you happen to encounter a rare monster. However as they are often coming from individuals of means, or even the city itself, they often pay quite well in Gilder, and can have some unique rewards that cannot be found in dungeons. Early on, missions are also a good way to discover things that may be hidden around the city, the Branded Sector has many little places not well known outside of their clientele that may be interesting to the new branded.

      The risk of Missions though, is the risk of the job giver being wrong. it is always possible that the infestation of dire rats in ones basement is actually a ferocious earth drake tunneling up from a subterranean dungeon. Be wary when taking missions, especially as the ranks rise. To take a Mission simply take the notice from the board and your Mystic senses will guide you to the mission giver, who will usually provide more detailed information.

      Missions use the same E-S ranking system as all others, you cannot take missions with a rank higher than your highest ranking Job. EX rank missions exist, but are typically only issued when city ending threats occur. In these cases all Branded living in the threatened city receive the mission, and the condition is generally simply to survive and contribute as you can.
    • The fusion of Job and Skill crystals is a fairly recent development. Through a number of alchemic and arcane processes unequipped skill crystals can be fused with other unequipped skill crystals. Likewise Job crystals can be fused with each other to form jobs otherwise rare or inaccessible.

      There are several limitations though. Firstly not all crystals are compatible, not every combination has been discovered of course, but some are simply incompatible with one another. Secondly. All skills or jobs involved in the fusion must be mastered to at least the rank of C. This is because he resulting crystals Mastery level is reduced by two ranks So a pair of Crystals Mastered to C will produce a new skill at Rank E. Some crystals, especially ones already of the [rare] rating or above, have higher or more esoteric requirements.

      The fusion labs are open to any branded for use of course, but in practice, only successful branded use them often. Fusion is not a cheap process due to the work and materials involved in the fusion. Don't worry about trying to fuse crystals that won't work together and wasting your gilder though, the attendants can and will scan and check crystals for compatibility before approving the fusion.

      Have fun discovering new and interesting combinations!
    • So you've found your first Race Mod. Ready to leave normalcy behind and become something else entirely? Well keep in mind that Race Mods, unlike most equipment are a commitment. Once equipped a race mod can only be removed in two ways. The first is equipping a new race mod. The second is going to the cathedral to have yourself returned to human. The second costs money, to the tune of 20 Gilder multiplied by your current level. Lastly, when unequipped, Race Mods are destroyed.

      Now Race mods will generally grant a bonus to two stats and a penalty to one. There is some variation, but most will follow this standard. It should be noted that the stat boosts and penalties also change your racial stat caps, while the mod is equipped. Some mods provide secondary benefits, such as alternate forms of movement, enhancing one or more the senses, or perhaps bonuses with certain types of magic or weapons. The rarer types of race mod may also grant unique racial skills usable only while said mod is equipped.

      So think carefully when choosing your race mod. They can change your abilities significantly as you rise in the ranks.
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[X] Al (Alice Falconis)

[X] Female (androgynous/tomboyish)

[X] Personality/Background: Intensely Curious and bold- You were the scion of a community of mages and magic workers. Always your days were filled with wonders as you grew, leaving you always questioning just how everything worked. If you could build it you wanted to take it apart, if you could conjure it you'd try every time, if you could make it you wanted to do it step by intricate step. Your bold nature often landed you in trouble but you learned to roll with the knocks... You feel yourself better for it.

[X] Appearance: Tomboyish/Androgynous
[X] Plan Xale
[X] Jack Jackson (or JJ)
[X] Male
[X] Lazy, and had planned on coasting on his parent's item shop for marked people until he found himself marked as well. Tends to take efficiency as the highest priority, because the faster he gets things done the more time he can spend on just doing nothing. Now that he's marked, he plans on finding some kind of Job that allows him to be a kind of supporter and let other people carry him through fights and such.
Look I am not saying anything is wrong with the builds but can something like a Shota badass or something
[X] Anselm

[X] Male

[X] Openly mocked by the men of your village because of your boyish appearance, your eyes shine with drive. In defiance of their expectations you have trained your frail looking body relentlessly so that you can contribute as well as any other man. Instead of earning their respect, it seems that your efforts have only wounded their pride.
-[X] You are driven, abhor weakness in yourself, and covet the strength in others.

[X] Your body mysteriously stalled its growth on your twelfth birthday. You are slim of limb and barely an inch over five feet in height. Straight brown hair falls over your unusual green eyes.
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[X] Jack Jackson (or JJ)
[X] Male
[X] Lazy, and had planned on coasting on his parent's item shop for marked people until he found himself marked as well. Tends to take efficiency as the highest priority, because the faster he gets things done the more time he can spend on just doing nothing. Now that he's marked, he plans on finding some kind of Job that allows him to be a kind of supporter and let other people carry him through fights and such.

Not sold on the name, but I like the description.

Lazy bastard.

Tomboy Mad Scientist/Mage in training

Shota Determinator!

You know I kinda hope all three characters end up in the story whether or not they get chosen.
Dang, I was hoping more people would like Anshelm. I know QQ is slow, but I can't help but check this thread every ten minutes. ;-;
Yrs, you're such a good Quest Master that I would probably follow this quest if everyone decided Clubfoot Carl the Clown was the protagonist.
Xicree's Character Win's with GiftofLove's coming in second

You take a deep breath as you stand before the gates of the temple of the Three. Its taken a little time to get here even with your excitement over waking up with the Brand one morning. Your's takes the form of a faint blue star right at the base of your throat. It feels so tingly to the touch! You haven't had time to experiment with that much though. Your body just feels so different. So much… you admit weaker, your feel for magic is much reduced and your physical abilities are too. Just reaching the center city from the outlying district of magicians you lived in before has left you tired and out of breath.

A temporary hobbling you know. You checked and read up on it after all, until you get to the temple to receive the blessing of the three Goddesses and get your first 'job' you will be as weak as you are now.

One more time you swipe your hand through the air, your green eyes sparkling with wonder as a pane of silvery light inscribed with the runes of the mystic script opens up in the air in front of you. You can actually read the mystic script! So many things you could never study before are open to you now! You glance over the information one more time, though you have seen it many times already.

Name: Alice Falconis

Gender: Female

Job: None

Race: Human

Level: 1

Health: 10

Special Points: 5

Strength: 1

Agility: 1

Constitution: 1

Power: 1

Will: 1

Perception: 1

Charisma: 1

Equipment: None

Active Skills:

Slot1: Empty


Slot3: Empty

Passive Skills

Slot1: Magician's Blood: E
-Increases potency of spells by a tiny amount.

Slot2: Cat's Curiosity: E
-Provides a small boost to all Search actions, Slightly increases chance of extra encounters in dungeons.

Slot3: Empty

You spend a moment tracing your fingers over the floating script, the passage of your fingers calling up more detailed information on what these numbers and letters mean, something you have read a dozen times already. You can do that again later. Its time to go and start your new life!

You reach out to push on the massive gate and it opens up at the lightest touch, the doors grinding inward and letting you enter the foyer of the temple. Its everything you can do not to rush over and start examining the statuary and plaques lining the walls of the dimly lit temple. You manage to maintain your manners though if only because someone is waiting for you.

An elderly man with close cropped silver hair and the biggest sideburns you have ever seen… and living with a bunch of magicians and wizards, you have seen some really facial Hair. What draws your eyes though is not the man's fine robes of deep red and gold cloth, nor his wise grey eyes, but the strip of mystic text hanging in the air above his head.

Thurmond Grant

Archbishop Rank A

Level: ??

"Welcome, Miss Falconis, was it? I was told to expect you today." He greets you warmly.

You recover your composure and nod in return, trying to look calm and confident, this is the head priest of the temple! There are so many things you could ask him…. But at the same time you really, really want to get your first Job, you've felt empty and incomplete since your brand appeared and going by memoirs of other Branded receiving your first job should fix it. "Ah, of course, who sent word though? I didn't even know if I would make it today." It's the first question that slips through your whirling thoughts to reach your lips.

"I have my ways young lady," He replies mysteriously, though the slight amused quirk of his lips ruins it. "The Heroes Plaque updates with the names of new Blessed ones in the city every morning. You are the newest, and so I have been expecting you. I assume you are eager to get your blessing though. Follow me."

He turns around, striding deeper into the temple and you hurry after him. The interior of the temple echoes with your footsteps, it seems a little weird, Branded come here for divine blessings before setting off all the time, why is it so empty in here?

"Because many if not most of your fellow Blessed ones have developed poor habits regarding to awaking early. I suspect the alcohol served by all of the Inns in the district has something to do with it as well." He answers, and for a moment you wonder if he can read your thoughts, until your ears catch the echoe of your words at least, you must have spoken aloud without noticing.

Still, you have to hope you don't fall into poor habits like that, the one time you snuck a drink from your Uncle's whiskey cabinet, the results were… well interesting you guess, but your pretty sure that cat never grew its fur back and the paving stones are still purple. "Still, all of them? It seems a little strange." You find yourself wondering.

"The ways of the divine often are." He allows, and you notice you have reached the end of your walk. The main body of the temple is cavernous. Lit with early morning light streaming through stained glass windows depicting the birth of the first branded and their triumph over some of the legendary dungeon bosses of the past. In front of you are the statues of the three Goddesses, Jula, Althena, and Vernas, whose blessing provides the brand. You find yourself studying the weathered statues for a moment, taking in their ambiguously beautiful features, is it just you or do they change a little bit each time you blink? You are distracted by that thought when a somewhat heavy weight is pressed into your hands. You glance down, Ah Archbishop Grant has passed you the bag full of gilders for your first offering. Once again you find yourself questioning something, this time because none of the books you checked mentioned the answer. "Why do the Goddesses need money anyway? I never really understood why you needed to pay for your job crystals and blessings like this."

Ah, you hope he isn't offended, the normal priests get touchy about people questioning any aspect of their religion sometimes. He just smiles though, "A good question young lady. As you know the coin in your hand came from no press, it is dropped from the defeated bodies of dungeon beasts. Each coin is a fragment of the power of dungeons. The Goddesses power is all that holds back such beasts from directly entering our city, and from dungeons forming in our very streets. Your tithing allows them to continue doing so, or in the case of blessings, pays for the power they expend in granting you their boons."

"Oh, that actually makes a little bit of sense." Does that mean you could directly absorb power from Gilder somehow? it sounds like an interesting experiment, but for now you just want to end the aching emptiness in your spirit. "So, um… what do I do?" You ask after a moment of awkward silence with you glancing between the bag of coin and the statues, is the middle one smiling at you now? This is kind of creepy.

"Simply kneel and hold your offering out in front of you while thinking of what you wish to receive." The priest responds easily.

You do so, uncomfortably kneeling on the stone floor, you hold out the bag of coins, feeling a little silly as you close your eyes. Ah, you never really prayed, how does this work. 'Ah… Goddesses? Please accept my offering and grant me my starting Job?' You try.

Suddenly warmth suffuses you and in your mind's eye you can see four pulsing gray crystals, when your eyes fall on each one a panel of mystic script springs up, giving you the details of the job the crystal contains


For those who wish to wade right into battle with their foes. Specializes in resilience and single target damage.

Sub options: Select one to begin

[]Sword Warrior: Balanced option, mix of offense and defense.

[]Axe Warrior: Offensive option, High damage and lowered defense.

[]Spear Warrior: Defensive Option, Lower damage for increased defenses.


For those who specialize in quick movement and ambush. Very High single target damage. Low defenses.

Sub options: Select one to Begin

[]Bow Hunter: Ranged combat specialty, no melee defense, even higher damage

[]Dual Blade Hunter: Uses knives wielded in both hands. Better defense than Bow hunter, somewhat lower damage, better stealth skill.


Wield the Elements at your command! Specializes in multi target damage, very low defense, high reliance on SP

Sub Options: Choose One to Begin

[]Fire: Damage over time specialty element.

[]Ice: Lower damage, slows or freezes enemies

[]Lightning: Direct Damage specialty element. Higher SP costs


Support Specialist, can learn healing as well as increasing the abilities of your allies or weakening your foes. Very low damage.

Stalwart: Specialize in increasing the abilities of your allies.

Hexer: Specialize in sapping the abilities of your foes.

You frown as you regard them, it seems you will need to choose one Job and one Sub option from that job, but what to pick, your first choice is Elementalist, magic is what you know after all. Of course Cleric could be good for that as well… but you've never seen yourself as a support type.

The other two are fine as well, and you suppose one of the great benefits of the Branded are being able to learn entirely new skills very rapidly. In the end you choose…

[]Job Choice

When you select your job your character sheet bursts into view in front of your eyes, a golden mark next to your 'stats' along with the following message.

Congratulations on attaining your first job! With it you have unlocked your starting statistic allocation. Please be careful, never again in your career will you have so many stat points to spend at once, so be sure of what you want your statistics to be.

Current Stat Points: 26

Ah, you suppose you could stop feeling as strong and healthy as a sickly child….or you could push yourself to heights of magic unreached before… or… or oh dear so many choices what to do.

[] Stat Allocation

Strength: A characters raw physical might, makes you hit harder and more accurately melee weapons. Controls most physical actions that require short bursts of force. I.e Lifting heavy weights, breaking objects, etc.

Agility: A characters dexterity and finesse as well as general reaction speed. Controls accuracy and damage with ranged weapons. Controls actions requiring control and finesse, such as balancing, acrobatics etc.

Constitution: A characters health and hardiness. Controls total health, resistance to physical ailments and damage and actions requiring sustained exertion.

Power: Your level of magical might. Controls all actions related to damage and effects of spellcasting. Controls all actions relating to magical brute force and finesse.

Will: Your spiritual resilience and toughness of mind, controls defense against non damaging magic as well as total SP. Controls actions requiring mental perseverance.

Perception: The acuity of your senses and your overall level of awareness. Controls all actions for searching, spotting, or otherwise finding things, as well as noticing when you are being lied to or deceived.

Charisma: Your ability to convince others of your opinion and draw people to you, as well as your ability to deceive others.

The point at which a stat offers no bonuses or Penalties is four. The Cap for the race [Human] is ten. Raising a Stat above seven costs two stat points

All skills and Jobs are rated on the following scale

E: Barely competent

D: Passable

C: Skilled

B: Expert

A: Master

S: Legendary

EX: Bullshit

Skills can be raised only by using them. New skills can be gained only by finding or buying skill orbs, leveling up jobs, and sometimes as quest or dungeon rewards. The experience needed to raise a skill rises exponentially with each rank. The road from E to D is fairly short if fraught with peril. The road from A to S is much, much longer. Abilitity at each rank is similarly exponential. Skills cannot go above your highiest ranked related job in rank. Job Rank is raised by adventuring with a job equipped

Example: Skill: Swords is rank C. It cannot rise further unless you have a job with 'Swords' as a skill above rank C.
[X] Elementalist
-[X] Lightning: Direct Damage specialty element. Higher SP costs

[1] Str
[2] Agl
[3] Con
[9] Power
[6] Will
[7] Perception
[3] Charisma
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Ignore the GM brainfart please.
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[X]Job Choice
--[X]Lightning: Direct Damage specialty element. Higher SP costs

Because I like lightning. Hmm, to max out something to 10 with cost 12 points if my brain isn't completely wrong. Half our points is a bit much even though ULTIMATE POWER is tempting.

[X] Strength: 1
[X] Agility: 1
[X] Constitution: 4

[X] Power: 7
[X] Will: 7
[X] Perception: 7

[X] Charisma: 6
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If you're adding 7 to power the last point is going to cost two. So you are one point over with that build.
Then my build is probably completely off, darn. I read it as above 7, not 7 and above. Also don't we start with a point in each stat?
You do. Xicree's vote appears to be the number of points hes adding though, going by the numbers and Agility not being listed
Ok my build is back up and running.
Alright seems I misread things Yes its only two points above seven. Sorry for the confusion
Alright, updated my build, I think I got the points correct.

Also if we are going lightning Will is pretty important. With no strength\agility we don't want to run out of mana mid fight. We're more likely to trip over our feet rather then put up a physical fight or run away. I'm almost tempted to take some points off charisma to pump both power and will to 8... but nah. We like our socializing too much and we need a meatshield.
Redath your build is still over points.

7 = 8 points. So your build cost

1+1+4+8+8+8+6 = 36 points.

We start with 7 points in stats and 26 free points. Ie 33 points.

Edit: Seems I was wrong its above seven that costs extra.

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